The mod adds new heroes to the multiplayer maps.
New Heroes Frameworks [NHF] - New heroes for Heroes V v3.1 (v3.0 and older are not supported).
Version 0.88 (06.08.2018)
Put NHF_0.88_EN.pak to "data" folder of game directory.
All previous versions of the mod must be uninstalled.
To uninstall the mod you need to remove installed files from data folder of game directory.
- Mod supports standard maps.
- To support fan maps use the special program in the archive with mod (it also patches several singleplayer maps with few scripts).
- Compatible with NCF (New neutral creatures) and NCF MegaPack (no later than July 2015).
- Compatible with NTBF (New town buildings).
- Despite the fact that priority tables of skills and abilities for AI from MegaAI v1.2 were used, NHF isn't full compatible with that mod.
- Compatible with EWA collection of mods (starting fromn version 2.5.1).
- Conflicts with other mods are possible.
Participants of the project:
Project Administrator: Dyrman
Lead designer: Psatkha
Designers: SRD, Roman RRR
Chief literary editor: Lokken
Linguistic editors: Lokken, Uraabk
Chief script advisor and creator of NHF MS: RedHeavenHero
Thanks to all players, who test this project!
Also: A_De, ArchWarlock, Fktifzobr, JonnyP, Ment, MSCH, Serpens, Sandro400.