Hello again! Here are some screen shots for the copy and paste of an area on a map. Eventually I'll get around to creating some demo videos for the important pieces.
First, I've opened up two maps of the same size (both XL).
Next, we select an area to copy, then right click on the map window and select "copy".
Now, we go to the second map, right click it, and select "paste".
Bam! Now the selected data has been copied to the new map. Don't forget to save your changes!
Lastly, we can open the map in the editor to have a look. Check out the mini map.
A couple notes: 1) The current way copying and pasting portions of a map is done is kind of hacked together, and is not exactly how it will be once I get some infrastructure in place. The main difference will probably be that you must be in area select mode in order to have access to those particular context menus. That or I might just have a main context menu with sub menus which contain the options.
2) Elevation is currently not copied since I still have work to do to get its grid system in place.