Heroes 3 Map BurNIng Desire Finaly Done!

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Heroes 3 Map BurNIng Desire Finaly Done!

Unread postby MeCho » 09 Aug 2013, 20:19

So it finally done i have made Allied and non allied versions and i found that the AI even worse then usual so i made EAI -Enchanted Artificial Intelligence versions which i highly recommend if you usually play on Expert or Impossible they grant AI extra units as well as gold to purchase them for and while you can play and win the map on Expert or Impossible it will be quite annoying for the first month or so.

you can download all 4 versions here:

NOTE: Only the (EAI) Versions are updated!!!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mato2uohn4nya ... e.rar?dl=0

Please rate and give feedback as well as report any bugs if you find them even though i have tested the map and i beleave to be none

Ohh and if someone would be willing to be the tester so i can upload it to celestial heavens i would appreciate it

So with my first to will be map which originated in 2010 halfway on completion i decided to give some info on the release trying not to spoil it (too much)

BurNIng Desire is - A Large 4 player map with a Dungeon and moderate amount of water in both the Dungeon and the surface

Each player starts in a corner of a map on his own personal island 2 players on the surface (Rampart,Stronghold) 2 in the Dungeon (Inferno,Dungeon) as you already can see you cannot choose any other Faction except for the mentioned above but you can choose your hero the map comes in two versions FFA and Allies (Surface Vs Dungeon) and BONUS version for both FFA and Allies but thats a story for another day

What is to be expected from the map:
*Every Object hand placed with huge consideration taken to details *Every quest Fully customized
*Countless grammar errors
*Timed events and tile events some -player unique
*some open and well hidden humor and easter eggs
*A nice balance between unchanging and changing things
* Battle and recruit Feerie,Crystal,Azure,Rust Dragons
*All towns except hometowns customized which are few and very hard to get the map in total has at least one town of each faction
*Possibility of performing a monolight backstab or getting a backstab(and suffering a quick loose on a long game from it becouse you cant find a dominatable town you wont find town portal here ...no sir)
*Gameplay which will be enjoyed by new pawns and veterans alike
*Hard Challanges whit rewards that will leave you with a BurNIng Desire

This map will NOT be best suited for player who:
*want to get into player vs player action right from the get go this especially counts if your playing(Allies) version
*Want to start as Castle,Necropolis,Conflux,Fortress or Tower
*Dont like to finish a map that still has much left to offer
*Dont like the maps that dont provide mirror advantages


Completely removed Fly And Town Portal
Dimension Door limited to a single scroll on the map

Secondary skills:

Disabled First Aid



Some Quest Artifacts
Badge of Courage
Pendant of Courage
Eagle Eye boosters
Angel Wings
Spellbinders Hat
Tome of Air
Tome of Earth
Eagle Eye boosters

Note that you should finish most of the games without having a single player
completing any of the collectables except for the admirals hat nevertheless
the artifacts include but are not limited to:

At least Two Shackles of War
All 4 Elemental Orbs
The Grail
Armageddons Blade
Collectable Power of The Dragonfather
Collectable Ring of the Magi
Collectable Admiral's Hat
Collectable Statue of Legion
Collectable Angelic Alliance
Collectable Titans Thunder
Collectable Armor of the Damned
Collectable Bow of the Sharpshooter
Collectable Cornucopia
Last edited by MeCho on 03 Mar 2016, 16:21, edited 27 times in total.

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Unread postby Karmakeld » 09 Aug 2013, 22:14

To post a pic, you'll need it uploaded somewhere online e.g. photobucket. To insert it, simply type [img](image%20link)[/img]

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Unread postby Xdarkon » 09 Aug 2013, 22:20

I am looking forward to this! Sounds like it has some promise. *Thumbs up*

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Teaser pics realeased!

Unread postby MeCho » 10 Aug 2013, 15:26

So ive decided to post 3 Teaser pics!


Feel free to tell me what you think or if you have any specific things that you would like to see in the map i might make it happen and if i do i will credit you in the signposts

The Cult of Snobs:


South West Corner Subbteranean Gate Surface:


South West Corner Subbteranean Gate Dungeon:


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Unread postby Xdarkon » 10 Aug 2013, 17:02

Have you tried using the WoG map editor? You have more options in it.

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Unread postby MeCho » 10 Aug 2013, 18:07

No i tried to play WoG and disliked it a lot unless i quickly and easily remove all the nonsense like level 3 boss units and commander or customize them im sticking to the original Heroes 3 Complete map editor

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Unread postby Amehmet » 10 Aug 2013, 22:22

Not to mention that WoG is painfully unstable.

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Unread postby Salamandre » 11 Aug 2013, 11:22

Indeed, wog with its <>5000 extra editor eye candies, terrains, shadows, objects, decorations, it helps for unique designs. It is 100% stable in single player and can be disabled to 0% of its scripting capacities, thus only offering editor extras.
MeCho wrote: Feel free to tell me what you think
Well, it lacks diversity, colors, variety of terrains, roads, rivers, flowers. Anyway, hard to tell from 3 screens covering small areas, but right now I see just another map. But if playability is good, I guess many will ignore the lack in design.

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Unread postby MeCho » 11 Aug 2013, 14:17

ndeed, wog with its <>5000 extra editor eye candies, terrains, shadows, objects, decorations, it helps for unique designs. It is 100% stable in single player and can be disabled to 0% of its scripting capacities, thus only offering editor extras.
Well i will use the WoG editor if i ever will want to make a single player map then granted it is not too much more dificult to use

[/quote]Well, it lacks diversity, colors, variety of terrains, roads, rivers, flowers. Anyway, hard to tell from 3 screens covering small areas, but right now I see just another map. But if playability is good, I guess many will ignore the lack in design.

It might be editors flaw to overpraise his own work but even though i played only few downloaded maps and almost all single player maps and for me the terrain is more beautiful then any other map i played especially compared to those few that i downloaded infact i do not feel arrogant to say that this should be a motivation for other first time map makers and a good example of what quality work should look like.I just seem to dislike the the how do i call it .... the corners of the islands?.... the beech?

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Unread postby Xdarkon » 11 Aug 2013, 14:47

I mean, It would look even better with Salamdre's mod that adds lots of buildings and other stuff, Gives a unique feeling to the map.

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Unread postby MeCho » 19 Aug 2013, 04:43

Alright guys choose your peril constant amount of Vampire Lords or ever growing Royal Griffins

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Unread postby MeCho » 03 Oct 2013, 06:48

The PC on which i worked on the map got infected by a serious virus i cant access internet, control pane,l notepad etc and of course h3maped now i have a heavy setback version of the map on this PC but this one has a dying video card that melts eyes just by looking at it therefore map development is paused for unknown amount of time hopefully it doesnt take me 3 more years to finish the map but when i do i will surely share it

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Unread postby Karmakeld » 03 Oct 2013, 20:37

I once read some wise Words somewhere on this site.. always make back-up.. ;)
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Unread postby MadMax » 09 Oct 2013, 20:53

As a fellow mapmaker, this looks great! Best of luck to you and hope you get a lot of good critique from the players! :)
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Unread postby MeCho » 15 Jan 2015, 07:29

i am curently unable to continue the map and will be for atleast 8 more months due to me being in highest security psichiatric hospital but i have already figured out what the map will be like and promise to make it as soon as i get back cheers

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Re: Upcoming Heroes 3 Map BurNIng Desire

Unread postby MeCho » 13 Feb 2016, 21:06

So it finally done i have made Allied and non allied versions and i found that the AI even worse then usual so i made EAI -Enchanted Artificial Intelligence versions which i highly recommend if you usually play on Expert or Impossible they grant AI extra units as well as gold to purchase them for and while you can play and win the map on Expert or Impossible it will be quite annoying for the first month or so.

you can download all 4 versions here:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mato2uohn4nya ... e.rar?dl=0

Please rate and give feedback as well as report any bugs if you find them even though i have tested the map and i beleave to be none

Ohh and if someone would be willing to be the tester so i can upload it to celestial heavens i would appreciate it

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Re: Heroes 3 Map BurNIng Desire Finaly Done!

Unread postby Karmakeld » 19 Feb 2016, 23:09

You can submit the map to CH's maptesting service, then it will display at the FrontPage that you seek testers for your map.
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Re: Heroes 3 Map BurNIng Desire Finaly Done!

Unread postby MeCho » 19 Feb 2016, 23:19

And where exactly can i find it?

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Re: Heroes 3 Map BurNIng Desire Finaly Done!

Unread postby Karmakeld » 20 Feb 2016, 15:46

I'm silent in seven languages - and I got all my familys fear.
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Re: Heroes 3 Map BurNIng Desire Finaly Done!

Unread postby MeCho » 20 Feb 2016, 16:25

So as i understood i fill out the form including telling them that this is a test map and send it to that email and then it will show somewhere and hopefully people will email me that they want to be the testers?

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