I meant "Beholder bat" and I still live in
(an illusion?) that I met one in the dungeon. Rightly from the beginning.
First wave is probably able to deal a decent damage but it's too slow. After I disabled your bottom right and top left creature, it's actually over. The rest are not healers but they tend to deal damage too slowly.
Second wave would need patching a bit, your upper creatures are great but I one shot them (with my Blue One), for you it would be better if the top right would survive. Certainly try to add hp/luck/defense totems here.
Last one is rather weak, why not to try your Big Blue?
Do you have other dungeons?
It happened me a moment ago when I was again facing a Behemoth like a Boss monster. The first two waves cost me three creatures, the Behemoth quickly get rid of my Worm but my BoB slowly got him. Cause she's red so her damage is doubled, Behemoths halved and she resisted for all the time.
I sent your way one "Request challenge" back.