Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

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Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby volcanicmelodies » 21 Nov 2017, 21:15

Теперь с переводом на русский язык (Спасибо Bravo1853)

Nice looking, detailed, categorized full changelog

Full Changelog

Download 2.3

WARNING! OUTDATED! Thanks to the Remix for the 2 hours introduction video (Outdated, there are many things changed since this video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsSVEwW5rnw (Language Russian but you can use subtitles)[/url]

Heroes of Might and Magic 5: New Order

Before the start

I am the developer of many Warcraft III maps and mods (JFA, JFA Orpg, Risk Forever, Battleships Special Editions, Confliction, Meiji Era) and i really enjoy making rearrangement of games and creating new ones.

Why i have created this mod?

I am the simple person who likes and enjoys this game since the 3. After the 3'rd game, 4 was a little disappointing for me. But thanks to the equilibris mod and map editor (manually placed items, monsters and level limit to 15 solved all my problems) and 5 was a great game for me. Actually i wasn't complained about the game for a long time. But after i have faced to great players i have realized there is a few things we need to focus (units, abilities, spells etc etc) and there was many useless things (WHEN WE COMPARED WITH OTHERS) and i was against them.

Main object of this mod

Rebalances many things

* Rebalanced artifacts
* Changes on creatures abilities, stats and costs
* Changes on creatures tiers (there are 2 tier 7 creature system)
* Heroes starting skills and stats and abilities
* Heroes stat and ability gain probabilities
* Town buildings costs
* Skills
* Spells
* Abilities
* Neutral buildings
* Moon Weeks

Why you don't have a players still?

No idea actually. I cannot find Heroes 5 players nowadays but i was realized, there are many people playing this game in your country. This is why i have decided to share my mod with yours. Latest version is 2.1 for now. I will check this topic "everyday" and i will read, and reply your comments if i need. I hope this time i can find at least "few" players for the improve this mod.



You can comment, discuss "anything" about my modification. And don't forget, i have created it alone. This is why i cannot say it is fully balanced mod. I need players first :)

Tier 6 Creatures Now Tier

Player now have a choice at this moment. You need to decide which T7 creature is better for your strategy.


No More Get All Creatures In 3 Weeks

New Order mod changes the building costs and prevents to players getting all units quickly. Both of the T7 buildings cost are 12 wood/12 ore/45 rare resource (for example 45 sulfur for inferno) and their upgrades 6 wood/6 ore /30 rare resource.


Rebalanced Creatures

New Order mod provides more expensive or cheaper creatures according to their powers. Many of the low tier units now more useful because of their cost or improved stats

Rebalanced Starting abilities (stats, skills, spells, warmachines)


Check the changelog for the details. This mod focuses on starting abilities of Heroes. Now no more weak or powerful starting heroes and it comes with new starting strategies

Extended item descriptions and remakes


Now you can see and learn slots, values and qualities of the items. And there are many changes on these stats

Creature rebalances


New Order mod changes many attributes of creatures (check changelog for details) and making some of them more powerful of weak for the balance

No more ultimate abilities and ability changes

There are rebalances on some abilities and ultimate abilities remove from the game.
Ultimate Abilities was fun actually but they had great advantage and focuses the player for the same skill build. Now players can focus their own skill build.

Spell changes

New Order mod focuses some of the spells and rebalances them.

New magic guild costs


New Order mod removes gold requirement for magic guilds (for the players who wants to focus on magic on early games) and removes primary resource for races. Because New Order mod T6 and T7 buildings costs requires lot of racial resource. If your market provides you 1 sulphur everyday, you can conserve it for the T6 and T7 buildings and still you can build your magic guild

New building costs

New Order mod changes cost of the many buildings and provides players to better strategy. Some of the buildings are free, some of them requires more resource for upgrade or requires low resources. You can go for the ranged units for easy creeping but it is a little pricy now. Or, you can build + upgrade more powerful but melee units for decreased cost

New maps

I am not just a modder. Before the start modding, I was making changes on many maps and now some of them fully compatible for the New Order mod. All of the maps rebalanced and tested many times.


Fair random creep system


New Order mod changes random creep system. You will no longer encounter range and mage creeps for random level 4 and 5. This provides the players the “fair” challenge. No more you will face with master hunters or druids when your opponent fighting with griffins and riders.

List of 64 heroes and 190 creatures

You can find all the data you need in my OneDrive page. And you can find all changes and i will start the release version changes when i release 2.2 (changes between the versions)




Volcano (myself): I have created everything by myself.
Heroescommunity: I have learned many things about Heroes 5 edit in here. Thanks to everyone who already helped or tried to help me.
Remix: For the 2 hours introduction video

I will be happy if you play and if you can comment about mod.
Last edited by volcanicmelodies on 21 Nov 2018, 12:44, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby volcanicmelodies » 11 Dec 2017, 18:51

Version 1.8 released with many changes. Check the first post.

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Re: Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby volcanicmelodies » 17 Dec 2017, 15:00

1.9 version is released. Visit here for the 1.9 changes or the full changes


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Re: Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby volcanicmelodies » 02 Feb 2018, 09:52

Version 2.0 released! Click for the new version

http://www.moddb.com/mods/heroes-of-mig ... /downloads

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Re: Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby Pol » 02 Feb 2018, 16:49

This is impressive. So it's recommendable for SP only or did you also tested it for multiplayer?
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Re: Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby volcanicmelodies » 03 Feb 2018, 02:16

First of all i am testing it with my 1 or 2 friends because i don't have players (or at least i don't know if the people play) that means yes it is for multiplayer. I don't suggest it for SP. By the way someone was reviewed my mod. Here it is 2 hours video for New Order but the language is russian. At least i was used subtitles.


If you play with your friends, i will be happy to hear your suggestions or comments for the improve this mod. And you can delete previous posts if you want because it is looks like a spam, besides nobody was interesting it. Sorry for that and love from Turkey!

Ah by the way i am editing maps too and i will put my edits into the mod when 2.1 released. I will suggest it with or without my mod.
Last edited by volcanicmelodies on 03 Feb 2018, 02:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby volcanicmelodies » 08 Aug 2018, 09:15

New version released, introduction updated.

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Re: Heroes 5 Mod: New Order

Unread postby volcanicmelodies » 21 Nov 2018, 12:45

Version 2.3 released with major changes (Bye bye logistics) and russian language pack

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