Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling v1.0

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Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling v1.0

Unread postby Echo » 18 Jun 2016, 00:49

You are free to use any and all of my M&M assets/changes/whateverthehecks in your own modding endeavors :creative:

There's an alternative version of this mod made specifically for the MM678 Merge which includes dungeon changes and more mindful world map edits plus a bunch of other little things (basically all this one does, only - in my opinion - better, but to each their own, of course!). You can find it here:

As for visual assets, you may also find them in the link to the other topic in my signature and pick and choose. Including portraits, items and characters.

Or proceed with the Modling:

EDIT: since the links and uploads got demolished by speedy share service dying, all I have left is my probably-final-package, later described as 'everything and the kitchen sink'. Feel free to extract whatever you like and use just that. Sadly, I don't have time to retrace my steps now and divide it into neat packages anymore. I have packed some of the art-parts of the mod separately for your convenience though.
You can find everything here: ... share_link ... share_link

A nice fellow added the skill tables that for some reason slipped out of the original package and I haven't had time to re-do, he shared them here: ... 60#p368857[/color]
End of edit.

Nice folks from a Russian side of the fandom made a translation of the modling. You can find it here: ... 65&lang=en

I also did some stuff for MM7 if you like:
I call this a Modling, because it's too small to be called a mod, but it has a few components, some of them optional. Please read this post to avoid getting things you don't want. You can find a full list of changes down below and in the following post you can find a few screenshots of textures and items.

To "install" this mod you need to put [overwrite] the files in the Data folder of your MM8 install. The Quest for Druid Grove goes elsewhere, details below.

[or so called 'everything and the kitchen sink';
these are the final files from my install which include all of the changes I've made - like some experimental Ravenshore textures and whatnot - so there could be some things in it you may not want; choose from the list below if you want to know and choose what you're getting; or get just this if you just want everything and fast and couldn't care less about what's changed as long as it's changed :-D there's a tiny readme included with install tips
a few newest changes/encounters are only available in this package though since I added them as an afterthought]

Before placing the files in the folder, make a backup of the originals just in case. Always make backups :yes:

Files and Alternatives:
#1 changes to classes, items, monsters, spawn sizes, etc:
#2 new item visuals, resized potions, ingredients, etc:
* #2 as above, but includes the 5 redone characters:
#3 redone Shadowspire, new textures for ground, water, etc
#4 completing water texture for the patched game:
** #5 quest for the Druid Grove:
*** #6 redone world areas, new encounters, treasure, etc:
*** #6 as above, but with much harder Escaton's Palace & some other difficulty upgrades:

* Redone portraits
CAUTION: they're imperfect and rushed, all frames are done, but not all are flawless; also, the clothes on paperdolls are skimpier, so use only if you don't mind such things/get both #2 files and decide whenever, you can swap them at will.

** Quest for Druid Grove
If you have MMExtension, put this in Scripts/Global to include a missing quest for the Druidic Circlet from Murmurwoods. It can be found in the main part Ravenshore.

*** Feeling adventurous?
CAUTION: Start a new game with this file. You can swap icons.lod and bitmaps.lod whenever, but games.lod will cause crashes/anomalies if replaced mid-game.

This file modifies all of the outer-world areas adding new enemies, treasure, sprites, and making the world generally fuller and more diverse.

Use the EnglishT.lod included in the AreasMod package if you use the games.lod file. It reduces the outer-world spawns [to 5-10 down from 10-20 in the previous file] and prevents at least some of the spawn points from disappearing with the new additions. I've added plenty new enemies manually so if difficulty dropping down is your concern, don't worry.

What could worry you is that I've no idea how stable this is. I have checked it the best I could without actually playing the game, but until someone plays through successfully and says it's okay, please be warned something could go wrong.

This file is a pretty big modification I guess, and if it will work as it should it will be a breath of fresh air for MM8 :) I knew the areas in MM8 were empty, but I haven't realized just HOW empty they were before I tried to fill them. Of course more could be done, but I'm sooo out of time now and I wanted to rejuvenate all of them so I had to curb my enthusiasm :creative:

Few screenshot examples to show what I mean:

All islands on DWI now have enemies and some new treasure. Some life on the volcanic island:

There are some things happening on the hills of Garrotte George, down on the river, the lake, and the Eep temple is now guarded. The area is not so barren and empty anymore either:

Ravenshore has some more diversity now too. The roads are less safe, the bridge, obelisk, smuggler's cave, and Eep temple are also guarded. Some duergars having a campfire near the shore:



### dodging might sometimes be very much in order now I believe :tongue:

- spawn rates increased severely!
- some monsters deal more damage on their attacks
- some monsters are faster [for example centaurs, unicorns and dragons, those that made sense]
- some monsters got new abilities [notably ruby dragons can eradicate now, some monsters knock people unconscious, misc items can also be broken now and a bunch more; sadly I couldn't add the fun summoning as it likes to crash the game often]
- some monsters got new spells [among others, dragon breath makes a triumphant return and care for phoenixes calling down meteors on you!]
- some monsters have been moved around for surprises and challenge, but aside of my lovely flying turtles I did my best to keep it logical enough [care about winged snakes, they went to the gym and refused to be fodder in the starting temple only, I heard eating gogs for breakfast also did them some good]
- some monsters are now mixed! [you can find wyverns in the herd of gorgons or discover necromancers slumming it in the vampire lair etc.]
- less (if any) helpless monsters [no more flying and herding them for easy meteor showering safely from above, most monsters can now attack the team from the distance, even if less effectively than in melee]
- very slight HP adjustments for very few monsters [maybe +100 or +200 hp in 4-5 instances, barely noticeable]
- some monsters have new/changed resistances, so Identify Monster skill might come in handy

- buffed monsters give more XP and oftentimes better treasure as well
- most areas respawn in 3 years instead of 2, because of how much training there is to be done in mods that increase the spawn rates [just change the year in the editor to next one if you want to easily force a respawn at your leisure! It's not cheating if it's to make your life harder I promise :-D ]
- Dark/Light magic spells are much more expensive, especially Soul Drinker and Dragon's Breath spells
- some spells from other magic schools also are more expensive [Town Portal, Lloyd's Beacon, Fly + strongest spell from each school]
- all NPCs have had their levels, skills, and spells zeroed out, but with a mod like this a premade party of 5 is probably still the best choice
- school of fish are unkillable now (I hope), you plane-of-water-armageddoning monsters
- some areas are more dangerous to sleep in! [setting camp in front of the world's arch-enemy's bedroom door is probably not the smartest idea, is it?]
- Necromancers don't start with Dark Magic so they don't get a very valuable spellbook at the start of the game

[utility & coolness]

- weapon/armor artifacts and relics have been buffed to make them actually stand out from the common crap!
- max bonuses on random items raised to 50 for the best items [stuff like Alchemy, X Resist, ID Monster etc, don't know how to modify the preset bonuses like "Of the Gods" etc ;<]
- buff spells have WAY reduced recovery rates [all around 40 like torch light]; I don't know about you, but I didn't find it thrilling to wait after my Day of Protection cast to cast my Hour of Power to wait for my Day of the Gods cast to then wait after each Regeneration... omigod SNOOZE. Well, no more!
- some scarcely used/useless spells like shrinking ray, harm, animate dead etc, also have their recovery rates reduced [varies across the board]
- recipes for black potions for +50 skill are now included in barrel messages for respective skills [everyone checks them online nowadays anyway, let's be honest]
- recipes for Divine Restoration, Divine Power, Divine Cure and Fire Resistance [for the trolls quest] are included in the resistance pot messages
- trainer notes start with SKILL NAME now so that your eye can easily catch what's where
- attribute descriptions include attribute thresholds & bonuses they give
- some things are renamed, because I felt like it


- classes/races have been rebalanced; tables:


- broadswords [5] turned into blade staves
- hats [3] turned into ioun stones
- rings [5/10] turned into sources (new shooting weapon)
- potions are 1-hex big
- all ingedients are 1-hex big
- wolf pelts, naga hides are somewhat smaller
- wasp wax, wasp stinger, wyvern horn are 1-hex big
- imported 1 mace from MM6 and 1 flail from MM7 to replace two maces I didn't like


- terrains: dirt, mountains, gray ground, dirt road, gray road, grass [small res]
- water, fire lake
- some skies
- Shadowspire town buildings & Escaton's crystal


Thanks to Arret now I know the mod is playable [the basic version, the areas modification for now untested!] and can be completed without hitting the wall with your head so the old disclaimer can be put to rest.

Abandoned Temple has small Coatl spawn. FOR A REASON. RUN FORREST RUUUUN. Or not, but that's on you! :creative:

My MM8 mod wishlist
[so things I think would be cool but either don't know how to do or thought I knew, but failed :D]

- make Escaton's Palace feel more like the true endgame location by adding scripts that spawn additional monsters on any TP/Beacon attempt as per MM7rev4mod
- make the unique boss monsters much stronger than the average creatures from their kind
- replace one behemoth instance with Tolberti sprites, behemoths are boooohring

- add the missing quest for druidic circlet to make that location valid Great success, lol. Thanks GrayFace for your quest template, I turned it into this quest :D
- add more spawn points to the plains to make things look more like MM6 monster-density wise instead of the speckles MM8 currently has Want something? DIY! :devious: Well, aside of the wonderful tool that made it possible, MMEditor. Pure genius. Didn't find out how to use chests, but I worked around it in a n00bish, but sufficient, way :D
Last edited by Echo on 03 Nov 2022, 21:18, edited 109 times in total.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty without HP doubling]

Unread postby Echo » 18 Jun 2016, 18:15

I've dabbled around something else - replaced Broadsword category with Blade Staves :-D [not uploaded yet, I want to also make Hats into Ioun Stones so they're not useles and 5 rings into a new shooting weapon with more magic vibe]. I think I'll leave them as 1-handed so not everyone and their mother choose daggers over staff all life.

New items:


Texture changes [new ground textures & water textures are sized 256x256]:

Last edited by Anonymous on 21 Jul 2016, 01:01, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, +5 new staves, +3 ioun stones, +5 wizard sources]

Unread postby overall » 18 Jun 2016, 22:22

x) that's quite creative... i haven't never play this MM games... but if its this good i just might try it!...

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, +5 new staves, +3 ioun stones, +5 wizard sources]

Unread postby Echo » 18 Jun 2016, 22:51

Here's the archive that includes the new items as well as the rest of the changes:

5 rings = new shooting thingies
5 broadswords = new staves
3 hats = new head stones
one hex ingredients & potions
smaller wasp wax, stings, wolf pelts, wyvern horns, naga pelts [a bit smaller, they were behaving oddly]
swaggy red pants for ladies best leather armor

...*cough*I hope I didn't mess anything up moving files around endlessly*cough*

Hah, thanks :) Those games are ooold. But they were my childhood, so I play them every now and then out of nostalgia :) Very playable too, but if I were just starting my adventure with them, I'd play the basic versions first. We're making weird difficulty mods here but it's cause we know them too well I think :D I'm not sure a new player would be thrilled about such experience haha.
Last edited by Anonymous on 21 Jul 2016, 00:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, +5 new staves, +3 ioun stones, +5 shooting sources]

Unread postby GrayFace » 19 Jun 2016, 15:30

Echo wrote:care for phoenixes calling down meteors on you!
Aren't they only met in a dungeon? Not anymore?
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, +5 new staves, +3 ioun stones, +5 shooting sources]

Unread postby Echo » 19 Jun 2016, 18:19

Not anymore. I mixed them with gogs so now some of them also fly around Ironsand + free in the realm of fire instead of the overdone elementals :)

It's kind of odd to me how some effects used in MM7 still work in MM8, but some don't. For example, Flying Fist is non-existent, even though the spell is still in the game. I also hoped MM6 monster spells made it (like some old MM6 interface bits are still hidden in the files), but sadly they didn't :(

I miss Finger of Death, it had a cool sound and animation. Would do great as a spell for the Ether Knights. Even if Protection from Magic kinda invalidates it :p Also, the insect swarm for centaurs would fit nicely.

I kind of wanted to utilize centaurs more, but there's no real place they'd fit well enough and I didn't want to make them really powerful because it could make the beginning of the game kind of awkward with everything being more difficult already. Though I saw another mod here that replaces centaurs with phoenixes or something similar and doesn't care one bit, but that's for people tougher than me I fear :D

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, +5 new staves, +3 ioun stones, +5 shooting sources]

Unread postby overall » 19 Jun 2016, 19:39

yea... difficult well... these MM games reminds me a bit Ultima those games were hard...
especially when i was like under 10 and i didn't understand any english sometimes i bit wonder those pegi ratings why they even make complicated english games with 12 pegi rating... none foreigner or even native kid won't understand english that well... and if they do they don't understand meaning of it... although it might be still fun to play x)
Ultima series always had nice cover arts but the game itself looks absolutely crap x) i just might feel bit cheated buying this only it's cover arts x)
well mostly i haven't play these MM cos they look bit crappy... and i find it bit strange to play so many characters at same time... good that these seem to be open world... although i don't believe that no one gonna answer on LFM off-tank and healer! x)
i could try to play through one of these it shouldn't take so long if i follow some playthrough on youtube...

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, +5 new staves, +3 ioun stones, +5 shooting sources]

Unread postby Echo » 20 Jun 2016, 02:40

And since I'm too used to wide roads now, I've remade them for MM8. They're not perfect, but the general impression is good and I didn't want to dwell on making them match perfectly. Also high res dirt textures, low res grass that fits the dirt (maybe one day I'll make new grass in bigger size too), hills, and... Shadowspire buildings+terrain, because I felt like it :)

[images moved above]

There's plenty more that could be changed to higher resolution and a touch more realistic looking textures, but those were the ones I wanted changed the most so for now I'll leave it like this.
Last edited by Anonymous on 21 Jul 2016, 00:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new terrain textures]

Unread postby Echo » 20 Jun 2016, 14:01

New water textures & new DWI sky:

[moved to post 1]

I've also played around the portraits and retouched a few bases, but I've no time atm to finish them, so I'm going to leave a pack with .psd files here in case I wanted to come back to it once, or someone else wanted to have them for whatever reason :) Most front-facing expressions can be done in few moments using those.

Last edited by Anonymous on 21 Jul 2016, 00:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Arret » 09 Jul 2016, 18:55

Decided to give it a shot. When I bought the boat trip in Dagger Wound to go to Ravenshore my file got corrupted and I got an internal error/crash (repeated this several times). I had to alter the EnglishT.lod file back to the previous version, travel to Ravenshore, run out of the zone to Garrote Gorge, save, and then change the EnglishT.lod file back to the modded file. It looks like I can move between zones (including Ravenshore) and save safely now.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Echo » 10 Jul 2016, 09:33

Strange. While I didn't have time to play through and check the difficulty (but crazier mods have been posted here, I saw one changing centaurs to phoenixes and other similar pleasures :P), I did travel around from DWI to Ravenshore and then through all the major locations by stables or on foot to see if everything got replaced as I wanted it do. It worked okay.

Could be some one-time thing (I'd hope), because I didn't modify and scripts that could possibly break the way the game works. Glad it seems fixed for you after that file move :)

If you'll have any suggestions about changes to make this thing more fun to play, by all means share :)

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby overall » 10 Jul 2016, 23:26

fiery sky and water looks neat... you done that sky your self or is it copied somewhere?...

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Echo » 11 Jul 2016, 09:06

It's a texture from Google, but it wouldn't be hard to make. Photoshop's "Clouds" generation, add a gradient map with chosen colors, and draw in a few of those "lightning breaches" with an overlay layer. And a similar effect could be achieved in a few minutes if you want to experiment with that :)

Realistic sky clouds are more work, I'd say. Gotta think and draw them, though with the various free brushes available they too can be done rather painlessly.

Water, on the other hand, would be a bunch more work I think. Especially since it has to be offset well.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby overall » 11 Jul 2016, 18:30

hmmm... for me it looks like its been made from some fractal program... fractals are used in many other things too...
but if say it can be done easily on photoshop who am i to argue... :]

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Echo » 12 Jul 2016, 09:21

I'm not sure tbh, when I first discovered them I was super fascinated by fractal images, some can be a-ma-zing. But this sky... Hm. Here's the full texture: Some elements repeat, but without rhyme or reason. I'd guess it's more likely some copy-pasta work. The texture is offset so copying could've been done for that. Idk. ... 0x4320.jpg This has a pretty similar theme going. Maybe the sky was just a mix of both? Took a fractal-generated thingie, chopped it off and shopped it for the final effect :9

But that doesn't mean this sort of thing cannot be easily made in PS :P ... lpaper.jpg Now this needs fractals :D So pretty!

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby overall » 12 Jul 2016, 20:51

well... most likely its done some fractal program and mixed on photoshop afterwards... i don't so much play around with photoshop if i need to do something for it i watch some tutorials or read some forums how to do it... but i like your idea as used it a sky :)
i could try someday some fractal program just for fun...

yea fractals are quite fascinating and oddly satisfying... but often they are so similar to each other...
so it more like how use them different and interesting way...
hmm... Tom Beddard and Cory Ench makes nice looking fractals... some very thin lined fractals might look good on that flower :)

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Arret » 14 Jul 2016, 05:37

Finished it up. Actually a pretty solid improvement over the base game. I had to do a clean install from my earlier issue and then restart, but all I had done to that point was clear Dagger Wound and the Dragonbane flower quest. I don't know if the mod had anything to do with the issue.

Dungeons are mostly scaled correctly, especially the main line and promotions quests (particularly putting Vilebite to rest for Overdune as well as the Cleric promotion)
Nasty effects help make up some of the monotony as you get to higher levels. Instant unconscious from Wisps was particularly brutal.
Graphics are improved
OP characters are all scaled back down (all are level 1 except Dyson Leyland who is 15).
Merchant is actually relevant despite the trading triangles and if you don't use an Elf you have to be very careful about cashflow.


Fredrick Talimere really needs basic heal. He's useless aside from merchant and a bow until you get off Dagger Wound. You can get around it easily enough with healing potions, but it seems dumb to have a cleric that can't heal especially with the size of the pirate army outside. You basically have two choices, ignore them completely or hit and run to the fountain.
Forces cookie cutter parties. I really don't see anyway around the basic Knight/Cleric/Necromancer/x/x as a particularly viable comp. Some skill tree changes/balances would have helped.
Certain dungeons are scaled badly. Zog's Fortress could have used more difficulty (maybe just a bunch of ancient wyverns inside?). The Vampire Crypt where you pick up the vial was filled with top level Necromancers mashing dragon breath. This is a minor quest and I walked in at level 100 and kept getting my Lich and Cleric at -300hp before I could take a couple enemies out(thank you Preservation!). This is as much a problem with the base game as anything else. The Lich just never has enough health compared to anyone else.
On a related note: OH LOOK MORE ROCK BLAST!
Because all the characters are all scaled down to level 1 putting a troll somewhere would make sense.

Overall: It defiantly gets tedious at times, but the main line quests feel much more like a progression and less like things that you can just run right through. While not being strictly linear, it fixes a lot of the difficulty gaps. Promotion quests feel much more like something that should be required to get GM skills rather than things to run through as soon as you get to a zone (with the exception of Dark Elf of course). Balance between classes is still terrible, but this "modling" didn't claim to fix those.

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Echo » 14 Jul 2016, 08:39

Hey Arret, cool feedback :)

What do you think could make the class balance better? It's fast and easy to change, both skill thresholds and HP/Mana gains. If you have any suggestions, why not. Perhaps bigger HP gains for the lich? I mean, they're supposed to be squishy, but it shouldn't be 1-shot all the time. I don't know, I'm not a balancer :D

x I'll add Heal to Talimere, of course.
x Zog's Fortress might be tricky, because it uses creature spawns that appear in other places. But I think it might be the only place that uses the highest level of ogre mage. Maybe just buffing those fellas in some fun way would do?
x I thought the Vampire Crypt would contain mid-level Necros. I'll investigate :p
x Did rock-blast seem particularly painful/frustrating somewhere?
x I don't think I can put a new NPC anywhere :( That would require coding. Or replacing some NPC with a troll, I suppose. Though not sure it would actually work. It could.

It's a shame I don't have them skills to place actual spawn points on maps. Comparing MM6, MM7 to MM8, MM8 maps are just empty. They're somewhat smaller than others, but that could work if there was actually stuff happening around them. But mostly, there isn't. I flew around vanilla game a little bit before fiddling with the spawns and say Shadowspire has some 10 or so spawns scattered in big distances with 2-3 vampires each etc. Now remember the awesome fields of defeated monsters from MM6 and how difficult it could be to sneak through some locations due to frequent spawns :<

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Echo » 14 Jul 2016, 11:10

@ Overall
I wanted to check what I could actually create in PS in the few minutes I said this texture would take to see if I wasn't talking absolute bs saying it's fast and easy :D

This is what I came up with:

I didn't want to paint the cracks by hand cause I have no time and no right brush, so I used this texture: ... exture.jpg which could of course be made into a brush to begin with, but no need. I wanted to just dick around :P It's not seamless, but skies don't tile anyway in MM8 I think so it'd be irrelevant. And I gotta get back to work :<

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Re: Echo's MM8 Monstrosity Modling [++ utility & difficulty, new items, new textures]

Unread postby Arret » 15 Jul 2016, 01:01

There is a Vampire right when you get to Ravenshore by the boat. That's the one I would replace with a troll since you already have one from Dagger Wound. I don't usually use trolls, but it seemed like an oversight not being able to have one until you finished the promotion quest.

Rock Blast gets pretty ridiculous in places with open rooms and 7-10 back to back casts. The Plane of Earth and the Cyclops Larder were certainly annoying, but considering what those quests are for, it's not unreasonable. It's more that most of your characters are fine, but Clerics and Necromancers just get destroyed over and over. Body Building master would probably fix the issue, but I'm not sure that them dying easily is necessarily a bad thing in terms of game design considering how powerful GM of magic skills is.

For balance, it really comes down to 3 classes
1) Minotaur - What a complete mess. Aside from not being able to wear a full set of armor, they just don't do anything all that well. I would probably make them more directly along the lines of Paladins from MM7 with axes instead of maces. Light magic would help (expert with master when promoted) and better meditation. They need Plate GM. They need to be dual wielding axe/sword or massively increase the damage from Balthazar's Axe.
2) Vampire - I would give them expert dark (master when promoted) which gives you another dragon breath and master Meditation. Nosferatu is probably the hardest promotion and those Cyclopes were hard even when over-leveled for the area.
3) Troll - Not a major item, but something like GM armsmaster would help. Not really mandatory, they just aren't as strong as a knight. Maybe remove GM plate from Knights? If possible maybe increase the rate of regeneration at GM even further.

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