Test-campaign: Breaking the Seal

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Test-campaign: Breaking the Seal

Unread postby Angelspit » 19 Jan 2005, 12:49

Breaking the Seal
A quest to find a safe and peaceful home where the lost mages of Misericordia can live and study in the orderly fashion they long for.
We’ve just received a new campaign for testing by [url=https://www.celestialheavens.com/mailto:
">Lady Illusia[/url], Breaking the Seal. The campaign is a 6-map rpg map, varying from small to extra large. Each map has a unique way of playing, some must use skill and guile, some merely brute force. The layout of the different maps are greatly varied and there are several interesting locations. The campaign is a work-in-progress, so some areas in the last maps are not finished yet, but Lady Illusia ensures that the campaign is fully functional.

Earlier, Lady Illusia has published the map Rampage for H3 WoG.

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