Heroes Mod Updates

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Heroes Mod Updates

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 05 Feb 2005, 10:00

Image Things have been rather quiet on the mod scene since the beginning of the year. However, the forums always contain some interesting discussions. The first one, New town in 3.59, is about the addition of a 10th town in the next version of the Heroes III mod, something that Heroes fans have been dreaming about for years: "To be completely honest, if I am able to add one town, I can make it adjustable," explains Slava Salnikov, the project lead. "This means that ALL things about it (look, creatures, unique buildings and so on) will be customizable. This in its turn means that I we have more than one town ready, the map maker will have a choice which one of them (or none) to use in his/her map." Unfortunately, without access to the source code, the coding of the new town is a particularly difficult task. But Slava has been known to perform miracles before.

In the Equilibris forum, Installing Equi includes step-by-step procedures for the installation of the Heroes IV mod. Players who have been experiencing problems with the setup should definitely have a look.

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