1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

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1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 27 Oct 2015, 14:26

Say what you will about UbiLimb's policies, but they're certainly patching things faster than UbiHole:

Ubisoft have announced the release of patch 1.3 for Heroes VII. All you gotta do to access it is enable auto-update via Steam or Uplay, or (if you have disabled it), have the program check for available updates. When you start up the game, make sure it reads version 1.3 on the start screen.

Contents of the patch (go here for full patch notes):
  • General and performances improvements,
  • A few multiplayer fixes,
  • Various level design improvements and bug fixing (skirmish, campaigns etc.),
  • Some editor fixes and improvements,
  • Gameplay mechanics fixes & balancing improvements,
  • SFX & audio fixes.
Also in the announcement is a confirmation that there will be another patch (1.4) released in "a the upcoming weeks". Knowing Limbic, though, there could also be smaller hotfixes released if the need arises.

To report bugs in version 1.3, go here.
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Re: 1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby cjlee » 28 Oct 2015, 16:33

This is beyond ridiculous. H7 was launched 50% complete and day 1 patch alone was bigger than H1-5 together combined. It would have taken months to download for anyone still unfortunate enough to be on 56k modem.

Less than 1 month later we are at patch 1.3.

Whole thing could have been launched 3 months later, 99.9% working, minimal number of bugs, and gotten satisfactory reviews. Then I could have bought H7 at full price. I may not like many things about it, but in 1-2 years most fans would think of it like Heroes 5 - very much an acceptable if not best version of Heroes. Full goodwill would have been retained.

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Re: 1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby Galaad » 28 Oct 2015, 17:27

cjlee wrote:Whole thing could have been launched 3 months later, 99.9% working, minimal number of bugs, and gotten satisfactory reviews.
Interviewer wrote:When is Heroes 7 out?
Erwin wrote:2015. Exact date depends also on fan interaction with the developers. If they ask for specific features, it may take longer time to do them, so it's really open.

And we DID ask for delay, turns out bad reception is not only for specific features which never were implemented, but also because game released in broken state.

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Re: 1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby Panda Tar » 28 Oct 2015, 19:22

A pity. To me, and I'm certain that it works for a whole lot of people as well, when you are informed that something you treasure is going to be delayed because it is going to get refined and polished, properly treated; I think that's much more of a positive feeling, because it gives away the aura of good guidance and commitment, responsibility, feeling, passion. But hushing with it, making it known publicly broken and non-functional, and trying to amend later - no, no, that's bad. They must even be passionate, but the simple fact they are patching is more or less the fact that they are simply finishing a job.

These two decisions might even have the same result, speaking of a product situation, I mean. On the other hand, the result upon fans, when they notice their product was unceremoniously thrown to the wind without proper guidance, is far much worse and toxic for both sides. I wonder who decided walking upon this path?
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Re: 1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby jeff » 28 Oct 2015, 22:59

There is no defense for a day one patch that big. However Limbic (I believe) does not set production schedules. Once again UBI and UBI alone must take full blame for this. It is unfortunate that a delay of 30 - 60 days would have avoided all of this. Why have a public beta and not wait for the bug fixes and other corrections to be applied before going gold. The DVDs would then have been ready for 1.2 which should have been the 1.1 patch. Oh wait we in the US didn't get the DVDs. Never mind. But I do applaud Limbic for issuing patches as quickly as they did and their continued support trying fix as many issues as possible before UBI pulls the plug.
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Re: 1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby Galaad » 28 Oct 2015, 23:09

jeff wrote:TWhy have a public beta and not wait for the bug fixes and other corrections to be applied before going gold.
Because you had to pre-order to "secure your access to the beta". Best thing is, they gave extra keys after people cashed in. :loll:

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Re: 1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby Kalah » 01 Nov 2015, 19:59

There is a new patch out (1.3.1), fixking a crash bug.
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Re: 1.3 is up, 1.4 is coming

Unread postby Panda Tar » 04 Nov 2015, 19:19

New article about upcoming 1.4 patch. I'm too wary to consider that article. For those who are optimistic, it has some good news and some other oddities, as usual.
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