Randomness - vol. IV

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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 12 Nov 2015, 20:49

Tell us, yeeeesssss, what is it, preciousss, what is it? :beg:
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby parcaleste » 13 Nov 2015, 05:49

Kalah wrote:It's coming ...

Dec. 1st. :)
Lucha Underground S02?!?

... oh, wait, it was scheduled for January. :'(

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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 13 Nov 2015, 12:27

I'm having small fits just by thinking on Mass Effect Andromeda. :D
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Kalah » 14 Nov 2015, 01:17

Really bad things happening in Paris today - I hope our French friends are OK ...
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 14 Nov 2015, 02:38

Indeed, saw the news not long ago. :S
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 14 Nov 2015, 19:25

Speaking of bad news, again, it's been over a week since a mining dam collapse in my country, with dozens feared dead (people) and an environmental damage that IS PERMANENT. The tsunami of toxic mud destroyed the nearby village (from 60 houses, only 22 are standing, still partially covered by mud which came as a 20 m height destructive wave) and reached a rive called Doce. This river WAS the main source of potable water for many cities, one of them, the capital of that state, a 2,5 million city called Belo Horizonte.

Biologists already concluded that the damage cannot be reverted and the mud already reached the Ocean. All biome around the river and on its path has died, it is official: the river died. Fauna and Flora are doomed to never return to these areas in this which is being considered one of the greatest environmental catastrophes ever in my country. Water cannot be treated and cleaned either, which brings another issue affecting a broader range of people, animals and plants.

All that due greedy people not investing and making the necessary and already recommended arrangements to make those dams safer. Since 2011 problems were pointed out, and since then, nothing was made. Another dam ruptured in 2014, with less environmental impact, but it would make on learn better as to prevent further issues; still they didn't. Now, things will never recover due this ignorance.


This is one of the two dams that collapsed. A third one, which is not destroyed, also have structural problems, and the mining company ONLY NOW stated that they'll take the necessary procedures as to prevent another breach.
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby parcaleste » 14 Nov 2015, 22:11

The responsible for this catastrophy should be hanged. And this will be a humane judgement.

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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby parcaleste » 15 Nov 2015, 13:01

Oh, man, Ronda Rousey got her arse handed to her the bad way.

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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 18 Nov 2015, 23:38

This is my first message here in months. And I mean what I say. Long, long months have passed. I am still battling my heavy depression, sleeplessness and occasional suicidal thoughts. I do not wish to alarm you people nor do I wish to shock you but... I was placed under the care of two doctors and a good dose of therapy after I suffered a real bad nervous breakdown on the 4th of October. I had a deep depression seizure which resulted quite literally in me staring over the edge towards the pit under a high railway bridge. After staring down for some 10 to 15 minutes, I managed to drag myself away from death and decided to seek help. I'm still recovering from the after-effects of that particularly dark hour in my worried life. I do not know how long things can go on like this. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? At the very least, I can congratulate myself for having found the courage to write all this.
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Steven Aus » 19 Nov 2015, 11:26

I have two suggestions: a life-filled and safe sharing forum (unique on the internet) called Gaia Scene (gaiascene.com) - "Sharing the Light that We Are". Also, regardless of whether you feel drawn to go there or not, I would encourage you to buy or borrow the book "The Healing Code" by Alexander Loyd (Author), Ben Johnson (Contributor). Here it is on Amazon.com, but likely it would be cheaper to buy it from an online bookstore in your home country. Not sure whether it would be available in the local library, but this is one book you might like to have your own copy of so you don't feel rushed to return it. If it is in libraries, I expect it would be frequently borrowed.

http://www.amazon.com/Healing-Code-Minu ... aling+Code
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Nov 2015, 13:41

Wow, Yurian, and here I was pleasantly surprised by your return given it's indeed a long while since I last read about you, but this is something else.

What I can say is that there's not truly a recipe to get over depression. Reasons for getting depressed vary too much between individuals, so, the most I can do is relate something on my end which made feel depressed for a while, and it still does, although I keep it at bay. I'm not sure if it helps you, but given that you already found the courage to seek help and to write down here, I think it doesn't hurt sharing some ideas, right?

I don't know why you ended up that lane, but surely what stopped you might be the realization that you were given this life and this one only, and you might as well try to make the best of it. How many others don't have even this choice bared in front of them, right? How many of us, even when we have everything, we still complain that life sucks, that things are colorless, that people are jerks? Sometimes it takes a while for some of us to understand that we have everything we need to be happy already, but we don't understand it as such. I found myself in these situations sometimes, not wishing to improve in my life, barely taking care of myself. Although I'm concerned about my friends and others, I usually don't take true care of myself. Not long ago, a friend of mine wondered that I would be one of his friends who would always be single; and that stuck me in a sad way, because I don't want to be alone forever. Some people find it rather surprising that I still haven't settled with a wife or something, and then I realized that I didn't because I don't care about me. How would I ever start a serious relationship without, first of all, taking care of myself? In respect to the one you choose to walk beside you forever, you must love yourself so you can be there when the ones you love need you, and not for any urgent matter, but for the simple need of company, of cuddling, of talking, of loving, these matters some often forget how simple and how powerful they are.

Right now, I'm experiencing a change of will, as first to learn to love and take care of myself properly. Then I think I'll be finally feeling that my self-stem is better as to move on with my life and feel like I'll add to another one's life, instead of feeling like I'm a burden.

I don't know, again, how you ended up that lane, but you may as well think you have no value and that's not true. Every single of us is gifted with life and we should fight for it. I don't need a religion to tell me how valuable I am, but some might need it for a spiritual assurance. All we truly need is love, loving and being loved. There are people who will never find it, but I'm sure you are one that can and should find it and then try to start seeing your reflection back on the mirror. You are still here, so fight for you and for those who care about you.
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Something that makes your heart sing. :)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 19 Nov 2015, 14:01

Find something that makes your heart sing. :) Panda Tar and I have made a few suggestions, I would not be surprised to see other forum members pitching in too. :) Life certainly is wonderful if you can find a reason to value your irreplaceable self!
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Kalah » 19 Nov 2015, 23:02

Try making more maps. As you can see on the forum, people love them. :)
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 20 Nov 2015, 00:19

Yep! :-D I'll try Karmakeld's maps soon, then I'll check yours as well, if you, pwetty please :please:, start having brighter days! :wave:
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Steven Aus » 20 Nov 2015, 07:16

Also Yurian, you might want to try Dr. Mercola's youtube videos on depression and diet, they have been recommended by someone I trust.
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 20 Nov 2015, 12:59

Speaking of diets, might also want to check your hormonal levels. Too low testosterone also leads to very aggravated and depressive humor.
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 22 Nov 2015, 00:10

Listening to Enya's new album. The Humming, first song, is addicting. :)
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Kalah » 22 Nov 2015, 13:24

Just making some walkthroughs ... Haven and Academy are done, creating articles now .... Dum-de-dum..
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Panda Tar » 22 Nov 2015, 13:30

And I'll go out to lunch. Stomach is rumbling like a t-rex telling a tale about the day it made 100 chin ups straight.
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Re: Randomness - vol. IV

Unread postby Kalah » 22 Nov 2015, 13:50

Watching the Norwegian football cup final on TV. :)
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