Heroes 7 skill system

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Unread postby markkur » 07 Jul 2015, 15:03

Sounds good to me. <<<Replace Luck>>>> Why that was ever a skill is beyond me. The definition of luck is chance/fate/doom..."here, let me practice my luck, I want to become highly skilled". :D

Sort of like a Barb's war-cry "Hordes Revenge" or whatever it is called was not a implosion-spell. :D I didn't mind giving a shout and my Orcs getting pumped by it but that spell? No man....just no. Brain-fart all the way.

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Panda Tar
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 07 Jul 2015, 16:18

As some of us already discussed a while ago, Luck should be a Global variable, because it sounds odd controlling it and also, if two are lucky and one gets lucky, it's the misfortune of the other, and that's bizarre.

Luck could be a global mechanism active in many general inputs throughout game-play, not only battle, but mainly adding chances of triggering events here and there out of direct control of players, including peripheral management of neutrals and the map itself.

*blinks back into H7 reality. Becomes depressed*
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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 09 Jul 2015, 19:17

Those are all legit points and it might explain why they changed the name to destiny. As seen in cases before, changing names without actually changing mechanics seems to be the modus operandi of ubi & co. :mad:

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