Welcome Robenhagen, Biggle's Final Flight

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Welcome Robenhagen, Biggle's Final Flight

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 13 Jan 2005, 21:56

ImageImageYou probably noticed the two new writers who posted stories on the site this week. With Heroes of Might and Magic V being developed in Europe, Celestial Heavens needed more contributors from the old countries, and two enthusiastic fellows answered the call. Biggle's Final Flight has been lurking in the forums for some time, and wrote game reviews. He will be reporting any news related to Ubisoft and Electronic Arts, among others. You might be a little more familiar with Robenhagen, the creator of the Planeswalker series. He and I will keep you posted on the latest developments on the mapmaking scene. After a quiet holiday season, you can expect to see daily updates again... if Ubisoft gives us something to talk about soon!

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