Bug reports

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Bug reports

Unread postby Kalah » 30 Sep 2015, 18:20

Please report bugs here.

Nothing else in this thread, just bug reports.
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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby crislevin » 01 Oct 2015, 00:22

When travel in water, sometimes hero's graphic is fixed in one location, even though the boat moved to another part already.

Sometimes enemy hero becomes invisible on adventure map.

Extremely memory hog.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby crislevin » 01 Oct 2015, 10:49

When boarding and landing boat, even though there is still movement point left as shown by the green bar to the left of the hero portrait, system keeps saying no movement point left. I know this is because landing and boarding take more movement point, but it could be confusing.

Also, extremely long loading time. I meant more than 10 min.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gourley4p » 01 Oct 2015, 12:37

crislevin wrote:When travel in water, sometimes hero's graphic is fixed in one location, even though the boat moved to another part already.

Sometimes enemy hero becomes invisible on adventure map
I am seeing this a lot on the second map of the Sylvan campaign. The AI hero disappears on the water, or his boat does anyway. You can see the hero decal on the water, but you cannot right-click it to view the hero or his army.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby Rife » 01 Oct 2015, 14:07

The bug where you enter an underground gate/portal/etc yet don't move to said area, forcing you to move away and reenter it wasting movement points still remains.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gomaki » 01 Oct 2015, 19:30

Hey all just a quick one to say i'll be monitoring this thread closely and popping in and out of other threads if I have any relevant information for you. In regards with bugs it would be great that if you find an issue you could post you PC specs and if you know of a way to be able to reproduce the issue. That way I can reproduce it my end and forward it to the relevant programmer. I know it's a bit of a long winded process but it does help me massively.

If you can't reproduce, no worries just let me know the issue and i'll give it a go myself.


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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby Madaxe » 01 Oct 2015, 20:47

The game has, surprisingly, been reasonably stable for me (Win 7, 8 G, Quadro 1000m 1G). Playing a Skirmish map as Necro against AI. Let me know if you need more info.

[*]On turn 1, I issued the wait command for my bone dragon stack (highest initiative unit). When it's turn came back around at the end of turn 1, I then then moved it to the middle of the battlefield. On turn 2, I was then presented with the bone dragon's "green movement grid" that was as if it was still in it's starting position from turn 1. I could not move anywhere else but that original movement area, even though I should have been able to move to the other side of the battlefield.... I then clicked out and chose my hero's spell book, canceled his spell, then I was able to move my bone dragons correctly.

[*]Taking a Dragon Utopia gave me double of all artifacts

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gourley4p » 02 Oct 2015, 00:47

gomaki wrote:In regards with bugs it would be great that if you find an issue you could post you PC specs and if you know of a way to be able to reproduce the issue.
Sure thing, Dan.

I run on this machine:
  • AMD x6 2.7GHz cpu
  • Windows 7 64bit
  • 16 GB RAM
  • GeForce GTX 650 Ti
Please enjoy this image of the boat bug, which I cannot produce as a player. The AI does it constantly on the second Sylvan campaign map.Note: Mini-map removed for those who do not want to see spoilers.


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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby crislevin » 02 Oct 2015, 15:37

gomaki wrote:Hey all just a quick one to say i'll be monitoring this thread closely and popping in and out of other threads if I have any relevant information for you. In regards with bugs it would be great that if you find an issue you could post you PC specs and if you know of a way to be able to reproduce the issue. That way I can reproduce it my end and forward it to the relevant programmer. I know it's a bit of a long winded process but it does help me massively.

If you can't reproduce, no worries just let me know the issue and i'll give it a go myself.

I am alternating between laptop and desktop:


Intel i7-4710HQ
GTX 860M
8G memory


12G memory

The biggest bug is autosave loading time, its absurdly long and seems endless, I almost always end up terminating the process. This is true on both laptop and desktop. This is a killer bug, literally.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gomaki » 02 Oct 2015, 16:04

thanks for the reports. Load save has certainly been a hot topic at work and will receive love in our support patch. As for the autosave load time i will make sure the programmer is aware of your specs and to see if we can reproduce the issue. Are you playing full screen or borderless windows ? I am informed that fullscreen + directX is being a real killer at the moment and changing to borderless windowed massively helps.

As for the other issues I believe some are fixed or have been on the radar.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby crislevin » 02 Oct 2015, 16:22

I already changed to borderless window because as I previously reported during cb2, full screen overheats my 295x2 gpu.

I'm incredibly disappointed as this time, please make sure next patch comes in good shape. I don't mind waiting, but please do fix loading, and most likely related resource hog problem.

BTW, now it seems normal save are also very difficult to load, it takes 10plus minutes, and the game is specially choppy after loading a save, if it ever loads. Aaarrr.


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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby crislevin » 02 Oct 2015, 17:05

This is my 2nd force shutting down my desktop because loading screen eventually turned into complete irresponsive system, I also did that on my laptop a few times. Both are on Windows 10.

I'm done spending time not playing the game I pre-ordered. I will just wait until next patch that clearly states the memory leak /loading time is fixed.

Before I go, here is the last piece information I hope may help the devs. The loading time problem started to occur when half of the 2nd sylvan campaign map is open. Before this problem, game runs very smooth. I just also tried validating the cache integrity in the stream, it does not solve the loading problem.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gourley4p » 02 Oct 2015, 17:41

crislevin wrote:Both are on Windows 10.
I wonder how much of it is related to the game not being optimized to support your OS. Sorry you're having so much trouble, dude. Hope they find a fix for you soon!

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby crislevin » 02 Oct 2015, 18:49

official forum has plenty people with loading problems adn huge memory leak in windows 7. So I wouldn't say this is a pure win 10 problem.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gourley4p » 02 Oct 2015, 18:51

Roger that, crislevin. I had not read them because everything is working fine for me. I am playing instead of stuck reading the forums like you. Sorry it's been a bummer so far.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gomaki » 05 Oct 2015, 09:28

Sorry to hear about your memory leak Issue. I have elevated this to the highest people who will be able to quickly address the issue should they be able to work out why it's happening.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gomaki » 06 Oct 2015, 14:36

Just a quick note that if you're experiencing crashes, or De-syncs in multiplayer please send me an email of your game log to my work email singleton[at]limbic-entertainment.de

You can find your log files by following this path \Documents\My Games\Might & Magic Heroes VII\MMH7Game\Logs

Then you'll see a bunch of txt files called Launch. You'll notice a time and date next to them so if you can remember the day/time of the crash send me that file. But worse case scenario you can send me a bunch.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby BB Shockwave » 06 Oct 2015, 22:47

This game is seriously broken... Is Ubisoft actually poor that they cannot afford basic QC? I mean, if I find this in the First mission and the SECOND combat... HOW did they miss it?

Yeah, i'd like to deploy my army... if they weren't conspicously MISSING!!! There are just greyed out areas there where they would be. This was in the beta, too. And even reloading didn't help. I finally fixed it with clicking Autodeploy - that put the units there.

Then, another bug - a beneficial one. Seems like whenever I win a battle, or just recruit armies who join me (like the Direwolves) - I get movement points back! First it shows the cursor as grey - as if I could not move anymore, then it turns to green and I can move again for a while... :D Just.... sooo completely broken.

Then, there are some seriously overpowered spells... There is this "Retribution" - AOW3 or King's Bounty has such spells too, but they do like 25% of the damage back to the attacker, and melee only. Here... ranged too, and like, 90%!!! Check the damage - I did 802 damage to his Griffins with my Marksmen, and it hit me back for 642 damage!!!! And... what can you do about this spell unless you have Dispel? Just not attack that unit? because I assume retaliation triggers this, too.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby gomaki » 07 Oct 2015, 13:01

The first deployment bug I haven't seen for a long while so i've brought it up with the relevant programmer to put in a fix (it's been found and fixed before so some weird stuff must be happening that you know have this issue) But a work around for it, for the time being, would be to drag any creatures that are actually deployed back onto the deployment bar and move them to a free slot on the deployment bar. This will then 'open' the other creatures that are in your army. If no creatures are deployed, again, move around the portraits on the deployment bar to an empty slot.

As for getting movement points from combat I've never heard or seen this issue at all! Could you please send me your log files and I will get the engine programmer to have a look at it straight away.

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Re: Bug reports

Unread postby Panda Tar » 08 Oct 2015, 09:23

Ah, this is the article showing how to report bugs.
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