Unread postby Pol » 03 May 2015, 07:38
Sure, there are less worthsome and more worthsome games. The first coming to mind are Dark Messiah, Old goodies and Clash of Heroes. But for example I don't own H6 Complete, neither H5 Complete. So I may got the first one out of curiosity or discount fewer.
But if you don't own H6 Complete and would like only this one, then it's cheaper to go for it from the weekend sale. Even if the game is notoriusly unfamous for most mapmakers, as one time story it's a quite a bargain (Thanks Marzhin!). So strictly depends on what do you want.
As owner of vanilla H6 I already invested to this release (Damn 50€), so getting the expansions for 7.49€ (compared to 13.39€ from the whole bundle) sounds sweet (and fair at the same moment). In my case I'm pretty sure that I won't have time to play H5, Dark Messiah, Legacy, so I could be only sad for Clash of Heroes. That's acceptable loss.
BTW I still didn't even managed to finish Kings Bounty - Dark Side, perhaps sometime in this year.
Not exactly as last point, the weekend bundle affects more games from Ubisoft, like Assasin's Creed, FarCry4, Watchdogs, Anno2070, Might & Magic X-Legacy or Preorder of HeroesVII - this one without discount. Which may everyone use to its advantage as s/he's pleased.