Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 21 Nov 2016, 18:53

Karmakeld wrote:
HeroOfPunk wrote:Thank you very much Karmakeld, you have our respect as well, and we wish you further luck with your projects. Hit us up if you ever want to co-operate!

Thank you very much Panda! It is those few people that posts a comment or just gives a like on facebook that keep our spirit up. We are forever in debt to the Celestial Heavens Forums for forging this comradeship between me and Yurian, but also between us and the community.
Thank you, and I'd welcome you to any H4 project as well ;) Currently my projects list is quite filled up with The Tale of Young Mudgeon, the Unity campaign (and Every Dog has His Day most likely to follow), learning about modding and figuring out if I can help out with H4 HD edition.. But then again, what is spare time for eh :tired: (but honestly, I think there are a handful of people in this community that would like to collaborate on some of the untold stories of the Enroth/Axeoth universe, if that should ever have your interest - but lets see where I'm at in about 7 years ;) ).

Anyway, not gonna steal more of your thunder. Hope you get some thumbs up, following the release, to make it worth the process.
My speciality is mentioning my own project in other threads, so no need to worry about it ;)
Yes, I do follow your project from time to time!

Thank you for the kind words.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 05 Dec 2016, 20:28

Update time!

We are currently working on a single scenario map that will feature as a prologue to our fourth (and maybe final?) campaign.

Here is an in game screenshot of map 0 as it is currently called.

We are also working on a 1.1 version of Campaign 3 which will feature these updates:
Patch plans of Campaign 3 v1.1 Dec 4th 2016

*Fix loss conditions in map 2: Do not lose the hero Charles!
* Increase enemy heroes power by 33% in maps 2, 3 and 4
* Changes to map 2: All AI Heroes will start with *all* level 1 and 2 spells excluding Summon
and Scuttle Boat.
*Secondary skills of the main AI heroes should be rechecked in maps 2 and 3
*Extra check for typos
*ban the spell “Summon Water Elementals” in map 2
*ban the Artifact “Spellbinder’s Hat” in map 4
*All AI heroes will start with all level 1-3 spells in map 3 excluding Summon Boat and Scuttle Boat. Should spells of the 4th level be added to them in map 3? Most likely, yes. But which ones? This will have to be thought out carefully.
*check hero portraits *in all maps* to make sure that there will be no “doubles”
*slightly change the location of the Mighty and regular Gorgons in map 3 that guard resources near the Power Lich stack. No free resources any longer!
*make the Serpent Fly ambush on the bridge “for Player Only” type and not for the AI to fight (map 3)
*build Mage Guilds levels 1 and 2 to all AI and neutral towns at the start of the 3rd map
*more troop buildings (“dwellings”) in all AI starting towns at the start of the 3rd map
Up to the 3rd level (Orc unit dwelling)

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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 11 Dec 2016, 03:11

Update on the night of Dec 10th/11th 2016

Dear H3 fans and followers of the Masters of Sighisoara Project

Update process for Campaign III is going quite well. I can report that everything's already settled with maps 1-3. Map 4 shall see the list of both bigger and smaller upgrades prepared for it actually added into the file no later than Thursday 15th of December. I am confident that we can present patch 1.1 to Campaign III to the audience at CH, HC, Heroesportal and Drachenwald before Christmas if the admins of the aforementioned sites are with us on this one. Please rest assure that we have not been idle for not only is the patch 1.1 to Campaign III being released shortly, but also, the as of yet unnamed Fourth Campaign is on its way. Plans for it are being studied and discussed by the Team and ideas are flowing steadily. Please note that we have already made good progress working on its prologue map, which is scheduled to be released before the 4th Campaign itself.

Here's proof that we have been diligently working on patch 1.1 of the MoS III campaign, "A Gyondrian's Tale".

Map 2, "The Wizard's Challenge" version 1.0 -----> 1.1 ReadMe

*Removed the skill Learning
*Removed the spell Summon Water Elementals
*Removed the artifact Orb of Inhibition
*Removed the artifact Necklace of Ocean Guidance
*Loss Condition: now the player Can't lose the hero Charles
*All AI players will now have 24, 12 and 6 worth of level
1-3 troops respectively in their starting army
*Boosted the main AI opponents' primary stats by 23%
*Main AI heroes now start from at least level 13
*Built Wall of Knowledge to all AI controlled Towers
*Built Mage Guild level 3 to all cities of the AI
*Re-opened access to the sea from Orange's starting area
*Added more stuff to be found on the sea
*Flagged one gold mine to all AI players from day 1
*Flagged one external dwelling to all Tower AI players
*General improvements for the Teal AI player:
-flagged one ore mine to Teal player from day 1
-stack of Wolf Raiders will join them near their city
-expanded and improved the bio of the hero Nomad Chief
-changed one of his secondary skills (from Artillery to FM)
-Teal has now Tavern available in his city but can recruite
only Stronghold heroes from there
-Nomad Chief will now feature in the Timed Event where
the player gets to read information of his main opponents
-added an event which gives 4 crystals and 10K gold
to the Teal AI player once a week
*Sir Mullich can no longer be recruited from the hero pool
*Made sure that there will be no "double" heroes, that is
heroes that share the same portrait
*Added the hero Headmistress for the AI to recruite
*Removed two Rumors
*Added one Event
*Added one Timed Event
*Minor graphical changes
*Expanded story events
*All Tower AI players have one External Dwelling flagged

With near Polar Night condition greetings from the Finnish Night Owl,

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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 17 Dec 2016, 14:49

So, the time has come for us to finally release:
Masters of Sighisoara III - A Gyondrian's Tale version 1.1.
The team has been working hard, listening to you, the players and your thoughts of the campaign. We now have, version 1.1:
*features 90 bug fixes or balance related changes
*adds new prominent AI heroes to fight
*expanded and improved storyline
*rebalanced AI factions will now offer more challenge
*new Quests
*graphical changes which will allow the player to explore
new areas in maps 2 and 3
About Masters of Sighisoara III:
The story of a young man, transcending into manhood, who tragically loses his parents.
Wanting to get off the island where he grew up, he runs into Lord Nimae, he is offered a way off the island, his decision will change his life forever.
Please send us feedback at
"Masters of Sighisoara - A whole new Continent"
You can find us on FB at
On the Internet:
What do you need to play:
A copy of Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Shadows of Death (Or complete, HoTA (not optimized), WoG (not optimized).
For the full experience, please refrain from using modifications of Heroes 3. HoTA was causing a bug in version 1, which we do believe is now ridden.

Version 1.1 updated by Yurian Stonebow!

The Trilogy Pack has also been updated and can be found here:

Last edited by MadMax on 17 Dec 2016, 18:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 27 Jan 2017, 15:01


Ok, time has finally come to release "Masters of Sighisoara - Ultimate Pack."
This is our, the Sighisoara teams work that we have done over 8 years.
It also features my very first map I ever started working on, and NEVER released before(version 0.9).
On top of that it features my very first "pure text" short story (18 pages pdf).

On top of that, enjoy all of this:
All Single Scenarios previously released by us
An ALL NEW single scenario, not previously released, called A Quest For No Mortal. Set in the first "draft" of Sighisoara. Made before Sighisoara is what it is today. Therefor no "true" storyline from the Sighisoara universe. Made by me around 2007, then polished by Yurian Stonebow.
Custom made music by Paul Anthony Romero and others.
Wallpapers between 720p-2k resolution.
A short story written by me. Set in the Sighisoara universe, it is about Havery, a young adventurer seeking artifacts across Sighisoara. Battling Dragons, lizardmen and vicious zombies (and more of course).

PS. If anything is missing, let me know, I've had to zip and all on a tablet...
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby maygwan » 17 Feb 2017, 06:58

Great job guys on completion and it's nice to see it's finally out for all to enjoy.

I did help mainly on the first 2 campaigns and max and yurian pretty much carried the third themselves
with all the testers ect.

Overall a great project that i am proud to have been a part off.


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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 19 Feb 2017, 07:31

Maygwan, I have sent you an e-mail, to your old yahoo-mail about rejoining forces again.
We could need your speedy touch and we are in the startup of a new campaign...

Wheter you want to join forces again, or not, I want to thank you on behalf of the team. Your work has been invaluable to us, you brought our players puzzles and mind boggling challenges that only you are capable of. :)
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 14 Mar 2017, 10:40

Dear Celestial Heavens,

For over 8 years, the Masters of Sighisoara project has been active. We have released 3 full-length campaigns and 3 (soon to be 4 as Map 0 of Campaign IV is now in beta stage) single scenarios, which we hope that you all have enjoyed.
We have, in the past, received a lot of feedback from the community, which is you.

Now I ask you, our players and our community to take 15 seconds and reply to this simple poll.
Which of our creations is your favorite? It is just to click the strawpoll link, choose and hit submit. This is so that we can see what elements that you have enjoyed as the 3 campaigns (especially campaign 3) are written differently, played out differently and received differently.

We would love to have you comment in this thread as well, if you wish. Our main priority and main question however, is if you could take 15 seconds and fill out this 1 question poll:

As a thank you, we are now opening early beta testing of Campaign IV's prologue map "The Saga of Zhule", hit me up in a pm if you wish to test it ;)
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 24 May 2017, 17:21

We invite you, our fans and followers to play our latest creation "The Sorceress' Child".

Follow the young warrior Zhule on his quest to find the reason behind the demonic invasion of his native lands, Dragonia.

We have already made a soft release on facebook and have only received good words about it!

Download it for free here (single scenario, plays out after MoS III but before the unreleased MoS IV):
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 22 Sep 2017, 12:59

Friday Update, September 22nd 2017

The Team offers its sincere apology for the lack of news and updates here on our CH thread. We have been busy with real life, that demanding waste of time outside the more pleasant activities of playing Heroes III:SoD/Complete and making maps for the said game. Anyways, we have been quite active on FB, which sees updates on much more regular intervals. Please see here for the latest news.

Today's big news is the announcement of "The Elemental Cube" map (for Heroes III:SoD/Complete) having reached the quite respected version 0.98.
The map has been in the works since early June, and has progressed fast during the last 48 hours, when the map was first updated to 0.96, then 0.97 and now, as of today, the much more polished version 0.98. We invite you to test the latest version of "The Elemental Cube" map with us. Please contact the Sighisoara Team here in this CH thread of ours or via Facebook at Contacting us via Facebook is quite fast and will allow you to receive your copy of the map usually in less than 24 hours after we've registered your request to join us as maptester.

"The Elemental Cube" is a single scenario for Heroes III:SoD or Heroes III:Complete. Although HotA or WoG may serve as platform for playing the map,
we strongly recommend the official versions of the game or the H3 HD Mod. (not the Ubisoft one but by Alexander Barinov (aka baratorch)
Please download his splendid HD Mod here

Join us now on the adventures and trials of Rhima, the adopted son of the Lifhis based Barbarian War Chief Ulmans in his quest to investigate the mysterious appearance of the Ray of Light seen penetrating the night sky near his ancestral home in the small realm of Lifhis. He will not be alone, for the Sighisoaran major world power of Gulael and Xerphef, along with the neighbouring nation of Antholenor have all sent their expedition force to search for the rumoured statue of the Golden Man which fell from the sky. They believe it will be the key to untold riches previously untracked in Lifhis.

"Lifhis, a land of natural wonders and complex politics, is home to proud tribes of Barbarians. Unbeknownst to them, they now stand before an enemy nobody has fought before. The hero Rhima has been appointed by the High Chieftain, Tanamrun the Bloodthirsty, to investigate a strange ray of light." -from the description of the singe scenario

"Always an adventurer by spirit, Rhima is a part of the tribe known as "The Bone Cleavers". He doesn't possess any fancy military titles, but his axe will persuade those who question his dominance. Losing his parents at an early age set his mind on survival. Being raised as a foster-child in the house of the mighty war-chief Ulmans is what made him the man he is today. While curiosity remains his seemingly biggest drive, all this may yet be overtaken by the never-ending yearning to become the ultimate warrior." -from Rhima's biography

You are all welcome to help us during the final testing stage. If all goes well, the map is expected to be released on Wednesday the 4th of October to mark the 6-month gap between it and its predecessor, the likewise H3:SoD singlescenario map set in our Sighisoara universe, "The Sorceress Child".

With Heroic greetings and best regards,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager of the World of Sighisoara
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 29 Sep 2017, 19:31

Friday Update, September 29th 2017

We have gone through recent feedback arising from our own test playing of the Elemental Cube version 0.98, and ideas from our
FB followers. Version 0.99, expected to be ready by this Sunday, is the Team's attempt at eliminating bad grammar and remaining bugs and glitches. While achieving near perfect balance between various AI led factions and that of the human player remains our goal, the Team acknowledges the fact that the final fine-tuning of the map's internal strategic balance may have to wait 'til release version, currently scheduled for October 4th 2017.

The Elemental Cube is a story driven map where the player will have to face both Might and Magic wielding opponents fighting for the territorial hegemony of Lifhis, a small Barbarian inhabited realm squeezed between two major Sighisoaran world powers called Gulael and Xerphef. As the adopted son of a local shamanistic war chief, it is your task to defend the tribe against its neighbours, the nation against outside influence, and finally, the Sighisoaran global society against an invasion launched by some mystical beings truly something the likes of which the World has never seen before.

Stay tuned for more!

Saluting all Heroes,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager of the World of Sighisoara
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Pol » 30 Sep 2017, 21:18

You guys are quite prolific! :D


You can bet that we stand tuned, at this moment you have a nice saga and I'm quite curious, where you will be heading next. :tsup:
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 06 Oct 2017, 21:32

Friday Update, October 6th 2017

The big day has finally arrived. The Sighisoara Team proudly presents: "The Elemental Cube".
To download the Heroes III: SoD single scenario, please follow this link:

"There are countless of rumors about foreign forces of invasion making their way into Lifhis. This means that neither your tribe, nor any other for that sake, can feel safe. Could it all be connected to the mysterious ray of light seen in the skies, or is it just some wild tales?"

What mysterious ray of light struck the land of Lifhis? Are you brave enough to face the enemy no Sighisoaran has ever fought before?
Can you solve the mystery of the Elemental Cube before your rivals? You decide the fate of the world... In "The Elemental Cube".
Do you have what it takes?

Appendix. ReadMe of the "Elemental Cube" map.

Map Name: The Elemental Cube

Mapmaker: Yurian Stonebow - HeroOfPunk

E-Mail Address: olavi_valimaki(at), maxygdell(at)


Map Difficulty: Expert

Map Size: Large

Underground: Yes

Multiplayer: No

Map Style: Adventure, Quest, Strategic

Map Type: Singleplayer

Map Version: 1.0

Map Date: 5th of October 2017

Human-playable: Red (Stronghold)

Computer only: Green (Conflux), Blue (Dungeon), Teal (Stronghold)
Tan (Stronghold), Orange (Tower), Purple (Stronghold)
and Pink (Necropolis)

Language: English

Game Version: Heroes III: the Shadow of Death

Special Win: Acquire Artifact (Statue of Legion)

Special Loss: Lose the hero Rhima

Special Other: None

Playtesters: Yurian Stonebow, HeroOfPunk, Alexander Dimitrov,
Jim Nordström, Cristian Cioroiu and
a bunch of good people recruited via Facebook

Download link:

The Sighisoara Team wishes you a pleasant gaming experience.
Please keep feedback coming! :)

On behalf of the Team,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager of the World of Sighisoara
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 13 Oct 2017, 18:56

Friday Update on the 13th of October 2017


The "Grave Mistake" (MoS Campaign II map 4) was updated on the
1st of October 2017 for the first time since its original release, which
was on Christmas Day, 2013. Nearly 50 different changes and alterations
were listed during the first patching done on the said map.

Please note that the "Grave Mistake" has been transformed into
Singleplayer version for testing purposes. Already named Campaign heroes
were carefully analyzed and "re-scaled" in order to complete the process.

Here's the To do-list for the map's next version:

*write all missing Seer's Hut story bits
*name all Xerphef (allied Red AI player) controlled heroes
*write biographies for each storywise major hero still missing his/hers
*write 5 Rumors
*write 15 Timed Events
*place more Events throughout the map

Those of you who have played the "Prime Suspect", campaign tied singlescenario
MoS map which takes place somewhere between Campaigns I and II, may remember
the important mission the King of Xerphef sent Sepultun the lich and
his assistant the Vampire Countess Nagraelle onto Rojaice: to locate
and recover the powerful necromantic artifact known by its occult name, the Zelas.

Years later, Sepultun and Nagraelle are once again invading Rojaice as leaders of
the Undead forces of the necromancers' Kingdom of Xerphef. However, not all has
worked out according to plan. Rojacian counter-attack managed to cut Sepultun's
contact to his HQ back in Xerphef, and the Countess was captured and is now held
in well guarded prison within the Rojaice controlled territory for ransom.

At the start of the "Grave mistake" map the situation is as follows:

Sepultun the Necromancer must build an army powerful
enough to locate and free Nagraelle, and together the
two heroes must fight their back into Xerphef controlled
territory in the far NW parts of the area. Whatever happens,
they must not be allowed to be defeated by the forces of Rojaice.

Interested? Please contact the Team here on CH, or by visiting our
FB page at
Your free copy of the testmap (for H3:SoD, size L) should arrive within 24 hours.

With Heroic greetings,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager of the World of Sighisoara

@Pol: Thank you for your continuing support of our Project. We appreciate your kind words
and the encouragement given there within. We are now at a crossroads as we're simultaneously
seeking to improve/enhance the 2nd Campaign *and* work on the 1st map of the 4th Campaign.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Pol » 24 Oct 2017, 19:15

Sure I'm watching! :tsup:

MoS grow into quite a constant in the H3 World.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 10 Nov 2017, 19:18

Friday Update, November 10th 2017

Dear followers of the MoS Project,

We've got some pretty good news to you. Our recently released "space themed" hack and slash
fueled singlescenario tied to the upcoming MoS Campaign IV was updated just over a week ago.
The update addresses some of the most critical findings made by the Team, as well as issues
raised by our FB followers. Many thanks to all of you involved in the latest map patching work.

Appendix. Patch Log of the updated "Elemental Cube" map.

The Elemental Cube version 1.1
2nd of November 2017

-added 4 new Events
-modified 2 Events
-added a brand new Green keymaster's tent
-there is now a whole new border crossing between Gulael
and Lifhis which is guarded by their own Border Gates
(Red and Blue)
-a territory controlled by 1600 Rogues was carved into the
subterranean area to act as their local HQ in Lifhis
-the annoying bug/glitch with the hint to the
maptesters was fixed
-modified 1 Timed Event
-minor graphical changes and improvements
-added 2 new Subterranean Gates
-added 1 Black Market
-added 1 Corpse
-added 2 wandering monster stacks
-removed 1 Quest Guard
-added 1 Quest Guard
-added 1 Den of Thieves

Please download the updated story driven MoS singlescenario
for Heroes III: SoD via this link

In other news, the Team is evenly spread by the important question raised: "Where do we go from here?"
Since we couldn't decide and voting on the issue produced a tie, well we decided just to see what can be done.
The result: map 1 of Campaign IV is being simultanously worked along with map 3 of Campaign II in its
alternative version, where the player gets to play expanded missions of the Rojacian Civil War.
Yes, the 2nd Sighisoara Campaign is being revisited. There's a new Rojacian loyalist forces mission
currently in the works by the title (work name) "War on the Waves".

For more news, Please follow us on

With Heroic greetings,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager of the World of Sighisoara


Isn't our Team Leader's Might and Magic collection superb? :)

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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Pol » 13 Nov 2017, 19:54

Yurian If you would seek for some inspiration, there you have Battle for Castle Itter and Last Stand. Though there are more glorious events in human history. :-D
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Panda Tar » 14 Nov 2017, 13:19

Nice collection. I was almost expecting the figurine of that knight.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 31 Mar 2018, 13:18

Long time no see my fellow Heroes-players!

Since last time, we have set sail towards our ultimate goal, the fourth and final campaign of our installment.

"The Rise of the Celestials" will be a 6 or 7-part campaign (prologue, 4-5 campaign maps and 1 epilogue) where the player shall meet the faith of our continent.

Map 1 will be about Zhule's escape from the Demonic prison of Alzathor where he has been tormented. He is rescued by the mysterious "Hooded Figure" that we get to know so much, yet so little about in the map "Sorceress' Child".

Dragonia is set on fire by the Demonic Forces, while the continent is haunted by earth quakes and other forces of nature.

Here's a funny picture for easter, can you spot the "easter eggs"?

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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Pol » 31 Mar 2018, 18:49

Right in the middle, holy!
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