Oracle League H3 and H4 Support

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Oracle League H3 and H4 Support

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 05 Sep 2005, 01:45

The Oracle League - an online Heroes of Might and Magic tournament for Heroes 5, has announced support for Heroes 3 and Heroes 4 and an official launch date for those tournaments of Friday, September 9th.

Demand for something fresh and new for tournaments has been high recently, and The Oracle League is it. Having a surprisingly easy user interface, excellent player statistics and world rankings, and a simple to use player search feature, The Oracle League is looking better and better each day.

Tournaments in The Oracle League include the Main tournament, Daemon Cave, and Open Tournament for Heroes 3, 4 and 5 at launch, and more tournament types being developed. Beta testers of Heroes 5 are able to participate as well, reporting games in the Open Tournament for Heroes 5, using the map "an unknown map" so there is no risk of NDA breach.

Everyone is encouraged to check out The Oracle League website. Signing up is fast, easy and free, and automatically enters you into the Heroes 5 open tournament, so that when it is released you can start playing immediately.

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