Okay, some more updates. This weekend I covered quite a bit of stuff. Previously, I found some bugs in regards to randomly generated fountains and barrels. Basically, what would happen is if you decided not to drink out of the fountain or barrel, left the area, and then returned the barrel or fountain would change its property. EX:Used to be a blue liquid an now it's a yellow liquid.
So, I fixed all of that up so now LOE has a world of completely randomized barrels and fountains which is generated on each new game. Another thing I changed was traps! Traps are also randomly generated per game. The way traps used to work was that if you triggered it they would vanish, a one time trap. Now, you need to detect and disarm it in order for the trap to vanish. Also, you can no longer rest when creatures are nearby. I had this in before but it wasn't working properly. Problem solved!
I have spent a lot of the weekend going back through all the maps and replacing all of the old stuff with the new updated objects. I still got some maps left to cover but a lot are done.
Just for some lore, this is Suzaku, the guardian of fire:
https://www.facebook.com/thelegendofert ... 51/?type=1
The elements indeed play an important role in the world of Erthia. I was inspired by Final Fantasy Legend's Suzaku! So, I brought this creature into the world. Suzaku is one of my all time favourites for video game villains. For those who have played FFL for gameboy will know how much trouble this creature gave if you didn't know what to do.
Lastly, I did some more composing work. This is the newly arranged them to LOE: Armageddon.