J. M. Sower wrote:FR(0x5E9530, 0x5E9530 + 0x60*2) give me empty Ref's. :/
Very strange.
Vaoe wrote:Seems there is some activity at the moment and perhaps that answers my question, but the links to quest examples and a few other things on Grayface's page seems to not be working, the files it says are missing. I'd like to play around with quests but not sure where to begin.
Yes, Dropbox messed up the links. I'm switching to Google Drive and releasing new versions of everything soon. For now, things are in disarray.
Vaoe wrote:- Can you somehow disable the Dragon class' breath weapon attack? (I would like to replace it with a new class setup altogether but weapon and range attacks default to breath weapon regardless of equipment and skill.)
Is it still activated if you remove Dragon Ability skill? In MM8.5 we're gonna have all classes with the same human complexion, including dragons. however, I haven't found anything about dragon breath in my script dealing with that.
Vaoe wrote:
-Is it possible to swap spells around the spellbooks (random example, swap Wizard Eye from Air to Torch in Fire and have Wizard Eye be governed by Fire Skill and Torch governed by the Air skill.) or simply change which spell skill governs which spell (regardless of what spell book it is in, this seems 'easier' but maybe not possible).
Yes, I can help with that. You need it for MM8, right?
dark templar wrote:I test the script and it works properly.If I want to enhance the "of protection"(+10 to all 4 Resistances) like increase to +20,how to do that?
I have tried the below but it seems not work.
Code: Select all
function events.CalcStatBonusByItems(t)
if t.Stat >= const.Stats.FireResistance and t.Stat <= const.Stats.BodyResistance then
for it in t.Player:EnumActiveItems() do
if it.Bonus2 == 2 then
t.Result = t.Result + 10
Change "if it.Bonus2 == 2 then" line. 2 is 'Of the Gods', it's line index in spcitems.txt if you count from 0 and skip header.
dark templar wrote:![big smile :-D](/forums/images/smilies/big%20smile.gif)
Hi GrayFace,may I ask you how to translate this script into lua?
All scripts are in Lua already. Use *.lua instead of txt\*.txt from
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kznafxub3lcbr ... s.rar?dl=0
J. M. Sower wrote:I have that script for quest and it crashes when I click on quest topic with quest item in inventory (I have MMExt 2.2 tmp).
That's my bug of tmp version, I remember it.
motter25420 wrote:
So do I have an outdated version?
I just need to release everything and I want to release patches first, because MMExt depends on new patch versions to an extent.
motter25420 wrote:
I'm just editing the evt files in Lua and it's working. This is so much easier than Hex, I can't say thank you enough.
It's better to extract specific events and add 'Game.MapEvtLines:RemoveEvent(number)' to disable standard handler. Decompiled scripts will change in some parts with the release of new versions of MMExt and patches.
motter25420 wrote:
Something I noticed tho, when I look at the extracted evt files for dungeons they don't have the full info. For example, if I look at the "Temple of the Snake" scripts, there is nothing there about the hidden enemy "Q".
I know back when I was doing this before I was able to go in the dungeons, then extract that evt file from new.lod, and with hex copy the info of the character and then place it in the evt file found in icons.lod, I could edit them anyway I wanted, give them different items or HP etc.
No, you're misremembering. Monsters aren't in scripts, they are in maps. Open the map from games.lod with mm8leveleditor or use my Editor and Internal Map button.
motter25420 wrote:
Do I still have to do that with hex or is there another way to control and edit the special spawns in a dungeon? Can I just add a spawn in the Lua script?
Yes, you can.
Code: Select all
local mon = SummonMonster(mon_id, x, y, z, true)
Then you can set all sorts of attributes of 'mon':
https://sites.google.com/site/sergroj/m ... MapMonster
motter25420 wrote:evt.map[318] = function()
evt.StatusText(100) -- ""
evt.MoveToMap{X = -14208, Y = -6992, Z = 1344, Direction = 1024, LookAngle = 0, SpeedZ = 0, HouseId = 0, Icon = 0, Name = "0"}
It's evt.hint[318] = str[100], not StatusText.