Our Round Table forums are up and running. There aren't many custom styles yet, that will take time. But we're working on it! The genius who designed those other nice skins of the old table, Robenhagen, has been forced (that torture chamber sure comes in handy sometimes) out of retirement to work on some new ones for us. Meanwhile, though: enjoy the new forum's features.

What has happened while we were away? Well, quite a bit. I'll summarize the highlights here, with links to off-site stories:
- Heroes VII will have a treasure hunt feature.
- The redesigned Vampire and Lich creatures as well as the neutrals were revealed, causing much discussion from users.
- The developers have set up a modding tool.
- Dungeon creatures and heroes have been revealed.
- The biggest news is the info on the map editor.
- Random Map Generator: Confirmed!
- Campaign editor: Confirmed!

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