Translated HoMM3 Maps

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Salamandre » 30 Dec 2010, 18:20

Have tried a partitioned XP? I never got any crashes on it, hence I am reluctant to upgrade, after seeing all WIN 7 guys misery.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 30 Dec 2010, 19:48

I have it on another partition, but I can't be bothered to switch to it every time I want to play the game.

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Unread postby cyberart4 » 04 Feb 2011, 09:35

Any way you can sort the new maps by size and version and # of players. You can use the regular template I'm guessing? I've downloaded a few of them but I prefer medium and large maps of the single player type. ;)
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 19 Feb 2011, 19:46

Just did some extensive testing and I'm confident that it is indeed related to music. Not the sounds, but music. And if you turn it off, you don't crash. So that's a workaround at least.

And here I thought that crashes related to music were only in unpatched HoMM4 :D

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Unread postby Lizzie_G » 16 May 2011, 10:49

WOW just amazing!:) Thanks!

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Unread postby Balinii » 06 Jan 2012, 06:05

ByteBandit wrote:
Salamandre wrote:I don't believe a word when you say "from chinese" :)

I started translating from chinese and there is no way. Even Jim told me that he gave up.
I've already done two of them. It takes a little patience, but I've been able to translate them. Chinese maps are actually easier to translate than Polish maps. They are far and away the hardest for me. :D
Dude if you want help Im a Natural polish Speaker but Ive been living in ireland so my English is just fine(except for that awful accent)

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map Way ot the Queen

Unread postby Mn » 01 Mar 2012, 06:18

It's very interesting and pretty hard Russian map "The way of the Queen" for WOG 3.58. Do You ttanslated it? If no, I can help (Russian is my own, English translation needs corrects after me). How I can do it (I think - in map editor, but may be exist any simpliest way?) If you interested - write private message.

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 15 Mar 2012, 04:27

Been a while translating text for me, so bear with me. I extract all text from a map. I copy all text and paste it in the Google translator, (Or paragraphs at a time due to word limits) if MS Office does not have the required fields for translating from one language to another. The text has to be exact as the original, i.e. spaces, paragraphs and so forth, or the map will not start.
I plan on getting back to translating maps again soon in the future here, if an interest is shown.

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Unread postby pier » 03 Apr 2012, 20:41

Im not sure if you are still at this awesome project, if you arent, sorry for the post, if not, Id really appreciate if you could translate the 2 chinese cards "Xiedu" and "Ying Yong" (or whatever the translation of the titles would be ;| )
I think these two cards deserve that more players play them, as they are very good (at least i think so, I seem not to be able to get richness in the chinese forum to download ying yong)...

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Unread postby LindaG » 17 Jun 2012, 23:09

I just want to say that I appreciate any and all H3 Maps. 3-D games give me a literal headache. I can't play them.
Thank you to everyone who creates or translates H3 Maps. You are all definitely appreciated! :D

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Re: Translated HoMM3 Maps

Unread postby zoetropo » 11 Nov 2015, 04:03

Yes, please translate HoMM4's "Fragile World" map. The Russian text is meant to guide the player the whole way through - or so it seems, because I cannot figure out how to open up more than a few of the obstacles. For example, I urgently need a blue keymaster tent, but have no idea how to get to it.

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Re: Translated HoMM3 Maps

Unread postby martii01 » 17 May 2017, 01:28

Guys, i would like to make some spoilers on some maps. I have chosen some but i cant find the button for new topic. I can only post in the comments. The FAQ is saying that i must go next to the faq button and to click new topic but i cant find it. I hope u can help me with that my problem. If u want, send me and some interesting hard maps and i could try making walkthrough on them :)

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Re: Translated HoMM3 Maps

Unread postby ByteBandit » 26 Nov 2021, 23:41

Where did all my maps and files that I put up on this site go? I see the H2 maps . . . Don't see Rise and Fall of Sandro, Translated Maps, WoG Files or any of my H4 maps that I did. Is the site shutting down soon? I must've missed the memo. Glad I kept backups. Including all my Map Archives stuff.

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Re: Translated HoMM3 Maps

Unread postby Pol » 27 Nov 2021, 08:28

Welcome back! Site is after upgrade, the script with download counter break long time ago and probably can't be resurrected now like too old (different version of PHP). Same problem with our classic download.

Currently I'm fixing styles, than goes cache issues and then downloads. All maps are exactly where they should be but links are broken, in your case I will use some automat to get them up but no idea how to quick pair them with their description.

Additionally my wife is ill, so I have only glimpses of time here and there and certainly cannot keep any time schedule.

BTW What about you?
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Re: Translated HoMM3 Maps

Unread postby ByteBandit » 27 Nov 2021, 18:54

Presently, I am working with iliveinabox05, Karmakeld, RK and a few others on the Restoration of Axeoth team. The persons I mentioned are creating an Advanced Option Map editor for H4, and the progress is rather incredible! It won't be long before we'll be able to convert H3 and hopefully H2 maps into H4 maps. Along with that, there'll be other features included with the editor as time goes on, such as a scripting library, an RMG and other stuff I can't wait to see. At present, work is being done with object conversion, as terrain placement is now working well. It may not be long before the conversion process will become a reality.
Along with that, iliveinabox05, myself and other team members are working on converting the Heroes Chronicles Campaign series to be played in H4 format. Our first campaign, Warriors of the Wasteland, will be ready for beta testing soon. iliveinabox05 has been finalizing the campaign with scripting and hidden stuff here and there, in between working on the map editor. It's tedious, but it's almost finished for release.
Soon, we'll be working on the Unity campaign. That'll be a huge project to tackle. Then continuation on the next Chronicle Campaign using the Advanced Option Map Editor. And so forth.
Also, there are rumblings of a sequel to the Chronicles campaigns. Just rumours for now. Too much work ahead of us at the moment :)

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Re: Translated HoMM3 Maps

Unread postby Lord Sin » 05 Jun 2023, 06:55


I have recently began to play Homm3 again and I remembered that there are this 2 maps regarding US civil war.  I tried in vain to look for these 2 maps but I cant seems to find it.  I know it has been long but do you by any chance have these 2 maps that you could share with me.

Thank you so much and regards.

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