Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Magelord » 17 Aug 2015, 22:39

If your a fan of one of the series mightiest creatures here is your chance to be heard. Sign the petition below so that Ubi knows the fanbase will not support a HOMMVI Copy-and-Pasted, Butterfly winged, Glowing Alien for this installment of the game!

Image ... ack-dragon

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 18 Aug 2015, 00:15

Look, even if they don't use the H6 copy pasta dragon they will then just use the H5 copy pasta dragon and the models will still look like they are from year 2000.

Seeing multiple fan petitions and surveys popping up for some reason makes me want this game to die a quiet death once and for all. Just let it go; the magic and charm is long gone.

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Magelord » 18 Aug 2015, 02:38

Sorry to hear that your that burnt out about a game brother but for those of us that still want to push for change there is really no reason to let it go just because one drop in the sea is disenchanted with the direction of the tide.

Thanks for your response and for everyone else that does care about this issue go hit up that petition link so that we can at least give voice to our concern.

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 18 Aug 2015, 03:54

I signed your petition. May you save this rare species from extinction. :hail: :sadeyes:

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Magelord » 18 Aug 2015, 06:24

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar! I salute your effort as it brings us one step closer to causing a big enough ripple to be noticed!

Long live the Black Dragon species! :tsup:

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Galaad » 18 Aug 2015, 11:32

Yeah maybe we should also request for the skill and magic systems, skills, spells, hero specials and creatures abilities to be saved lol
Oh wait... We've been trying to do that during the whole development lol

Signed the petition nevertheless.

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Dalai » 18 Aug 2015, 15:07

"Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead" :disagree:
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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Kalah » 18 Aug 2015, 18:27

This one I'll support. I have also voiced my opinion directly to the developers: that the wings look too much like Faceless/"butterfly" wings.
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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Pol » 18 Aug 2015, 19:32

Signed. Although that will not save the game - it's fair effort.
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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Dalai » 19 Aug 2015, 10:01

Ok, it's a good company, so I signed it too. #142
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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 19 Aug 2015, 19:27

I'm not sure there's still time left to save dragons. The game is supposed to be out next month. That's bizarre considering the second beta with dungeon and sylvan is not out (I think?)

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Magelord » 19 Aug 2015, 21:11

We are really close to the release date, maybe too late for a new model all together but who knows maybe they can at least remodel the wings and create a fire effect or something. The petition may not work but still if the effort is noticed it will all be worth it. Thank you everyone that has signed so far, if change comes it will be because of you!

Kalah, Just a question I know you are busy with the site upgrade and all but would it be possible to put the petition link for a new Black Dragon Design on the front page? Also I understand it may not be politically savvy to do so given your coordination with Ubi but if it isn't a problem to do so then that would be epic. You could identify me as the instigator if it helps keep you out of Ubi's line of fire? (Yes I realize some folks from Ubi are possibly reading this.) :D

Minor but still good news! Fan support for a new Black Dragon design is very popular! The original petition only required 100 signatures we are well past that with 173 and only need 27 more signatures to reach 200! Keep em coming we might just pull this off! :hail: :applause:

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby parcaleste » 20 Aug 2015, 06:28

Got one from me too.

... even though I loved the idea of the scavenging butterflies in the "Malazan Book of the Fallen". :baby:

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Magelord » 20 Aug 2015, 08:37

Outstanding partner! One raindrop raises the sea!

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 25 Aug 2015, 03:19

Check out someone's take on the black dragon: ... 517356.jpg

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby parcaleste » 25 Aug 2015, 05:26

Love me some ALIENS!

Other thing I wanted to point is the ridiculous size of them dragons on the battlefield. How are they supposed to look menacing or threatening, while not towering over the other units, but are only slightly bigger? Goes for the Behemots and other "giant" creatures too.

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Galaad » 25 Aug 2015, 12:07

Just a reminder lol

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Erwinner » 25 Aug 2015, 12:25

Magelord wrote:Sorry to hear that your that burnt out about a game brother but for those of us that still want to push for change there is really no reason to let it go just because one drop in the sea is disenchanted with the direction of the tide.
make that two drops in the sea, we'll be a whole globule at this rate lol

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby cjlee » 25 Aug 2015, 13:59

This goes back to one of my criticisms in the original HOMM 6.

I kept saying that Ubisoft demonstrates that they don't understand the fantasy genre by the way they made the creatures look.

Sure there is nothing to stop the copyright owner from putting trolls in business suits with long, flowing elvish locks and fighting with law textbooks instead of spears. And drawing dwarves in diapers wielding rattles as weapons and sporting pink mohican hairstyles. But is that how the genre has decided that a 'troll' or a 'dwarf' looks?

Galaad's dragons look like real dragons. (Yes, I know dragons are fiction, but at least it's a 'real' fiction.)

Ubisoft dragons really look like a joke. Luckily I never played them; never got that far in H6.

It is a measure of how much I don't care anymore, that I am not going to bother signing this petition. Chances are 99.8%, Ubisoft won't care. If Ubisoft can even produce a stable game that doesn't require me to buy a new computer, I'm happy already. Right now I'm locked out of H7 because my computer can't take it. They can make black dragons look like kung fu Panda Po if it makes them happy enough to reduce system requirements.

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Re: Save the Black Dragons while there is still time!

Unread postby Galaad » 25 Aug 2015, 14:15

I think you should still sign it, too many silent fans who gave up on the franchise gives more power to Ubi into pulling their crap down our throats and raping our childhood memories of this game further on.
I'm 100% convinced if all the original fan base was to revolt, the impact would be huge, now that they decided to go open dev. And they still are going to swindle a fair amount, with their false advertising full of lies I am not even sure they are themselves aware of, considering the lack of understanding of the game they seem to have.
Of course, most 40 yrs old aren't much online, heck even 20-30 yrs old are not that active in fan forums. I bet most h3 fans aren't even aware of hota, even down SC some people were mentioning wog, not even knowing now we have era.

And yeah, Ubi sucks at optimization, a game looking like that shouldn't ask such high requirements, reminds me this dude optimizing h6 visuals to make some go into h5, I think his work says a lot on this matter.

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