Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby crislevin » 29 Sep 2015, 22:11

On Sylvan 2nd map at normal difficulty. Starting at an island w/o town. at week 6, enemy hero show up, level 14, all his unit can cross entire battle field in one turn. He also has 400 level 1 shooter, hundreds of other unit.

It's simply hopeless.

I am giving up this game after 2 hrs, for now. I am a casual gamer since H2, I don't really know what the devs are thinking.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby loran16 » 30 Sep 2015, 01:41

Don't have the game yet (waiting a few months for bugs to be eliminated hopefully, since I have little faith in the launch product), but situations like that usually imply the mission is one in which you're supposed to act way sooner. You usually don't' see them that early in a Heroes campaign, but they're not crazy uncommon - (Think of the final Heroes V Sylvan mission, several Armageddon's Blade campaign missions, etc., where if you tarry even a month, the enemies are crazy strong. )

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby gourley4p » 30 Sep 2015, 02:04

I am on that scenario, too, crislevin. It might be a chase stage where you are not supposed to put down roots but instead move across the map. Read your quest text; it sounds like you might be on the run.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby Marzhin » 30 Sep 2015, 08:02

Normally this map can be won in two ways:
- the "normal" way (by visiting the obelisks)
- or, if you're really a violent type of person, you can also kill everybody, that works too (but it's waaaaay harder)

So yeah, in this particular map you're supposed to be on the move constantly.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby cjlee » 30 Sep 2015, 08:51


Whenever you are given a scenario in Heroes where you don't have a town and have to visit locations, chances are you're expected to play a mobile game and not stand and fight. Experience will tell you what maps you have to plunk down roots and conquer everyone, what maps you have to defend one town like crazy, and what maps you have to avoid strong foes. If your hero starts with logistics, scouting and a telescope chances are it's the avoid strong foes kind of map!

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby crislevin » 30 Sep 2015, 09:13

Thanks guys, that makes a lot of sense, I will give it another try.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby saugeen123 » 30 Sep 2015, 19:17

I have started with the necromancer campaign I can't get anywhere.Al is attaching me before the first week is completed. Even on easy

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby Marzhin » 30 Sep 2015, 19:42

saugeen123 wrote:I have started with the necromancer campaign I can't get anywhere.Al is attaching me before the first week is completed. Even on easy
That's normal. In the first map the Necromancers are losing. It cannot be avoided. You have to focus on the other objectives -- check the Quest Log.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby magritte2 » 30 Sep 2015, 19:54

I haven't got the game yet but that sounds like it might be fun. I usually like it when they make a map that breaks away from the standard 4X.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby crislevin » 30 Sep 2015, 21:49

magritte2 wrote:I haven't got the game yet but that sounds like it might be fun. I usually like it when they make a map that breaks away from the standard 4X.
I usually don't mind more running around. I guess the problem with H7 is it is really a very slow game, they claim they fixed loading and AI turns, in reality, they are still excessively long. The whole game also feels glitchy and slow, huge memory hog as well.

I also can confirm that you do need to move around, the enemy has vastly more resources than you.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby Marzhin » 01 Oct 2015, 07:51

crislevin wrote:they claim they fixed loading and AI turns, in reality, they are still excessively long
Did you try to increase the AI speed in the options? By default it still is set to 100%, but you can increase it to 800%. It makes a huge difference, especially when the AI is still hidden by the fog of war.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby crislevin » 01 Oct 2015, 09:25

Marzhin wrote:
crislevin wrote:they claim they fixed loading and AI turns, in reality, they are still excessively long
Did you try to increase the AI speed in the options? By default it still is set to 100%, but you can increase it to 800%. It makes a huge difference, especially when the AI is still hidden by the fog of war.
Good point, Marzhin, I thought I did, but it seems it wasn't saved (I clicked save button, but not apply button). So I did it again, yes, the speed AI moves is faster now.

The loading speed is still quite slow though, my map is about 75% open, it took roughly 3-5 minutes to load the save. I think this is related to the fact that the game is using large amount of memory and is trying to load everything into the memory.

Just to added : I am loading auto saves just now because I made mistakes in my turn, and it's taking more than 10 minutes at the moment, this is getting on my nerves now. I basically playing 5%of the time, all the rest is the loading screen, lol.

This game truly need more optimization. Ubi is not doing itself any favors by pressing developing schedule like this.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby gourley4p » 01 Oct 2015, 10:47

I would be interested to hear about your computer specs. The game runs silky smooth for me. I have 16GB of RAM and a solid state hard drive. I am sure that helps.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby gourley4p » 01 Oct 2015, 11:58

gourley4p wrote:silky smooth
By the way, please don't read this as me saying the game is perfect. I have encountered bugs already (nothing game-breaking yet), but the performance has not been an issue for me.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby crislevin » 02 Oct 2015, 16:28

gourley4p wrote:I would be interested to hear about your computer specs. The game runs silky smooth for me. I have 16GB of RAM and a solid state hard drive. I am sure that helps.
I don't have ssd, it's 295x2, i7 4790k, 12gb

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby gourley4p » 02 Oct 2015, 17:36

crislevin wrote:295x2, i7 4790k, 12gb
That looks like plenty enough machine, which you already knew. It should be running better for you.

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby Pol » 02 Oct 2015, 19:00

Come to an idea if that would be running also on my machine.. I have 16GB 1600MHz RAM and APU AMD A10-7850K. No dedicated card at all. But the APU have R7 in itself. For example MM:H6 is running for me smoothly.
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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby BB Shockwave » 02 Oct 2015, 19:10

AI speed increase? I am curious... what does that do? Why is it NOT set as the fastest by default? Or does it make the AI skip steps and basically be more stupid and careless when thinking about what to do?

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Re: Is it just me? or the AI is way too strong in campaign?

Unread postby crislevin » 02 Oct 2015, 19:43

BB Shockwave wrote:AI speed increase? I am curious... what does that do? Why is it NOT set as the fastest by default? Or does it make the AI skip steps and basically be more stupid and careless when thinking about what to do?
its the same as in H2-H6, enemy graphic speed accelerates. Nothing else.

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