Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

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Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 14 Jun 2015, 09:45


V556 RC6 Released (6 feb 2016)!!!

MMH5.5 on Moddb

MMH5.5 on Facebook

MMH5.5 is a huge fan made modification for H5TOE or H5 GOG Bundle and a spiritual successor to the popular WOG modification for H3. The goal of MMH5.5 to combine the majority of great features of H5TOE, H3SOD, H3WOG, H4 Equilibris and Kings Bounty the Legend series into one 3-dimensional game to create an all-in-one TBS experience. Technically MMH5.5 is a huge script extension to the H5TOE Adventure map that will bring the same diversity of WOG ERM scripted maps and H4 equilibris maps into a 3D environment. MMH5.5 will also have a new RMG capable of generating both balanced PvP and Singleplayer 320x320 maps with all new adventure objects from MMH5.5.

Extended Adventure Map

In MMH5.5 there will be around ~30 new adventure objects. Treasure vaults and dungeons will now have unique immersive interiors with larger battlefields, growing armies and new obstacles. The contents of the new locations is completely dynamic and follows an Oblivion/Skyrim inspired constantly scaling and endlessly randomized system. Armies and rewards will never be exactly the same again no matter how often you play a map. The resistance will scale up to the players strength no matter how long the game takes. Possible rewards are no longer static amounts of gold and resources, but can also include artifacts, spells, scrolls, wands, prisoners and small permanent skillboosts.

The Advanced RMG

The new RMG must fix the lack of great H5 maps and increase the replayability of the game. It combines the excellent 3D landscaping capability from the original H5 3.1 RMG with a complete overhaul and extension of the internal adventure objects, artifacts and monster placement mechanics. The advanced RMG is capable of properly balancing player starting zones and differentiate between early, mid and late game areas. It places all 30 new adventure objects and previously excluded adventure objects. The resistance is much stronger and various with 480 additional mixed neutral stack templates. The new RMG can create balanced PvP maps as well as gigantic singleplayer XXXL maps with hundreds of epic battles and all zones scaling up to crazy powerful heroes. See the Details

New Artifact Framework

MMH5.5 will be the first mod to add new artifacts to the game. Currently 34 new artifacts are added including 6 new ultimate items. The effective amount of artifacts in the game will now be the same as H3SOD. There will also be many new effects, in terms of unique effects the variation is actually far greater than H3. Furthermore Smart backpack items will increase the amount of effective slots to the same amount as H3/4.See the Details

Enhanced Class/Skill/Spell System

MMH5.5 will have might/magic and balanced classes with ingame skilltrees and 8 secondary skill option for all 24 classes!. New framework with 18 heroes per faction, 6 heroes per class, all heroes have only professional quality Ashan style portraits and many newly programmed skills and specializations. Improved experience levels allow the player to fill more slots and level up to 40. Smart witch huts that ask questions and understand class differences. All set artifacts will be rewritten for 24 classes. Improved spell system with spellpower dependant light and dark magic, nurf/buff strength improves with spellpower or the creature stack size. See the Details

Faster AI and Performance

MMH5.5 uses the very fast reprogrammed H5_AIProcess31j.exe from Quantomas. New Quick-Combat loss correction scripts will keep the AI challenging even on the largest maps without losing calculation time. There will be a new 64bit exe file that can address more memory and fix performance and CTD issues H5 was having on XL maps. There will be new console commands and script functions. MMH5.5 will also have extremely easy team settings, the game will autodetect if there are more than 2 human players on the map and propose to make teams, if the proposal is refused the players continue as normal. In singleplayer a console command can be used on any map to play human vs all AI.

Campaigns and Maps

All old campaigns and singleplayer maps from H5/HOF are playable in MMH5.5 with new features. There are also 15 demo maps available that allow to explore all new adventure objects and features without the need to read the ARMG manual first.

Advanced Town Portal (optional)

The ability to teleport to any desired town from H3 is back in H5. In MMH5.5 the system is very simple and balanced. Every town with a mage guild lvl 5 receives a 'town gate' and all heroes can be teleported back to that town if desired, regardless of their level.

Governance (optional)

The new optional governance feature, introduced in RC4 will allow players to use secondary heroes to govern towns and gain experience points and skills by doing that. Governor heroes will also receive various special bonuses from the town buildings

Town & Dwelling Conversion (optional)

Starting from MMH5.5 RC3 it will be possible, but not obligatory, to play any H5 map with town & dwelling conversion. In H5.5 Town Conversion will be much better balanced then it was in H6. In H6 it made the game too simple, because it was too cheap to convert towns and there were not enough restrictions. In H5.5 Town Conversion can actually make the game more difficult, instead of easier. There will be various new RMG Templates available designed specifically for expert players who want the game to be harder and more chaotic with Town Conversion enabled.






















MMH5.5 Downloads Page

Hotseat & LAN require script activation!

MMH55 is a script extension and H5 does not have scripts activated in multiplayer modes (Hotseat & LAN) by default. Therefore it is required to activate scripts on newly generated RMG maps and also on multiplayer maps downloaded from the internet (which don't have any scripted content) if you want to play those in Hotseat/LAN. You don't need to do this for playing in single player. All H5.5 default maps and included maps have scripts already activated.

MMH5.5 Script Activation and Preventing Sync Issues

System Requirements

MMH5.5 has higher system requirements ,you can pretty much consider the H6 requirements as applicable. Otherwise you may suffer from adventure map lag. MMH5.5 uses more detailed landscape textures. Next-gen core-ix processors with high clockspeed on single core really make the AI 'fly' and are highly recommended.

MMH5.5 FAQ - Troubleshooting


Magnomagus: project lead design, hex editing, programming, textures and manuals.

Quantomas: AI Programming (31j)
Kronos1000: hex-editing
BAD: hex-editing
Deflaktor: hex-editing, PEST
Simonak: hex-editing, technical issues
Indral: hex-editing
Sfidanza: hex editing
Mirthless/PvP: Scripting ideas
Alexoff: Scripting ideas
Prome7eus: Scripting ideas
Frostymuaddib: Scripting ideas
xuxo: Pre-rendered textures, HD textures
Marzhin: DM map content
Alcibiades: Buildings mod
Cepheus: 8 skills UI, technical issues
Xazardous: UI buttons
Heroesleague user?: Extended ATB
dredknight: LAN testing, social media
Spamm: text improvements.
TSoD: improved creature icons.
Fiur: refugee mod
Last edited by magnomagus on 07 Feb 2016, 13:50, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 03 Aug 2015, 11:06

New Major Update has been released

New Features and Changes

-34 New Artifacts, including many new ultimate items.
-New Backpack system allows for same amount of effective artifact slots as H3/4.
-Improved RMG with new artifacts, and new artifact quest system for ultimate items. Also revamped seer quests and reduced artifact duplication.
-The non-cheating AI (casual game) performs much better if heroic or impossible difficulty is selected.
-Tuned down excessive creature growth in Battle Sites.
-New Scarcity templates for RMG allow generating maps without rare resource mines.
-Added all new content to default campaign/singleplayer and multiplayer maps.
-Added isabel/nicolai wedding movie before main menu
-Greatly improved Combat Balance: Tuned down excessive combat damage, battles are not decided in first turn and/or by shooters, better melee tactics, magic heroes have time to use their powers, primary skills are of equal value, spell turns are more dynamic (like KB), Destructive and summoning spells effectiveness scales better in late game.
-Magic schools: 'master of...' skills teach heroes one spell, summon elementals lowered to level 3, summon hive lifted back to level 4 and effectiveness improved. Fire mines places more mines if hero has more spellpower.
-Enlightenment balance fix is made permanent, consequently: arcane exaltation and occultism give more spellpower
-Added 2 extra knight to fix balance issue on large maps with multiple haven players (knights unavailable for training), new renegade knights allow unique new gameplay
-Fixed lot of balance issues with starting heroes, most magic heroes start with magic school, reavers start with necromancy.
-low level creature specs (free join) will get a strong boost after the hero acquires more native towns (otherwise high level growth specs would be better)
-Fixed wulfstan not having ballista in campaign.
-All old demo maps are removed because they don't offer full content anymore and a smaller amount of new ones take their place.


-H5_Game.exe can no longer be used to generate Advanced Random maps (Artifacts are missing) there is a new MMH55_Utility exe file to take its place.
-The old installer has a small bug: sometimes it does not remove the H5_Game shortcut from startmenu, if it is still there after uninstallation, delete it manually (right-click), The new installer does not have bugs.
-All previously generated ARMG maps are now outdated and do not support the new artifacts, you will have to generate new maps or play some of the new demo maps. Check for version number in map description (1.2 = with NAF)
Last edited by magnomagus on 15 Dec 2015, 15:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 04 Aug 2015, 03:45

Should we instal the previous one to run the new one?

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 04 Aug 2015, 13:44

No you should uninstall beta 2 first then install this one, also read warning for beta 2 users right above your post.
old save games will not include new content

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 20 Aug 2015, 18:03

NEW VERSION RC2 (v551) released!

RC1 added so much new content that unfortunately some critical bugs slipped through the net, so I had to make a whole new release much sooner than planned. RC2 is the result of many days of stress testing and a large revision of the MMH55 scripts. It will generally improve the stability, performance and AI adventure map behavior of MMH55. Also included is ATB randomization reduction to 10%.

-Fixed Fatal AI turn crashes with Dungeon and Academy towns.
-Fixed AI getting stuck visiting battle sites (crypts etc.)
-Fixed Fatal AI crashes in Campaigns, Singleplayer maps and demo maps.
-Fixed Scripts crashing when AI receives rewards and various stuff.
-Reduced chance for AI leaving artifacts on adventure map.
-Improved response time of scripted adventure objects.
-Made text message info from AI players invisible to human players.
-Fixed script bugs in C3M3, C3M4, C1M5
-Moved Academy hero out of the way in C3M1
-Fixed Laszlo name and specialization.
-Fixed Archmage codex missing .xdb file
-Limited Artifact merchants for Dungeon/Academy to 1 if map has multiple of such towns. (balance)


-Added separate file for all text files to make translation easier.


New template allows placing all new artifacts and ultimate
items on the adventure map. (will upload soon)


Uninstall RC1a using shortcut in start menu, then install RC2 (no reboot required)


Old saved games with crash issues cannot be salvaged, the maps need to be restarted.
Last edited by magnomagus on 15 Dec 2015, 15:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 08 Sep 2015, 20:23

I want to congratulate you on the magnificent work you and everybody else have done here. Literally brought life back to this game. Not sure if I like the new spin of skill system, but at least we have a Skill Wheel implemented not to shoot in the dark.

One thing as a bug I noticed: can't seem to figure how the boosting creatures growth artifacts work here. In the previous patch they worked when you are on the gate of the castle, now with the new one, I don't think they work and when you are running around the map. Or maybe I was wrong that I put them on a Haven hero with Inferno army? Was lazy to switch with other hero, but will most likely try it again tomorrow.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby Steven Aus » 08 Sep 2015, 23:19

Quote from me from the HC MMH5.5 thread (http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.p ... enumber=58)

"AFAIK Legion Artifacts only give creatures native to your hero, and only if at least one of your troop stacks contain the correct level of native creature (upgraded or not upgraded doesn't matter, only the level does and that it's native to your hero - it then matches the one most to the left). I think the Legion artifacts work like the ones that resurrect 50% of living creatures at different tiers - they only work with creatures native to the hero. However you can have multiple of the resurrection artifacts, but only the highest tier works if you have more than one Legion artifact on the same hero (and only if you have at least 1 creature already of that tier - I don't think it tries a lesser Legion artifact if you don't have the tier of the highest level Legion artifact in that hero's inventory)."

Additional note: just so you don't get confused, Legion artifacts CAN give you elemental, mechanical, or undead units, so they are unlike the resurrection artifacts in that regard.
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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 12 Sep 2015, 17:41

Are the set artifacts working, cause I have 3 of Death's Embrace and I don't get the stats boost, plus it also shows that I have only one (as I have equipped 3).

Also I don't think the Pendant of Mastery is working too. At least with Jhora - no Knowledge, no nothing.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 13 Sep 2015, 16:56

Some scripted effects are not immediately visible when placing the artifact in the slot, but they are after closing the artifact screen

see for more known issues:

https://www.facebook.com/notes/might-ma ... 0953842770

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 22 Sep 2015, 14:04

I am now pretty damn sure that Moral is bugged and it works both ways, when both I and the AI are battling. It almost always have +1 Morale and when it hits on the AI it basically takes my creature's morale boost. Can't explain with other words how 2 stacks of Nightmares with +1 Morale would get Morale boost in 3 of their turns of 5 rounds, but my Thunder Thane will get NONE.

And this happens constantly.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 24 Sep 2015, 20:47

If this is true, then it musty have existed in TOE3.1, but a few incidents are not proof in a randomized system.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 25 Sep 2015, 08:17

I am not saying you broke it, but usually I tend to play with Necropolis a lot, and in the fewer times I play some other race, Leadership is not one of the skills that I am aiming for. But now, with Empathy so relatively easy to get - Leadership is a must, therefore I started to pay a lot more attention to it's mechanics and this issue struck me battle after battle, again and again like a ton of bricks. I think Morale (and perhaps Luck?) do work a lot like the Ghosts' Incorporeal ability, but for all the creatures on the battlefield.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 25 Sep 2015, 13:51

Empathy is nerfed to 5% instead of 10% (but I forgot to update the ingame manual). It used to be as strong as 3 levels of sorcery now its worth ~1.5 levels of sorcery. So it is not a must.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 27 Sep 2015, 11:36

magnomagus wrote:Some scripted effects are not immediately visible when placing the artifact in the slot, but they are after closing the artifact screen...
The Scale Mail Of Enlightenment says it gives extra +3 SP. I am playing with an Dwarven Engineer so every point of SP makes difference. Thus said, let's say the Haste spell, I have 8 SP and it must be active for 2.8 turns. When putting the Artifact, in the light of what you said, it must increase the duration in battle, but it does not, so I am not sure if this bonus works at all.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 28 Sep 2015, 11:45

The +3 SP is not a scripted effect, so it should work like normal.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 28 Sep 2015, 17:21

I am telling it does not have any effect. It is a randomly generated map, if that matters.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 30 Sep 2015, 12:21

I think you have a conflicting custom map or mod installed that overwrites the artifact index file.

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby cjlee » 05 Oct 2015, 15:35

I disliked H6 so much that I haven't visited this section in a while, and now I see this?

Does this mean I don't need to play other games? I can download HOMM 5.5 and my gaming gets a new lease of life?

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby magnomagus » 05 Oct 2015, 16:10

This mod must be installed on top of Tribes of the East + PATCH 3.1 (GOG Bundle also possible)

It includes all campaigns bugfixed for Quantomas AI (question from other thread)

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Re: Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (unofficial)

Unread postby parcaleste » 25 Oct 2015, 15:34

magnomagus wrote:I think you have a conflicting custom map or mod installed that overwrites the artifact index file.
It turned it was a map, so everything works just fine.

But, Sandro's Cloak does not work, as the enemy heroes are successfully casting Hypnotize and Frenzy on me. It just beats whatever use for this artifact into the ground.

Also, I am not sure what you did with the Confusion spell, but I fail to find whatever use for it now when shooters shoot and other creatures do retaliate all the time.

Other thing I find disturbing - the hero's attack is regularly doing more damage than most of the spells, often even on expert Destruction Magic (well, when you have low SP points, ofc.). Still I think they must be more damaging than that - it saves you a lot of mana in some battles.

The Champions Charge of havens Champions does not work as well (not hitting the second stack as it is explained in the abilities), and this is a bug I am experience since a long time.

Also, I found Stronghold suffering greatly without a healing spell. I had a file with which I was modding the Sisters to cast Regeneration, but with your patch it does not work anymore. The healing Powers of the Aid Tent are just ridiculous.

But overall I an still enjoying the game greatly. Awesome work.

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