Skill Wheel

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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Angelspit » 06 May 2006, 08:36

ImageIf there's an area where Heroes of Might and Magic V is quite different from the previous games of the series, it's the highly dynamic skill system that should allow a lot of customization with your heroes. But with certain abilities having requirements coming from another skill, it's quite easy to get confused and waste your time on unnecessary advancement. A simple table isn't enough to explain how it works. Fortunately, Aurelain, who created the Heroes IV spellbook hosted on Celestial Heavens, is back with yet another pretty utility. The Flash-based Skill Wheel not only provides the icons and the descriptions of each skill and ability, but shows what are its specific requirements.

Please be patient as the page will take a moment to open with a dial-up connection. Flash 6 is required, but chances are that your browser already supports it. All the data is based on information from the beta test and the demo, and is likely to be different in the retail version. The Wheel will be updated shortly after the game becomes available.

window.___gcfg = {lang: 'en-GB'};

(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
If there's an area where Heroes of Might and Magic V is quite different from the previous games of the series, it's the highly dynamic skill system that should allow a lot of customization with your heroes. But with certain abilities having requirements coming from another skill, it's quite easy to get confused and waste your time on unnecessary advancement. A simple table isn't enough to explain how it works. Fortunately, Aurelain is back with the newest version of his Wheel. The Flash-based Skill Wheel not only provides the icons and the descriptions of each skill and ability, but shows what are its specific requirements.

The Wheel is also available in French, German, Italian and Spanish, both online and offline.

Want to download the Wheel? Click here to download an executable.

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby Hizsoo » 16 Jun 2017, 22:17

Could someone share some knowledge about how could I create a skillwheel for 2 Non-Heroes 5 races?
An editable version or details about skillwheel dynamics would be really useful.

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby EvilLoynis » 17 May 2018, 17:31

How can I get the skill wheel for the non expansion H5?

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby Moondragon » 04 Jun 2020, 00:12

Is there any way the skill wheels could be made accessible once Flash is discontinued? I find these super helpful!

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