Unread postby Pol » 16 Oct 2018, 19:29
There's plethora of bugs from introducing GW, most nerving are:
(have Android)
* when you are rearranging your army and don't submit your changes after a first selection change, the game redo your selection
* when you apply filters the creatures order doesn't reflect what you see, instead some other list is taken! (There's the same problem in Dungeon Selection)
* why units which have secondary based on non power attribute need to have also power, for getting the same army strength value?? It's their property to not needing a power, so you don't need to totemize it.
* when you are purchasing galleons, members are sorted by Prestige, instead they should be sorted by lowest nrs of galleons
* you can buy galleson for 0 diamonds, it looks like but in reality the only thing which you get is a nice animation and no galleon, you need to restart the mod to fix this
* when you attack on the building animation show your attack but do not consider other attacks, you need to go out of GW mod and back to get a proper HP refresh
* galleons sometime remain quite a long time in "cache", restart of the phone fix that. If not first one, then some other..
* as a leader or officer you cannot remove armies placed there by mistake
* you cannot sort your guild members by army strength (created army strength not overall)
* you cannot save incomplete armies to continue arranging them later - the same is possible with dungeons
* you cannot filter by color
* there seems to be no max limit of concurrent attackers/queue indicator per one castle
* and obviously there's no "Shout" function, allowing you to mark enemy structure for targeting by your guild
* and a last but not least, there's missed "Action Log". (showing who did what with filter by member)
* even "Attack Log" would deserve some more attention to detail and extra rewards for the one dealing the most damage or sharing the most galleons or dealing the most killing blows
* even after end of the event you cannot check how ranked other guilds
20181115 - Edited
Last edited by
Pol on 16 Nov 2018, 10:15, edited 8 times in total.