h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

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h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 09 Sep 2016, 02:23

How does this work?where should I extract the h4util?How complicated is it 2 use?

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby Pol » 09 Sep 2016, 06:19

Check all about it here.

Maybe iLiVeInAbOx05 will tell you more about his utility in development.

But the key question is, what do you want to achieve with?
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 09 Sep 2016, 11:52

My goal is 2 start making maps.I have a lot of time on my hands now and always enjoyed heroes 4.Always wished it had a random map generator and it seems that there has been some progress in that department since last i checked.

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 09 Sep 2016, 15:09

If you need a quick fix for random maps, currently the only thing available is what H4Util has to offer.

I think there's a good chance we'll eventually see a random map generator for H4, hopefully as part of the H4MG, but that's still a little ways in the future.

We know how maps (.h4c map files) are represented and can place objects and set terrain, but there is a lot more to it to have a good RMG :)
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 09 Sep 2016, 16:42

@iLiVeInAbOx05ya i kinda wanted a quick fix for maps but i can't seem 2 get h4util random map generator 2 do anything. I made a new folder and placed on my desk top.went to Start Menu, Run and typed CMD, after that, type cd desktop. Enter. Then type cd h4util, then enter again.Then i get A message Incorrect file name or file does not exist.

I tried For Picture Maps:

Here's what you need to do. Step by Step:

0. Creature your picture. The landscape so to speak.
1. It must be in a 256 bitmap image, 218 x 218 pixels for an XL map. Name it MiniMap. (Doesn't have to be MiniMap.bmp. The .bmp will be added for you automatically.)
2. Make a blank XL map and properly named the map. In this case, dummy. It can have above and under.
3. Put both files in the H4util folder.
4. Open the H4Runner and type in: dummy.h4c -w -l0 ( For underground, -w -li)
5. NOTE: -w -small "L" NOT 1 "one" as is shown in the instructions. The l is for "landscape", I assume. So, -w l0 for above or -w -l1 for under.
6. Run it.
7. You'll get an exact copy of dummy.h4c, but it's titled dummy1.h4c, and the mini-map will appear on dummy1.h4c.
8. Be prepared for tons and tons of correcting.

Nothing happened.what am I doing wrong?

I down loaded your editor as well but am waiting till I get my computer back from the shop.It runs windows 7 pro. Hopefully I can get heroes 4 to run on it(with luck I get it back today). Last time I tried it wouldn't load

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 09 Sep 2016, 17:49

Unfortunately I've only had limited success using H4Util, so I can't really help you to get it working. There are a few threads on this forum which could help you, but you'll have to search for them since I don't recall which ones they were.

As far as the H4MG, you'll also need to install Java. The instructions are in the readme you downloaded, but can also be found here. Scroll down to "How to setup" and the instructions are there :) If you have any further issues getting it to work, please let me know and I will be happy to help!

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby Karmakeld » 09 Sep 2016, 20:28

It Seems Nimostar had some success with an RMG using brushes (he stated so in his mod tread on HC). I can only tell you that although the H4MG currently doesn't have an rmg feature, it's quite user friendly compared to the Utility. I gave up on that one too. To my best knowledge you need to type in codes for all commands and I also had failure in all attempts. Why not just open the editor and try out some brushes? You can find a good guide here on CH on how to get started, using brushes. Although not as efficient as an rmg, brushes can cover the area you wish, and place objects according to the brush type.
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby jeff » 11 Sep 2016, 23:23

johnnycage wrote:
I tried For Picture Maps:
Nothing happened.what am I doing wrong?
It sounds as if you are doing things correctly. I personally had a great deal of luck using picturized maps in Dragon's Fate and Lamentia's Story. I did have difficulty with H4util if the folder with all the files was not in the root directory i.e. C:\, but that may not be a requirement. Unfortunately I haven't used H4util or any of the editor for over a year when I switched to Win 10; since the equilibris team has not be able to get their editor to run under win 10. By the why the only corrections needed for the picture maps was to smooth the terrain. The picture was made inserting terrain types with square shapes. I just used a extra large brush and painted the entire map with one of the road types and then used the road eraser and that smoothed out the landscaping. Minor adjustments might be needed if say snow was next to lava, but for the most part I would hide those under mountains.
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby Karmakeld » 12 Sep 2016, 15:11

@Jeff have you looked at this https://www.celestialheavens.com/forum/14/15586#p365262 at best it could solve your equi editor issue
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby jeff » 12 Sep 2016, 16:01

That thread only reposts the issues I have had; and Dali says they are looking into it. There may be emulators or DOSBox type programs that will get it to run, however I have too little time to do anything but double click the icon and have it work. If it crashes as it does now; then I am done until it no longer crashes; using other means isn't an option for me. This is unfortunate as I may have time in about a year to go back and complete my unfinished campaign, but not if the status quo is unchanged.
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 12 Sep 2016, 22:07

I've gotten h4util random map generator to make maps and successfully incorporated a picture to the map.

My new problem is I do not C the map listed in the selection of maps 2 play. I've added it 2 the map list but it does not appear when I go 2 play it. Any1 know how 2 do that?

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 13 Sep 2016, 14:02

Here is how the map came out










Pretty cool stuff. I want 2 thank every 1 for there help

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby jeff » 13 Sep 2016, 22:21

johnnycage wrote:My new problem is I do not C the map listed in the selection of maps 2 play. I've added it 2 the map list but it does not appear when I go 2 play it. Any1 know how 2 do that?
As I recall the map has to be playable; what I mean is there has to be a faction present. Just generating it isn't enough, but it has been a long time as I may not remember correctly.
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby Karmakeld » 14 Sep 2016, 07:25

It makes good sense Jeff.
Also make sure the file name matches that of the map name. You can view/edit the map name in 'campaign > map properties > map name. The map name is what is displayed in the game and doesn't have to be the same as the file name.
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 14 Sep 2016, 17:15

Thanks for the tips

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby Karmakeld » 15 Sep 2016, 17:20

So it worked out for you?
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby Steven Aus » 15 Sep 2016, 18:12

I know that ILiveInABox's H4MG Random Map Generating capability will take a while to be made, but it will be fantastic when it is finished!
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 15 Sep 2016, 21:10

@Karmakeld Yes and I haven't been this happy since I was a little kid on Christmas day. I have A new toy :-). I'll check out ILiveInABox's H4MG Random Map Generator when I get my pc back next week Just hope I can get Heroes 4 2 work on it. I'm running windows 7 pro, last time I tried 2 get H4 2 run on it I did not have any success.

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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby Steven Aus » 15 Sep 2016, 21:18

H4MG doesn't currently do random maps, but it will eventually do so. It will take a while to make.
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Re: h4util random map generater made by Slava Salnikov

Unread postby johnnycage » 18 Nov 2019, 15:43

Has anyone gotten Slava Salnikov's h4util random map generator to work on windows 10? I just got a brand new PC with windows 10 and can't seem to get it running.side note the map editor for H4 equilib. will not load and I don't have access to the griffin helm and the other nifty artifacts :(

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