My thread of Wisdom

Maps and the art of mapmaking.
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Joined: 20 May 2018

My thread of Wisdom

Unread postby QuestforGlory » 20 May 2018, 12:03

Greetings and salutations.

No, I did not do a search and yes, this will be my central hub for erudition.

How can I add a prompt to random text panels for heroes 3 with sod? As in, fight these creatures yes or no. Do I add "prompt yes/no" at the end of the text or what?

Im making my first map and I claim to be one of the best map creators. I just need wisdom.

Alpha of the map. Each town will have a prime and secondary quest line and the map is XL for the win. Plus, Im adding a whole lot more in terms of random adventure and detail.

Later, I will add a combined tutorial for beautification in another thread with combination overlaying with the help of others and my prime talent.


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Re: My thread of Wisdom

Unread postby Pitsu » 07 Jun 2018, 15:05

QuestforGlory wrote:Greetings and salutations.
How can I add a prompt to random text panels for heroes 3 with sod? As in, fight these creatures yes or no. Do I add "prompt yes/no" at the end of the text or what?
AFAIR in H3:SoD you cannot make choice textwindows. Whether creatures fight or not depends on army strengts and the mapmaker can only change the hostility of creatures.
Im making my first map and I claim to be one of the best map creators. I just need wisdom.

Alpha of the map. Each town will have a prime and secondary quest line and the map is XL for the win. Plus, Im adding a whole lot more in terms of random adventure and detail.
First map as an XL adventure map is surely a bad idea and a road to failure and an advise against it is a common suggestion in mapmaking guidelines.
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