Might & Magic X - Modders wanted!

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Might & Magic X - Modders wanted!

Unread postby Marzhin » 20 Sep 2013, 18:36

we're currently working on the modkit for MMX, and we'd like some experienced modders to test it before the release. Does that sound appealing to you? Have you worked with Unity, have you done some nice game maps and/or mods before? Then show us some of your finest pieces of work and be one of the first people to create a map or a mod for MMX!
If you are a modder and are interested to have a look at the modding kit for MMX, please click on the link below :)

https://mightandmagicx-legacy.ubi.com/o ... ed-modders

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 21 Sep 2013, 06:44

Huh, MMX is on Unity3D? So why is there no Linux and OS X builds? Unity3D has them as build targets, so making such versions would be a matter of a few clicks... And not using platform-specific hacks, I suppose.

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Super Goober
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Unread postby Super Goober » 25 Feb 2015, 13:46

I thought this was the old Might and Magic X that Lich Labs started several years ago. Anyone remember Children of the Void?

The very first build I remember working with while on the team was Unity as well. :)

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