Paul A Romero & Rob King. What exactly is the job distribution between the 2?

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Paul A Romero & Rob King. What exactly is the job distribution between the 2?

Unread postby Gargoyle84 » 08 Nov 2015, 19:23

Paul A Romero & Rob King. What exactly is the job distribution between the 2? This goes for all their Heroes soundtracks, I just posted it here for the added relevance of the latest games.
Last edited by Gargoyle84 on 13 Nov 2015, 12:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Paul A Romero & Rob King. What exactly is the job distribution between the 2?

Unread postby BMJedi » 11 Nov 2015, 17:50

Paul A Romero composes the music on the piano. You can give him full credit as the composer of the music. Rob King does everything else, including the electronic orchestrations of Romero's piano scores, mixing, programming tracks into the game design, and adding any sound effects. You can give Rob King credit for orchestration and sound design. It was King who discovered Romero and brought him onto the project way back on HoMM 1. The two are friends and work as business partners. They come as a pair.
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Re: Paul A Romero & Rob King. What exactly is the job distribution between the 2?

Unread postby Kalah » 12 Nov 2015, 08:46

BMJedi's description sounds about right. Romero is the virtuoso who composes and plays, King is the studio tech guy who knows all about putting the stuff together.

We can also add people they work with, such as Karin Mushegain, whose role you can read more about here.
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