Salamandre wrote:And I was one of them, also did a walkthrough of your first campaign because you guys had potential.
Salamandre, we remain grateful for your walkthrough, opinion and advise concerning the Masters of Sighisoara I campaign "The Murdered Innkeep". At that time there were quite a many people out there playing the said campaign, but little to none feedback actually reached as back then which would have discussed the entire 4-piece campaign, let alone a full fledged walkthrough. Kudos to you for being one of the active folks. It's all much appreciated.
Salamandre wrote: But then you released other maps, which were in no way better or different than previous, while all top mapmakers try to open another door each time.
Are you referring to the related standalone Sighisoara singlescenario maps "A Sighisoara Christmas, Prime Suspect and The Rogue's Hideout?" If so, please explain why you think that these "were in no way better or different than previous"? Or perhaps this was a veiled reference to my (Yurian Stonebow) solo maps released during the same time window, or to be more precise, the years 2011 to 2013. I'm not immune to criticism, you know.
Salamandre wrote:Every month, there are 20-50 new H3 maps submitted to maps4heroes, every other month one top map is detailed in Heroes Community, with screens, strategies and solutions.
I'm tempted to say that while we (HoP and Yurian) do not visit Heroes Community on daily basis, it's reasonable to expect that the site mentioned by you continues to draw followers amongst the vast Heroes fandom out there. So, I take your word for it. Screenies are good. I know how to take those.
Salamandre wrote:If you want people interested and commenting your maps, you have to keep yourself informed, play or study new maps, then, if the creative fiber teases you, try to apply new content of what you learned in your own maps, after filtering through your own sensibility.
We are always happy to meet new people, and especially so if they have a word or two to say about our campaigns and related "single" maps.

It's not far fetched, or so I believe, for me to say that meeting old acquaintances is equally rewarding when they come forward to share their comment about the World of Sighisoara with us. Contrary to what you might think, keeping us informed isn't
that hard to do, but searching diligently through the vast database of maps4heroes with their 20 to 50 new Heroes III maps per month is at times difficult when one has a full day regular pay job to attend to as well. It drains our resources. As for new content, we evolve with each campaign released. It's quite natural.
Salamandre wrote:Or just design maps because this is fun for you. And accept that good maps are commented while mediocre maps are ignored. Because there is a large choice, now.
Designing new maps just for fun is what we do. We continue to write for us and see if we're happy with it, if yes, then why not release the work.
We are most of the time quite satisfied with our producs and the quality there within. After all, we do not give it the "Yurian's Seal of Approval" for nothing. Surely that alone should guarantee to you that the maps must be of excellent value. Since people continue to download our maps and even play them, we are left with impression that a choice (be it large or small) has been made. Not long ago we received news that some Heroes fans out there are playing our 1st Campaign using the WoG platform. We must be hugely popular if even the WoG players know of our work. (The Sighisoara Campaigns and maps are meant to be played under Heroes III: The Shadow of Death)
With all this said, I encourage Salamandre and others to re-embrace the World of Sighisoara. The Sighisoara story continues with the release of the Third Campaign, "A Gyondrian's Tale" in Q2 or the Second quarter of the fiscal year from the beginning of April to the end of June (04/01 - 06/30).
Feel free to contact the Sighisoara Team for more information and to participate Beta Testing the Third Campaign
Yurian Stonebow
Project Coordinator of the Masters of Sighisoara Heroes III Project
Don't worry if things are going badly today. They will be much worse tomorrow.