So is this game worth buying?

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Panda Tar » 05 Oct 2015, 22:30

Ramborusina's review on Ubi forums is quite what I felt while watching the game unravel. Of course, matter of perceptions can change, for people in which they find AI entertaining or else; also considering people who never played the game.

Worth a peek, I think.
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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 06 Oct 2015, 00:12

I really hope this ends up being the straw that breaks the camel's back and Ubi and Co. drop the title. This series deserves better than this.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Dalai » 06 Oct 2015, 11:35

Panda Tar wrote:Ramborusina's review on Ubi forums is quite what I felt while watching the game unravel.
I was sure that posts like that do not stay long in Ubi forums. Did they fire all mods? :|

Quote from the very beginning:
The game should not have been launched in this state(beta)! It shows either huge amount of disrespect to buyers, incompetence of developer or just plain disrespect to the series.
All three, I'm sure. B-)
mr.hackcrag wrote:I really hope this ends up being the straw that breaks the camel's back and Ubi and Co. drop the title. This series deserves better than this.
Even if they stop doing something themselves, they will not sell it. It would be a shame if someone else succeeded where they failed miserably for so long.
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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby wimfrits » 06 Oct 2015, 15:40

I'm so very said reading all this. Really had my hopes up high. I'll refrain from buying the game just yet.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby gourley4p » 06 Oct 2015, 17:00

Wimfrits, keep in mind a number of people are too busy playing and having fun to be posting here. However, the struggle is real for many.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Panda Tar » 06 Oct 2015, 17:28

The thing is mainly having the game working properly. When these matters are fixed, perhaps one can enjoy the game.
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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Canzah » 06 Oct 2015, 17:37

The game has a ton of potential, the only real problem is the bugs. Once they squash those it will be a solid title.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby wimfrits » 06 Oct 2015, 17:44

gourley4p wrote:Wimfrits, keep in mind a number of people are too busy playing and having fun to be posting here. However, the struggle is real for many.
I know. But what's posted here comes from people whose opinion I value highly.
I hope sentiments will change somewhat when the bugs are taken out and (if) performance issues are fixed
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby gourley4p » 06 Oct 2015, 19:06

wimfrits wrote:But what's posted here comes from people whose opinion I value highly.
You know, the folks here do seem fairly level-headed. It very seldom seems like they are complaining because they want to dislike the game. They describe legitimate technical issues they encounter. We could all debate the design philosophy or art style for days (and many have done just that), but the technical issues are an inescapably objective problem.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Panda Tar » 06 Oct 2015, 19:37

From my part, I decided not to buy the game months ago due the lack of interest in their proposed game generally speaking. Its mechanics doesn't click to me, doesn't satisfy me or surprise me in any way. :( All this technical failure was predictable, but it simply didn't influence me in any way now. A pity it happened like this.
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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby cjlee » 06 Oct 2015, 20:15

You may be surprised, but despite my deep negativity I am still open to buying the game. Only...

Not now, not in 6 months time.

Possibly not even within two years after it has been discounted to hell with all expansions produced.

Only after a really GOOD version is produced.

See here, there was this youtube review by a British guy that I posted, and I really agree with him. As it stands, apart from technical objective bugs, this game has too much that's subjectively bad and I believe this subjectivity applies to most potential buyers. EG Town Build Screen is ludicrously ugly and unprofessional, as though it was a first year programmer paired with a first quarter graphic designer.

But far from wanting to argue with gorley4p and the small minority of people who like H7, we actually need them. It is these people who will make their own fan based H7.5 WoUS (in the Wake of Ubisoft's Screwups).

AI sucks now? Quantomas II will show up sooner or later. There is no way any H7 lover could like the AI as it currently stands, so somebody is going to roll up his sleeves and do what Limbic could not do.

Hate the crappy aesthetics? Am sure the folks who made their own Heroes 3HD would be happy to help out.

It won't be Ubisoft that makes me want to buy this garbage product. It is the genius fans. The people who made Equilibris, WOG, HoTA, H5.5 and more. One good thing about this strategy game is that it has an unusually intelligent fan base. You can't find this level of intelligence or maturity in the people playing first person shooters. So I'm very confident that as long as we have enough gorley4ps, there will be a way to get a H7 that is very enjoyable to play.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby vicheron » 07 Oct 2015, 06:12

There are so many problems that I'm doubtful if they will be fixed. The game crashes half the time I try to start it and I had no problem playing Witcher 3 on the highest settings. It's so poorly optimized and it uses so much system resources for no discernible reason. The game just feels sluggish. The animations are terrible. For example, the minotaur's movement doesn't match its steps so it looks like it's sliding. The centaur's attack is inexplicably slow and doesn't match up with the shot.

There are basic features that don't work or are poorly implemented. You only see half the map when placing units at the start of battle. When placing units at the start of battle, you can't move them by clicking on the portraits. Sometimes, picked up resources don't register for a while. Like you would pick up some gold but it wouldn't be added to your resource bar for a few seconds, sometimes longer. Same thing when you build buildings. Just clicking stuff in general is just imprecise and slow.

There are creature abilities and spells that just don't activate some of the time or activate when they shouldn't. Grandmaster level Shroud of Malassa is supposed to give your creatures a second attack if their first isn't retaliated against but sometimes they get two attacks even when they do get retaliated. The Blade Master's ability to hit every adjacent creature just doesn't work sometimes.

I've only scratched the tip of the iceberg. There are so many problems it's just inexcusable. I've already uninstalled and I'm requesting a refund.

It's obvious that this game barely had a budget. If they weren't willing to spend any money developing this game, are they going to spend money fixing it?

As for the fan patches, I doubt that will happen. The game has to be good enough for there to be fans. And even if fans want to make mods and patches, they'll have to deal with Uplay. Heroes 6 still has a lot of problems even after the expansion and the final official patch and it didn't get any fan fixes and I doubt this game will either.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Cabreva » 07 Oct 2015, 12:54

I do not post here since heroes V. I did a gigantic post here with my review but when i clicked preview I lost it, and I did not have a copy. Shit.

Well, I am enjoying the game, even if I expected more. I have to say my experience about quality. I have played in two different machines, both with Window 8:
- High end i7 desktop, GTX 780, all graphics max, always online - haven campign (first map and part of last) and first and second maps of sylvian
- Dell notebook, integrated video board, offline while traveling - second, third and fourth maps of haven campaing

And I have to say I am happy about the quality. The game crashed 3 times while being launched, all in my desktop. But that were the only game breaking (not so game breaking, as the game itself had not fully started).
I am really surprised about how smoothly it played in my notebook, more if I consider what people have blamed so far. Graphics run smoother than other turn-based games like: Eador, Age of Wonders, Shadowrun and Endless Legend. AI turns went as slow as it went on my desktop, by that I mean: fast except when AI had tons of heroes.

I would like to say more, but I gotta work. I am very sorry for people with trouble, but I am grateful they did release. Would I recommend it now? Based on others opinion, I recommend only if you are a gambler.

And I like to gamble. Heroes V leveling was the best.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby cjlee » 07 Oct 2015, 14:54

Agree with you Vicheron.

I was being a bit facetious with gorley4p. He’s literally in the 5%. Probably only 5% of everyone who has ever played H2, 3 or 4 like H7, so I find his positive words a bit out of this world.

You’re right in that the only Heroes that keep getting attention from fans and modders are H3, 4, 5. These guys will keep the game and gaming alive for most of us.

H6 has already died a natural death.

H7 will almost certainly die soon. You can’t survive pleasing just 5% of fans. I don’t see enough gorley4ps to form a sufficiently technically inclined fan base that can help sort out the technical issues that Limbic didn’t solve. And it is quite obvious what is Ubisoft’s level of interest, ability and commitment to this franchise. That’s unlikely to change for H8. They’ll probably continue doing their hit and run conning of pre-beta buyers. There’s plenty of idiots around who will pay $150 for some deluxe super version with cheap plastic figurines, and idiots never change. Ubisoft only needs 10,000 such fools worldwide to recoup all their meagre investment in this game.

All the same, you never know. Maybe most of the technical issues can be solved by changing a few lines of code. Maybe a single genius, dedicated programmer intern in Limbic will spend the next few months working in his spare time and present to us a miraculously revived H7. Last world cup Germany beat Brazil 7-1, yes the unexpected does happen!

I haven’t had time to install H5.5 (still haven’t finished my H3 maps). Won’t be too anxious to get H7, patched or not, within 6 months.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Danny » 07 Oct 2015, 16:44

At this point a complete reboot instead of "Heroes 8" is more likely down the road. Heroes 7 feels like grabbing some money out of the franchise one last time, hence the notable lack of budget + fan pandering (Gnoll etc)...

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby cooperman120558 » 07 Oct 2015, 19:24

Hi bought this game at release downloaded via steam game worked ok after install then after save it just kept crashing out at the loading screen until I found out where the game folder is and checked for the game exe file, place shortcut on desktop then right click the shortcut run as admin game works perfect every time, by the way I,m running it on high on a 27in iMac under bootcamp and get no props

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Humakt » 07 Oct 2015, 22:00

cjlee wrote:For anyone who is wondering about buying the game, here is a very, very thorough review (40 plus minutes!). Author goes through every single aspect of the game.
No, he does not. He almost never does, his videos are only about first impressions.
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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby Kalah » 07 Oct 2015, 22:58

Most so-called "reviews" at this point are first impressions. Me, I'm gonna start out using the editor. ;)
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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby cjlee » 08 Oct 2015, 07:24

cooperman120558 wrote:Hi bought this game at release downloaded via steam game worked ok after install then after save it just kept crashing out at the loading screen until I found out where the game folder is and checked for the game exe file, place shortcut on desktop then right click the shortcut run as admin game works perfect every time, by the way I,m running it on high on a 27in iMac under bootcamp and get no props
Feedback like yours is exactly why a miracle may happen.

There's a whole load of stuff out there that can be solved with a tiny or easy fix. Turn off this setting. Switch that on. ETC. I also have some software that just won't run unless I say, 'run as admin' (using Win7). If I don't run as admin, I double click and nothing happens.

For all we know, most of H7's technical problems can be solved with simple code tweaks.

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Re: So is this game worth buying?

Unread postby gomaki » 08 Oct 2015, 09:35

Kalah wrote:Most so-called "reviews" at this point are first impressions. Me, I'm gonna start out using the editor. ;)
Hi Kalah I have a little tip to make the editor run faster for you.

By default the editor is loading Texure quality and terrain quality to Ultra/high. My advice is to open the editor, go to the performance tab at the top and put these settings to lowest/low, close the editor and re open it again. This should help speed up the process of using the editor whilst you're playing with it.

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