H4 Unity

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H4 Unity

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 02 Apr 2016, 22:49

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Just received a message from Karmakeld, one of the brains behind a campaign for Heroes IV.

 pleased to announce that a group of dedicated Heroes 4 fans have taken 
upon themselves the task of creating a Heroes 4 version of the newly 
released H7 campaign: Unity. The H4 version of the campaign will be 
based on the original script, written by Terry B. Ray, which we have 
been fortunate enough to get our hands on (thanks to a certain some 
one). [/i][i]We 
plan for our version to be slightly different than the H7 version, while
 still staying true to Terry B. Ray's script. We will tell you more 
about these differences later. Right now, the team is still processing 
the original script and planning out the details of each of the five 
maps. We have great plans for this campaign and hopefully the fan 
communities will support this project.[/i][i]If you would like to help with the project, please don't hesitate to contact us either on this forum, by mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 , or on FaceBook at [url=https://www.facebook.com/groups/1570455336599900/]https://www.facebook.com/groups/1570455336599900/[/url].[/i]
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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby GreatEmerald » 03 Apr 2016, 10:32

Uh, can someone explain what that is? For those out there like me, who are ignoring everything that comes out of Ubisoft? :D

Speaking of which, something of the sort for LotA would be interesting too.

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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby Karmakeld » 03 Apr 2016, 10:48

Well, you can easily find a lot about it, but in short: The H7 team found two written scripts, for two unreleased H4 campaigns. Both scripts were written by H4 writer Terry B. Ray. Marzhin who did the LotA decided to make these campaigns and with a reference to his LotA he name it the Lost Tales of Axeoth. Following the release of the first campaign Unity, I read a post by Galaad, hoping that some dedicated fans would release it in a H4 version, as it was originally intended for. He claimed he wasn't the author of this idea, as others had already expressed a similar wish. So that's basically what we decided to do :) Alot of material had seemingly been made/planned for those two campaigns, but sadly only very little of it made it to the game. E.g. the two main heroes for the Unity campaign is present, though made unavailable like all campaign heroes.
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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby GreatEmerald » 03 Apr 2016, 18:45

Hm, fascinating.

From what I gathered when reading about stuff, LotA isn't finished either (although it's not based on Terry's scripts, right?). So this could be an interesting solution, especially since HoMM4 obviously already has the needed art and whatnot, and generally making maps there is easier than in the 3D games. (Would also save me the trouble of buying and setting up MMH5 just for these two campaigns :P )

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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby Karmakeld » 03 Apr 2016, 20:37

To my knowledge Marzhin made LotA as a fan project, continuing some of the stories of H4, but indeed didn't finish it. I think he finished the stories but not all of the actual maps/campaigns. As far as I know, those stories were his work, fan fiction, which was later sealed 'official Might and Magic' content. Well hopefully this will have a more H4 feel to it, than the H7 version did ;)
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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby Skullmane » 08 Apr 2016, 13:13

Ooh, very interesting. Definitely looking forward to playing some lost H4 campaigns, should be good.

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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby Karmakeld » 08 Apr 2016, 18:32

Thank you Skullmane.
So far we have a lot of interesting ideas :) You can keep track of our progress on our FB site or on this tread: https://www.celestialheavens.com/forum/7/16034..
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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby cjlee » 10 Apr 2016, 10:40

good to add content to h4.

H7 has caused more problems for my computer than all previous versions of Heroes COMBINED. (And I have played every version since H1).

I think fans will just ignore H7 once again, and fan campaigns will work on earlier, superior versions of Heroes.

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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby Karmakeld » 10 Apr 2016, 21:20

Well hopefully, this campaign as well as Every Dog Has It's Day will bring back some interest in H4 again. It's great to see that maps and campaigns are still being made for the older versions of Heroes. I think a lot of people got excited when they announced the Lost Tales.. for H7, but we hope that many will take a trip back to the real Axeoth with us :)

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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby cjlee » 11 Apr 2016, 18:42

Lost Tales is full of bugs.

My computer had to restart, or was auto-restarted after blue screen of death, 9 times in 2 maps.

I don't even begin to understand how Limbic did it, but it's as though they were deliberately trying to anger buyers. I'm THIS close to filing paypal complaint on the game seller for non delivery. I don't consider this a finished product.

It would definitely be better if fans could get together and make a better game than the crap Limbic puts out.

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Re: H4 Unity

Unread postby Karmakeld » 12 Apr 2016, 20:17

I saw a walkthrough on youtube, of The Lost Tales, which also contained alot of strange bugs, quests wouldn't complete, player would suddenly win the map without completing all quests - completions date was listed as day 1, week 1, month 1. Some bugs could be handled by loading and doing things slightly different. But I've also talked to someone who had experienced few to no bugs during the same campaign. But no matter, they shouldn't be present in the amount that has been reported.
Let's hope they do better with the 2nd campaign.

As for the H4 version, fans have joined togther, and we've just recently been contacted by more fans, who wish to help us out, but I can assure you, that we won't be releasing the H4 Unity campaign until it's been thoroughly tested and balanced :) Hopefully we should be ready to reveal a few details of what we have planned, some time soon.
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