JVC Opens a Mobile Studio

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JVC Opens a Mobile Studio

Unread postby Angelspit » 28 May 2015, 17:23

There is a report on <a href="/http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2 ... try.biz</a> (thanks Marzhin) about the new mobile studio that was launched by Jon Van Caneghem, called VC Mobile Entertainment. He hopes to apply his experience in the gaming industry in a market where RPGs and strategy games have been very popular:

<i>"Never before has there been a way to get to so many consumers so easily and so many people who are actually playing games on mobile devices."</i>

JVC compares the mobile development field to the early days of PC gaming:

<i>"it's a smaller team, less of a giant budget and there's a lot more chance to iterate, there's a lot more chance to be creative. And that's why I view this as such an exciting time for game design and development. It's not a 200-person, four-year endeavour to build a product."</i>

There aren't any details about the games this new studio is working on. But feel free to make some predictions!

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Unread postby Kalah » 28 May 2015, 18:14

Well, I personally neither like nor have much faith in big og long-lasting RPGs on mobile devices - possibly with the exception of tablets (and I don't think companies want to make their games exclusively for tablets). So: I think JVC and crew should make small, quick games that we can play offline while on train journeys just as easily at home. :)
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JVC Opens a Mobile Studio

Unread postby Fuddelbaerentatze » 29 May 2015, 16:20

Small and quick games are not what I am hopping for. Id like to see something of dwarven fortress like complexity with h4 grade quality 2d graphics :-) Lets wait and see ...

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