I too would like to give a reply to this.Salamandre wrote:And I was one of them, also did a walkthrough of your first campaign because you guys had potential. But then you released other maps, which were in no way better or different than previous, while all top mapmakers try to open another door each time. Every month, there are 20-50 new H3 maps submitted to maps4heroes, every other month one top map is detailed in Heroes Community, with screens, strategies and solutions. If you want people interested and commenting your maps, you have to keep yourself informed, play or study new maps, then, if the creative fiber teases you, try to apply new content of what you learned in your own maps, after filtering through your own sensibility.HeroOfPunk wrote: In the beginning when we made maps, we got a lot of response, we had playtesters, people commented our work and gave quick feedback. It was great fun, but as you are saying Kalah, it seems like people disappeared. I do miss those glory days that led to the joy and fun of making maps.
Or just design maps because this is fun for you. And accept that good maps are commented while mediocre maps are ignored. Because there is a large choice, now.
I find it quite hard to think that it would be the same content (unless you mean that it refers to the universe of Sighisoara?), due to the simple fact that there was 3 people mainly (me, Yurian and Maygwan) working on campaign 1. The map was mainly swamp, the storyline was a totally different one too.
In Campaign 2, we mainly had Yurian. We had more varying terrains, different factions, a new storyline. What do you want us to do? Install WoG and paint the map in those 5000 extra objects?
Yet, I do understand you to some extent, MoS2 may not have been as good as our first campaign, that is why we have worked extremely hard to get new followers to try our old campaigns. We have asked them to bash us and tell us what needs to be better.
A lot of people found it hard to critique most things. But we have gotten some very good feedback.
Masters of Sighisoara 3 is a total remake I would like to say, we got a whole bunch of new factions, new characters, new stories and new ways of thinking when it comes to designing maps. I would like to say that the new way of thinking comes from me doing a bit more of the design of the actual maps while Yurian keeps polishing, balancing and grammar checking.
We also take a new approach on how we portrait our Heroes. We took one step towards a more emotional and "getting to know your character" in MoS2 with Nagraelle and others sharing more of their inner thoughts, but MoS3 is in a whole different level.
At the same time, we are looking at a stand alone game that is in planning stage currently. And oh yes, we are also now giving the player more in depth info on the lore and on the overall world. So I think you should give it a try, as Yurian mentioned, Q2 will mark it¨s release.
Until then, please critique our work with some constructive feedback so that we can improve and get better, instead of just saying "it's all the same."
Thank you,
Creator of the Masters of Sighisoara Project!