Custom Scanerios

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Custom Scanerios

Unread postby saugeen123 » 15 Jun 2016, 17:40

I have attempted to play 3 of the custom scenario but to no luck. They are winnable. Maybe I am missing something. I have tried "Lone Wolf", "Ice Demons" and "Solymr- I have forgotten the full title. Do I need to do something in the options?

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Re: Custom Scanerios

Unread postby Panda Tar » 15 Jun 2016, 18:18

Perhaps you could describe a bit more the reason you cannot play? Or what happens, or when it happens, what is it that hinder you from playing? Then someone might help you more accurately.
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Re: Custom Scanerios

Unread postby saugeen123 » 17 Jun 2016, 12:06

There is nothing technical wrong with them. There is no possible winning situation. Try one and you will see what I mean. Maybe I am missing something? Maybe there isn't a victory situation.

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Re: Custom Scanerios

Unread postby cjlee » 07 Aug 2016, 17:49

Just a note:
I have completed Blood Pact, Yeshtar's Promise and Ice Demons to date. They are completely winnable, and in fact too easy if you play on a global difficulty level of Hard.

I always set the computer opponents to Heroic. Anything less than that, and the computer opponents will be murdered by their own local neutral stacks while you will be steamrolling your opponents feeling bored in the process.

Without knowing what saugreen is going through since his posts are very short, let me explain that Blood Pact and Ice Demons are linear scenarios. You MUST march through the map in a fixed line. There is no alternative path to completing the scenarios.

Yeshtar's Promise offers more routes and options, but there is pretty much only one way by which your target of Flammshrein can be approached at first. The shortest path is guarded by a garrison that you wont' be able to smash until you are strong enough to approach Flammshrein from the back using the longer route. Like most H7 maps, if you didn't notice some underground staircase or missed the opening to the sea, you are likely to wind up wandering around unable to complete the map.

Due to terrain constraints, there are many bottlenecks where your hero must pass through. I have yet to see other scenarios, but from my entire H7 gaming experience to date I have noticed a certain map design style is prevalent. I'm guessing most scenarios are designed by the same Limbic guy. This means that sometimes you must look for a path when transiting between areas of control. It is not always obvious, and often it is one square width path. If you click even slightly to the left or right, the AI won't be able to find a path through and you will be stuck in your region.

Several times when playing I had to march my heroes around the perimeter of their areas of control and keep mousing over the edges of their fog of war in order to find a path. There are very few scripted events, so it's not a question of getting something to trigger.

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Re: Custom Scanerios

Unread postby cjlee » 19 Aug 2016, 19:47

Just finished Lone Wolf, and it is pretty much the same.

You play in exactly the same urbanized setting as that in a certain Haven campaign map. As before, there are many closed doors, Dragon Altars, broken bridges, overly powerful guarding stacks, etc to keep you from accessing many regions.

You have many objectives that come one after another. Only by finishing one objective, can you unlock some necessary action (eg a door opening) in order to reach another objective. Many times I was wondering why I seem to be making no progress, but I rechecked my objectives and carried them out, and the requisite action took place that granted me access to yet another region.

I am left with two custom scenarios now unfinished: the elf mission and the half elf wizard Myrim mission. The wizard mission may genuinely be too hard to complete with all settings at heroic. I might have to restart it because I can't take down one boss hero. Problem is that you are a wizard playing with elf troops; furthermore your class is enchanter which means that you are a mediocre jack of all trades without any strong suit in stats. This is the first time in Heroes (from H1 to H6) where I play a wizard with all stats nearly equal. You can't outcast the most powerful enemy boss and your might stats are too weak to really use your might troops. I hope someone will discuss how he finished this scenario so that I might learn a thing or two playing a wizard who is neither good spellcaster nor good might hero.

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