HOMM 5 Multiplayer maps

Maps and the art of mapmaking.
Milos Gajic
Posts: 50
Joined: 18 Feb 2015
Location: Serbia

Re: markkur was very busy

Unread postby Milos Gajic » 08 Jun 2015, 17:37

Kalah wrote:I did. :)

Ok, I didn't know if it was updated on the site since there was no reply, also there was still a misspelling of my name present in the maptesting screen which I thought I wrote wrong when first sending the map, but after I changed it in the update it remained misspeled.

I don't care about that, it's just that I figured map wasn't updated since the author name wasn't changed.

PS. I should have sent my name in cyrilic :)

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Re: markkur was very busy

Unread postby markkur » 09 Jun 2015, 01:17

Milos Gajic wrote: Regarding the texture changing topic we discused before - I tried copying entire folders and ended up not being able to do anything different again.
Where are you putting the files? Have you used 7Zip and seen where the modders place theirs? I know for a fact, they must be at the correct file level or mods will not work. Lethos the Necromancer worked after I moved Nebdar's mod from the first slot to the same level of the Map's name. Also, anytime I added a Hero, I made sure the Hero was made available in the map-property window.

Glad you fixed the map.
Milos Gajic wrote: I'll put a disclaimer that will notify the players about it and that they need to remove it from map folder when they want to play another map.
Nothing wrong with this, it's a small effort for the folks to play a new map.

Milos Gajic
Posts: 50
Joined: 18 Feb 2015
Location: Serbia

Map progress update!!!

Unread postby Milos Gajic » 25 Jun 2015, 17:28

I just wanted to say how far have I got with my map:

Right now I've got about 6k lines of script and about 2mb map file size. I made about half of the map objects in place and maybe about third of the quests done and working(IDK, I don't plan the sidequests up front so there may be even more then up to this point).

And one more thing - before I asked about threads and new day triggers, new day triggered functions CANNOT be written separately (separate new day triggers for separate functions), all of the events triggered this way must be placed in one function!!! I am writing this because someone might see the conversation between Pitsu and me and think it doesn't matter how you write it, the fact is - this was actually said in the scripting 2.01 manual found here on CH but I oversaw it, and when Pitsu spoke about it he might have just forgotten about it, so there it is.


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