Thanks for the replies.
Pol wrote:Panda, what about your migration idea progress? Did you collected more tips?
Not much yet.
I sometimes run into those websites that offer some exotic condition to go working at another country. The last one I found for New Zealand I was a bit too late to subscribe. But I was thinking on the terms of how free are we to go to another country and start over, without these programs, per se. New Zealand appeased me the most, overall speaking, ranging from latitude, to the 'vibe' it gives away, a language I know, not too crowded, and other nuances. However, one can always find somewhere else unexpectedly.
Around here, there was this legal procedure to allow refugees, originally from Haiti (after that Earthquake disaster), and then it was extended to Syrians. But some limitations are arising regarding specially refugees now, so it seems that, for the purposes of migration and then going to work and having means to keep yourself for a while while you have no jobs, and refugees usually lack those means. I read that immigration here increased 160% the last years, both from Developed and Underdeveloped countries. Where I live, I see a lot of Haitians and many others from neighbouring countries, at least these are mostly who we can identify working and living here, because many tourists visit this city as well, specially Europeans.
Back in 2009, there was a decision which gave amnesty to any immigrant who arrived to the country until then. By then, if you married someone here, you could stay (homosexual relationship included). If you had sons here, you could stay. If you proved you would invest money in this country (starting from R$ 150,000.00, which is around US$ 47,000.00), you could stay.
There's now a law under ... what's the term, "appreciation"? Evaluation? Anyway, there's this law being evaluated since Feb of this year. It's detrimental to update our current laws, which are based on something form the 80's and still have some small parts inherited from the time Brazil were under Military Dictatorship. Aside from that, we have a very friendly policy, granting public health, for example, not immediate deporting and a number of different visas. Some countries, which are considered friendly, may even not require a visa to tourism.
There are more stuff, which I can find out later on.
Addendum: This is what would change with this new law.
- Levels immigrants to locals regarding job rights, social rights, security, health, education.They can also have access to State jobs.
- Humanitarian visas, which are now only for Haitians and Syrians, will cover any nationality, granting those who arrive humanitarian aid when deemed necessary.
- Fiercer punishment by law due xenophobic, prejudice and racism to immigrants.
- Immigrants can take a part in public protests (like those against governments) and be part of 'syndicates' (dunno which word you use to represent this in your country. In my country, there are thousands of syndicates that require small fees from participants in exchange of services, bonuses etc.).
- Access to justice and attorneys are extended and amplified to all immigrants.
- No criminality regarding immigration.
- Irregular migration is not crime any more, so people will not be arrested. I really don't know what happens in that case, but I reckon irregular and 'illegal' are different things.
- Renewed amnesty to those who are already here.