Cake Kingdoms Map Improvments Ideas Bug Fixes

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Captain Hero
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Cake Kingdoms Map Improvments Ideas Bug Fixes

Unread postby Captain Hero » 17 May 2015, 16:02

Hey I am still working on an update for Cake Kingdoms

Already fixed some minor bugs and would like to know if you found any or have any thought to improve the map further.

Cheers ... ion=search

Upcoming Updates:


- Added a lot of paths threw the bigger terrain blocks (mountains, forests, lava lakes etc) inside almost every kingdom.
This should improve pathing in general, and this should make the kingdoms a lot more similar.
- Changed the "Change" Messages at day one to notify each player which Units where bought and the amount of Gold Change.
- "Change" is also given to PC-Players now.
- Added one Obelisk to each Island (Dragon and Emissaries Islands)
This should make finding the Grail somewhat more difficult, and when playing with fractions, the bigger teams
now don't have easy acces to 3/8ths of the Obelisks, only 3/17 which is a lot closer to 2/17.

- Moved the Zombies one square to the right. (107, 104, 1)

- Added some paths threw the bigger terrain blocks in the center (above and underground)
- Changed the Taxes to occur at every castle on day 28 and every 28 days. Taking 500 Gold from the owner of the castle.
- Changed Tax Event Message
- Added Two more Fire pits only accessible with fly or dimension door.
- CakeKingdomsWogSettings:
- Neutral Stack Size disabled (Diplomacy might work again)
- Commander Witch Hut disabled.

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Unread postby Salamandre » 17 May 2015, 16:37

Umm not sure what to say, the map has no scripts and no dat file, so it can be played in 1500 ways, with all or none of the wog options, how can you balance a map in such conditions?

Also you place the border guards in the most weird way I ever saw... why block the road when 3 steps left is open? Then it has an even day 662 which is supposed to give 10k gold to human player. Isn't a bit late? :D

(day 662 is used to set wog scripts)

Captain Hero
Posts: 7
Joined: 26 Jan 2015

Unread postby Captain Hero » 17 May 2015, 17:19

thanks for the input

there are some recommended wog settings attached.. if you mean that..
can you save those in the map? but on the other hand i also want to leave it to the players, so they can choose which wog options they like and which they dont.

i will also attach some recommended advanced settings.

yeah those border guards are a bit random, you can clear them in order to have a quicker route to your 2nd castle - shorter paths between castles could save you some 2nd upgrade buildings and might ease defending both.

that royal support thing is just for the heck of it. true i might move it to month 6 and make a 50% growth boost in each castle. i had a sudden death thing in mind.

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Unread postby Salamandre » 17 May 2015, 17:35

Day 662 means the 10k money will be given to human player month 25. I think that by then, he will not need it so much, as unique event 8|

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