Unread postby Groovy » 28 Nov 2015, 20:21
Another board game event took place today. I brought the 9th design iteration to get feedback on. The only feedback came from a very experienced player and game maker, whose main concern was the apparent complexity of the game, creating a barrier to entry of sorts, even in its present streamlined form. He doesn’t usually play games from this genre, so his view is to be taken with a pinch of salt, but I couldn’t help notice that many players came by the table and went away without showing further interest in the game. I do get the feeling that at least some of them felt intimidated by the number of things that they thought they would have to learn in order to be able to play it. So I do think that I’m going to have to find ways to make it more accessible, hopefully without dumbing it down to the point where its long-term appeal is lost.
One change that is definitely needed is the simplification of Guardians. The current generic design is overwhelming. Having to figure out variable stats based on the Guardian’s level before the very first fight is asking too much. Furthermore, having only 9 guardians protect all the map structures in every game gets repetitive pretty quickly, so having more of them is a good idea for this reason too. So I’ll introduce more Guardians and make them all level-specific instead of generic, making sure that the low-level ones are straightforward enough to get to grips easily.
I’m also going to try dropping defence as a unit attribute. This is the least important of the combat attributes, the heart of the game being unit combinations on the map rather than individual duels. Not having defence would not only make units more accessible, but could also free the overall design in that I would no longer have to make sure that every level of creatures that the player finds in the countryside boosts his army’s attack, to offset the increased defence of higher-level guardians.
Changing the way constitution is modelled might also help. Instead of tracking it for every unit, I’m thinking of adding it as a category to non-flesh units. Most units then wouldn’t mention constitution, with the remaining few being marked as Iron, Stone, etc.
Another possibility is to drop the retaliation indicator and just let all units use any of their active abilities to retaliate with.
Lastly, I’m going to introduce a level of complexity that is limited to the first creature level only. I don’t know whether the first level is rich enough on its own, so I’m going to do some experimenting. This can be coupled with using simple terrain types only, with more complex ones (hills, rivers) being introduced at higher levels of complexity. The idea is to make the game more accessible to new players by allowing simple and quick games whose core mechanics can be grasped relatively easily, before adding layers of complexity that build on them.