MMExtension v2.2 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [June 4, 2019]

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby neutonm » 23 Apr 2016, 13:38

Great news! :D

I'm trying to get deep to the water problem. I just opened internal map and then my own map. The problem's fixed! Saved, compiled good. But on game restart everything turns back :(

Guys, you haven't shared the way you make minimap snapshot. I just need the scan that's all. All the photoshop stuff i can do myself.
Be so kind :)

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 23 Apr 2016, 14:46

This is my scene for rendering minimaps in Blender, but I draw attention, however, that I don't just render, because then it looks poorly. Creating a minimap is a more complicated process.

To import map into this scene, click 'File/Import/Wavefront (.obj)' and choose your map model.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 23 Apr 2016, 17:01

It works! :-D I forgot to add an entry in the MonList.txt in "Tables" folder instead of editing the file MonList.txt in the game archives. :tongue:

I added a monster, but in the editor I can't choose it from the list (I set it on map by editing a different monster). I set him a new animation in MonList.txt that uses frames of Minotaurs, but it doesn't work correctly. All the time the monster only uses a single frame (from all sides) of Wolves animation (screen below).
And here is what I wrote to the game files:

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby Baronus » 23 Apr 2016, 18:10

Beutiful!:-):-):-):-) Succes! I see new game :-)
I must see it! Now we can use all NWC monsters :-):-):-) About 180 x 3 =540 !!!! plus Chaos Conspiracy, Maestro mod 300 x 3 =900 :-):-):-)
But I suggest building games using only part of monsters and next with another. It will be most interesting.
I suggest climatic packs of monsters. Necro units (sceleton, zombie, ghost), werewolves units (wolf, werewolf, lycantrope), serpent units (quoatl, serpentman, naga), rat units, with climatic locations terrains and NPCs . Mix unfited units like in MMVII dont looks good. And climate is lost...
What about using Legends oMM models? The same NWC orginals but only small group of peoples playing LoMM.
neutonm this water is so needed? You cant cut it a go forward? What about new 2.1 editor? Maybe it is correct?
And if you want fas search MM game resources a suggest using MMArchive and extract all to folders eg. icons, english(...), sprites (without units). And you can fast search picture you want in bmp format.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 23 Apr 2016, 19:45

Baronus wrote:Cong.:-) It is road to creating rmg like in Daggerfall and rdungeon g. It will be very usefull. Thanks :-)
Noo, not at all. Breaking into rooms is manual, only the portal polygon is created automatically. As for Daggerfall, its dungeons are probably created out of many pre-made rooms joined randomly. Haven't played Daggerfall, but Morrowind's dungeons were made the same way, but manually. Replicating this is possible, but very hard and not needed.
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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 23 Apr 2016, 20:30

J. M. Sower wrote:In Scripts\Structs\ appears file "02 Increase Facets Limit.lua". Could you explain what improvements it introduced? I dream about it, that will be removed limits of number of models included in the maps.
512 models instead of 128:
-- 128 models outdoor / 8192 facets indoor is too restricting
-- This script extends that to x4 of the amounts
It's only for MM8 for now.
J. M. Sower wrote: Thanks for targeting me, about main menu graphics.
I can dig up graphics from TCC to give you some names.
J. M. Sower wrote: So the MonList.txt doesn't contain any limits and there are some free slots in Monsters.txt and Hostile.txt?
J. M. Sower wrote: This improvement with NPC_ID was desirable, but there was able to circumvent that with the scripts. For example:

Code: Select all

local mon = SummonMonster(167, 3850, 5920, 704)
mon.NPC_ID = 31
mon.Hostile = false
mon.Direction = 1548
This will make a monster with no gold and no items. To have a monster with standard treasure you need to pass 'true' as the 5th parameter.
J. M. Sower wrote: Ps. How to set for the monster that is alive or undead? Some spells only work on one type, so I'd like to know how to change it.

Code: Select all

function events.IsMonsterOfKind(t)
  if t.Kind == 1 and t.Id == (some id) then
    t.Result = true  -- undead
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 24 Apr 2016, 03:16

Here's an archive with my stuff for minimap rendering and post-processing. Like I said, I want to do post-processing step in GIMP and then I can make a description for it, now only Blender step is described. Below are examples I posted before. Note that Ravenshore pic is older than the archive contents, that's why there's such an apparent "ladder" on the edge of the water.
neutonm wrote:I'm trying to get deep to the water problem. I just opened internal map and then my own map. The problem's fixed! Saved, compiled good. But on game restart everything turns back :(
I just looked and haven't found test files from you. with out01123.obj may be yours, but I'd also like the saved map (.odt), compiled .odm and .ddm files, also some files you tested apple tree problem with.

P.S. Great to see so many people in MM modding. We should somehow concentrate our efforts. I also have a number of tools to patch up and upload that would help you with modding.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby neutonm » 24 Apr 2016, 08:18

Thank you very much guys!
Somehow, the possibility to export map into obj slipped trough my mind :slap:
Just made a quick test using grayface's method but i guess J. M. Sower's is the same. The most important it works, i'll do post-processing at the late part of mod developing - it's good that minimap exists as it serves as "debugging" guide.

WELL. I gave up with that water anyway and continued developing it... something happened and it's now FIXED :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: . I have no idea how, but it is! No more icy water. Motivation is boosted 200%.

Right now, i'm finishing my first map, modeling a town. I'm enjoying doing it, especially modeling part.


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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby neutonm » 24 Apr 2016, 08:22

Baronus wrote: And if you want fas search MM game resources a suggest using MMArchive and extract all to folders eg. icons, english(...), sprites (without units). And you can fast search picture you want in bmp format.
Yep, using that archive since i started doing map. For better stuff i'm just uploading new resources into 00.patch.icons.lod, etc.
They're almost empty and it's easy to use.

Say Baronus, you're doing on something as well? Come on, post some screens!
GrayFace wrote: I just looked and haven't found test files from you. with out01123.obj may be yours, but I'd also like the saved map (.odt), compiled .odm and .ddm files, also some files you tested apple tree problem with.
It seems like you fixed the apple problem. Thanks a lot :)
GrayFace wrote:P.S. Great to see so many people in MM modding. We should somehow concentrate our efforts. I also have a number of tools to patch up and upload that would help you with modding.
I think we already doing that. The whole idea of modding is being concentrated by all of us. At certain point of time there we'll be 3 mods at least :).
New tools will be welcomed with pleasure, as the tools you already made makes life easier.

PS: You've increased the limits. I recall lurking through the Lua sources and when i tried changing the limit it resulted the crash (76) - it appears the max limit variable is set inside the exe but i don't know: Is it Lua code change or is it dll/exe?

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby Baronus » 24 Apr 2016, 10:31

I have some rather technical and graphic modification. My own MMVIII menu. Ive moded items. Stats ballance. Weapon speed. Training center levels. etc. I planned about 300 weapons and shields in MMVIII in empty items area. Adding MMXChoV beauty items.
Maybe GrayFace tell as how to add armor, hat, bekt etc. Its no so simple
Teachers mod. Each teacher teach to his level not only his lecel. Expert eg. to 2. But GM 2,3,4. It will be better than in game.
But mapping for me is now to hard. Especialy quests. Because painting and placeing units its not all. Maybe if it will be more tools. Maximal automatisation and easiest.
Yes is very joy to see big movement in MM. New games. If it will be more easy tools will be more modders. Not only Sower and neutonm! I see there another projects. Maybe this persons made their maps.
I suggest not to big games. 12 maps x 3 dungeons = 36 quests And maybe 12 main quests. Quest description short. I think better 2 short games than 1 gigantic. MMVI is rather too big. MMVIII ok but locations rather to small.
All good in your creations. Good work :-)
PS. Open new themes for all your mod. It is needed.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 24 Apr 2016, 17:50

neutonm wrote:Thank you very much guys!
WELL. I gave up with that water anyway and continued developing it... something happened and it's now FIXED :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: . I have no idea how, but it is! No more icy water. Motivation is boosted 200%.
Maybe you have the old version archived somewhere?
neutonm wrote: For better stuff i'm just uploading new resources into 00.patch.icons.lod, etc.
They're almost empty and it's easy to use.
That's the worst idea. They are overridden on patch setup. You should create new archives, e.g. "" etc. You can either copy archives of patch and remove content belonging to the patch, or create new ones with File-New in MMArchive and select the appropriate archive kind in that dialog.
neutonm wrote: It seems like you fixed the apple problem. Thanks a lot :)
No I didn't... Didn't do anything that could fix it.
neutonm wrote: I think we already doing that. The whole idea of modding is being concentrated by all of us. At certain point of time there we'll be 3 mods at least :).
That is, if the mods are small. Big mods won't be finished without growing their teams. Most mods for any game are abandoned unfinished.
neutonm wrote: PS: You've increased the limits. I recall lurking through the Lua sources and when i tried changing the limit it resulted the crash (76) - it appears the max limit variable is set inside the exe but i don't know: Is it Lua code change or is it dll/exe?
It's all in Scripts\Structs\After\RemoveMapStatsLimit.lua and similar. I do all patching in Lua, only some old hooks are set by MMExt dll itself.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby neutonm » 24 Apr 2016, 19:29

GrayFace wrote: Maybe you have the old version archived somewhere?
No exactly the old version, but i have piece with bugged water. I've installed MM7 once more and included the map to test it - looks like bug relates to the map file, not the game itself as the newly installed version was not patched with your patch.
GrayFace wrote:
That's the worst idea. They are overridden on patch setup. You should create new archives, e.g. "" etc. You can either copy archives of patch and remove content belonging to the patch, or create new ones with File-New in MMArchive and select the appropriate archive kind in that dialog.
Damn, i had idea about it but i didn't knew the game could read lods of other names - that's why i packed it. If i have, for example, 3 lods of ending then which one is in priority?

EDIT: it must be written somewhere which lod it should read. I've made "", put there map and here it is: it can't find map. It wants map to be inside Games.lod
GrayFace wrote: No I didn't... Didn't do anything that could fix it.
That's... scary. Maybe it has something to do with water bug cuz when i saw non-bugged water i flew quickly to test apples.
It's really game of might and magic :oex:
GrayFace wrote: That is, if the mods are small. Big mods won't be finished without growing their teams. Most mods for any game are abandoned unfinished.
This depends on what you mean by Big Mods. With your tools everything might seem "small" :)
Assuming MM7Rev4Mod was made without all these tools (editing damn addresses only?) then it could be counted as Big. Big stands for big amount of effort put into production.

What do you suggest then?
GrayFace wrote:
It's all in Scripts\Structs\After\RemoveMapStatsLimit.lua and similar. I do all patching in Lua, only some old hooks are set by MMExt dll itself.
Thanks for pointing it out. Was rather educative.
You sure know how to deal with memory stuff and there's little bit of assembly. Asm code always gave an impression as if someone tries to summon Cthulhu. Thank god there's understandable lua tied with it.


Troubling with 2DEvents.txt... too confusing.

What should i do if i want to load two custom NPCs (add more icons into xxx.icons.lod), or even 3 and place them into custom house (and choose entrance video for it) ? Or, say i put EnterHouse command and i want Lord Markham icon to be shown while player is looking at stables 2Devent .

How about putting NPC into... temple? EDIT: found it, evt.MoveNPC command.
How do i remove them, the residents? There's is 2Devent #318 with name "E_House P11" and it has 2 residents with some topics. Where it is written that it should have these two guys with specific topic? How do i remove em?
Setting new topics to residents is the same as you add in quests?

And last - There are videos in anims/magic.vid which are connected to 2DEvents.txt but i don't see their ID's, their filenames and "name" attribute doesn't match.

I've check most .txt. Feels like these variables somewhere hidden away from sight.


Just encountered with another issue. For some reason compiled map doesn't like "Trim1_128h" and "Trim1_128v" textures, but editor does.
It's not the first time this occurs, only this texture glitches.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 28 Apr 2016, 07:27

neutonm wrote:Damn, i had idea about it but i didn't knew the game could read lods of other names - that's why i packed it. If i have, for example, 3 lods of ending then which one is in priority?

EDIT: it must be written somewhere which lod it should read. I've made "", put there map and here it is: it can't find map. It wants map to be inside Games.lod
Turns out I forgot to write about order. The rest is written in patch description. They're loaded in alphabetical order after the main archive. Games.lod support isn't complete and I need to look into it. I thought it should load completely new maps properly at least.
neutonm wrote:
GrayFace wrote: That is, if the mods are small. Big mods won't be finished without growing their teams. Most mods for any game are abandoned unfinished.
This depends on what you mean by Big Mods. With your tools everything might seem "small" :)
Assuming MM7Rev4Mod was made without all these tools (editing damn addresses only?) then it could be counted as Big. Big stands for big amount of effort put into production.

What do you suggest then?
Back in the day it took a lot of programming effort, yes. Today I don't worry about programming. I'd do all programming we need with tools I've made, especially the classic stuff would be easy, like what TCC did (as opposed to new spells etc.). TCC let alone Rev4 pales in comparison with what's planned for MM8.5 anyway. It would take huge effort to make all new outdoor and indoor maps, models in them etc. Writing doesn't take nearly as much effort, but finding people to do it is a problem as well. Rev4 and then TCC had writers and we don't have them yet. We're focusing on making maps so far.
neutonm wrote: What do you suggest then?
Teaming up, although it's hard when everyone has his own vision. MM8.5 vision for one isn't flexible at all at this point. It includes A LOT of planned maps and Maestro is very reluctant to remove any of them.
neutonm wrote: What should i do if i want to load two custom NPCs (add more icons into xxx.icons.lod), or even 3 and place them into custom house (and choose entrance video for it) ?
Yes, NPC<4-digit number> in xxxx.icons.lod and a line in npcdata.txt with corresponding Pic index and other properties.
neutonm wrote:Or, say i put EnterHouse command and i want Lord Markham icon to be shown while player is looking at stables 2Devent .
There are 2 Picture columns in 2DEvents.txt: copy the first one from stables and set the second to that of Lord Markham.
neutonm wrote: How about putting NPC into... temple? EDIT: found it, evt.MoveNPC command.
How do i remove them, the residents? There's is 2Devent #318 with name "E_House P11" and it has 2 residents with some topics. Where it is written that it should have these two guys with specific topic? How do i remove em?
Use "Current 2D Location" column of npcdata.txt
neutonm wrote:Setting new topics to residents is the same as you add in quests?
Yes, like in Quest Example.lua from ... Quests.rar. Here is an excerpt with all you need for a simple topic:

Code: Select all

local A, B, C, D, E, F = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
QuestNPC = 1  -- The lizard in the tavern
-- a simple text topic
	Slot = B,
	Texts = {
		Topic = "Bla Bla",
		Ungive = "Bla Bla Bla",
I should probably make it easier to create simple topics than it is now. I already have a few ideas.
neutonm wrote: And last - There are videos in anims/magic.vid which are connected to 2DEvents.txt but i don't see their ID's, their filenames and "name" attribute doesn't match.
There's a videos array built into exe, I haven't touched it yet because I haven't fully studied what some of its fields mean.
neutonm wrote: Just encountered with another issue. For some reason compiled map doesn't like "Trim1_128h" and "Trim1_128v" textures, but editor does.
It's not the first time this occurs, only this texture glitches.
Maybe because of long name, I don't know. Gotta check.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby Baronus » 28 Apr 2016, 08:57

I worked on videos. Each video has his number. You see it in 2devents. There are description eg. poor house etc. You must see it and write eg in notebook which is number. You can change between the same types eg. weapon shop to another ws. House to h.
If you want more advanced modification it must be correction source code. At this moment only GrayFace. Something like "video panel" when you can change animation, its function etc. But new training needs description to which level. Shop needs how skills is teaching how weapon, armor etc.
Standard quests which can be automatical.
1.Find (itemid, npcid or some npcs, items or building mixture) and go to (npcid may be the same or another or some npcs) + optionaly description fabula text + txt in questnotes + bonus exp., gold, item... And automatical game command to place it in dungeon, chest etc.
2.Give this item eg. letter (npcid or some npc) and notes, bonus etc.
3. Defeat all enemies eg. rats ( max limit 3 creatures in one place) on area. I think that must be place area out14. etc.
4. Defeat npcid, spriteid (or few) and...
5. Talk with npcid, spriteid (or few) and...
And I think that is 99% quests.
Eventually like in walls of mist. Bring (npc, item) dont hurting anyone in out05.
We can think about another standard textes. There is rather small options and automatisation is not so work absorbent.
My next ideas.
1. Modding Arco:-) 30 tower is to small. Where it is in exe? I cant find! Or MMext modding way!
2. Teaching skills not in shops (nonsense) but in teachers houses. If its not hard will be usefull.
3. Percent in banks. Ive it but only in MMVI.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 02 May 2016, 22:55

GrayFace wrote:
neutonm wrote:Or, say i put EnterHouse command and i want Lord Markham icon to be shown while player is looking at stables 2Devent .
There are 2 Picture columns in 2DEvents.txt: copy the first one from stables and set the second to that of Lord Markham.
I was wrong. It seems that picture is ignored. Instead, the picture specified in videos array is used.

P.S. The new version is going very well. All sorts of quests (thanks Baronus), easy localization of anything, full support for, house videos array to be done.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby Baronus » 03 May 2016, 08:29

Very good news!
In video important is SEPARATE functions and look. Eg. the same video in one case is house in another case shop or training. And option changing npc face because is automaticaly the same in shops, stables etc. error? If it is possible will be usefull.
We have in TES quest:
6. Escort npcid, item, potion (in MMVIII cure plague) to... npcid buildingid eg.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 04 May 2016, 21:35

GrayFace wrote: P.S. The new version is going very well. All sorts of quests (thanks Baronus), easy localization of anything, full support for, house videos array to be done.
Support for making quests will be very helpful. I also had that problems with houses videos. So, I'm looking forward! :)

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 05 May 2016, 02:32

Backward incompatibilities:
events.SpellDamage{Damage, ...} -> events.CalcSpellDamage{Result, ...}
events.WalkToMap - fixed up/down being swapped.
J. M. Sower wrote:Support for making quests will be very helpful.
What do you mean? It's been there for quite some time, I'm just improving it.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 05 May 2016, 09:52

GrayFace wrote:What do you mean? It's been there for quite some time, I'm just improving it.
Sorry, I mean BETTER support. ;)

I have a question. How to change sky texture in outdor map?

Ps. Also, how to set to single play sound when you click on current sprite/facet? Nevermind. ;)

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby caes1 » 10 May 2016, 10:51

Hey guys! Need help. I've installed MM6, installed the latest GRAYFACE patch 2.0. And then - the latest MMEXTENSION 2.1. Now everytime I try to load saved game i get the following message in debug console. Also, the game crashes when my characters get cursed. I realy got used to playing with awesome circus and druid scripts, and planned to install them next. As I remember some time ago with older versions of patch or mmextension everything worked flawless. I've Grayface patch v1.11.2 on my hard drive, but not the version of mmextension that worked with it. Can you guys help me out? Either by telling me what to do with the following trouble, or by giving the link to the old mmextension version?

Code: Select all

... (x86)\Might and Magic VI\Scripts\Global\Hand2Weapon.lua:11: memory at address 412C8D of size 4 cannot be written to

stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:323: in function 'write_error'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:356: in function 'Protect'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:479: in function '__newindex'
	... (x86)\Might and Magic VI\Scripts\Global\Hand2Weapon.lua:11: in function 'SetWeaponOffsets'
	... (x86)\Might and Magic VI\Scripts\Global\Hand2Weapon.lua:21: in main chunk

arguments of '__newindex':
	t = (table: 0x01064c48)
	a = 4271245
	v = 593

upvalues of '__newindex':
	assertnum = (function: 0x011b1f78)
	Protect = (function: 0x011b1790)
	size = 4
	ffi = (table: 0x01067c18)
	type = "int32_t*"
	Unprotect = (function: 0x00cc7cf0)

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