Heroes V for $19.99

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Unread postby socketboy » 06 Dec 2005, 17:21

Well I placed an order. I'll probly just buy it anyway if they change the price on us. I was planning to get it anyway so...... hopefully I'll still get it at that price. WHo knows, they might just have it like that for a limited number of people (first 100?) before they charge full for it.

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Unread postby sumalmamus » 06 Dec 2005, 20:02

THere still is some ambiguity on amazon.com. I don't know if they make target play by the marketplace seller rules. Those would say that you are not supposed to list it without guaranteeing you'll honor it, although they will let you refund if you've "lost" the item. On the other hand, when I have "special ordered" an item from amazon.com half the time they eventually tell me sadly it is no longer available. While they have accepted my purchase at $19.99 and sent my a confirmation email, they will not charge my credit card until it is shipped, so I would say there is quite a bit of uncertainty there. I would guess that target has gotten a commitment of a certain number to advertise at the low rate with some special marketing deal for a big buy from ubi. But that is just a guess. The worst that will happen is I won't actually have locked in this great pricetag. I already planned to buy it. I guess I won't be too happy if I have to do an extra two week wait but can live with it. Most international buyers can buy through most marketplace sellers on amazon.com, as long as you're content with the english version, I didn't look to see if target would but it's worth checking out. I hope that the "here" link above in the news story gave celestial heavens credit for my going there and making a sale like your store page should.

"Psychobabble at 2005-12-05 14:39 wrote:

>"There is no law to force them to honnor this offer, if it is wrong. They will be forced to offer you two choices: to pay extra to get your game or to refund."

that's not true if you have paid for the product and they have accepted your money. The basic law of contracts means that once the purchase price has been given by the buyer (contractual offer) and taken by the seller (contractual acceptance) the seller must honour the bargain or pay "expectation damages" (ie a court will tell them to give you the product anyway). "

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Unread postby hahakocka » 06 Dec 2005, 21:31

Ahh Vissai, you are a hungarian tto. Than there are at least 2 hungarians at this forum . I and you.:)

It s too cheap if they sell this magnificen product for 20 dollars, it seems like a trap to me :) A joke, the price size will be the double of 20 dollars, in February or March?

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Unread postby bbouton39 » 07 Dec 2005, 21:06

they actually took my CC order

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Unread postby tolhor » 08 Dec 2005, 20:54

Checked www.target.com and search for Heroes of Might and Magic V and they have it listed for the 19.99 price. I just might have to pre-order it.

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Unread postby Xenofex.XVII » 10 Dec 2005, 21:17

19.99 USD is not cheap ;) Atleast with my ~ 102 USD/month salary.
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Unread postby jimkirk » 12 Dec 2005, 00:41

i want to try a demo be4 buying a heroes game again . i made the mistake last time with heroes 4 not to try a demo or to beta test it on the other hand 20 bux is cheap enough

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Unread postby Angelspit » 07 Jan 2006, 16:33

The $19.99 offer appears to have ended. The listing shows the full price once again.
I'm on Steam and Xbox Live.

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