Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

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Unread postby MadMax » 23 Mar 2014, 23:00

Above you can see the "Ruins of Paal Gran"
These ruins holds quite a big secret, and you will meet someone in here that used to be more than what he is today... I don't want to say to much, but there is indeed a royal suprise in here ;)
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Unread postby MadMax » 28 Mar 2014, 00:46

Quote from a quest hut in MoS3.3 to prove that development is moving further! ;)

"Inside of the hut you find an old man. He sits at a table, his head is hanging down. It almost looks like he is sleeping.
"Excuse me? My name is Charles." you say with a voice that truly shows your discomfort.
The man shakes his head a bit, and then he raises it. His face looks torn and scratched. He looks like he shouldn't even be alive.

"Ahh, could it be? Are you a true warrior?" his voice sounds like it has taken a bigger blow than his face.
"Well, yes, I would call myself a warrior" you reply, your voice is cracking. The man is scaring you, even though he seems friendly.
"Don't let my face scare you.. It is my own fault for being an inhabitant of the Thunder Roc Mountains.. It seems like I am getting to old to live here. I haven't left my hut in days. I am not fast enough, I was lucky enough to survive the attack of the rocs. Next time I probably won't be.
That is why I need you, there is rumors of a necklace that grants the wearer speed. If I had it, I could make a break for it and find myself a new home. Of course I will reward you." "
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Unread postby MadMax » 28 Mar 2014, 01:28

Salamandre wrote:
Koni wrote:And I wonder, if there isn't anybody, who finished the whole campaign, and why there is NOTHING to report/comment/criticize ... here about the work for weeks. ;| Come on, guys! ;)
Give some time:)

Played the whole campaign and here are my thoughts. Finished it in 250 days at expert difficulty with quite unusual troops (minotaurs and black dragons). Used the editor open to see whats going, so I guess it would take the double if playing blind.

First, congratulations to the team for giving a very interesting campaign, a nice storyline and increasing challenge.

Now, the things I did not like 100% and things I liked:

Overall, my regret is that the whole campaign is based on mostly swamp (well I can understand the connection with minotaurs?) and then it may require restart if not right skills. I played first scenario and did not pick pathfinding when offered, thus I gave up on third scenario, as travel took me ages. Restarted and picked pathfinding this time then it went smooth. Please notice that swamp is a very special terrain and it is used very few in most maps/campaigns because it simply frustrates the player and prohibit smooth leveling of secondary heros. The editor could be used more deeply, terrains could vary much more, so the player is "blown" in the eyes how beautiful looks the land. Maybe next? :)

The Murdered Innkeep:

Nice storyline, fast leveling of both heros (got also Grac to level 12), slow and blind a must to have for the final fight. I played the map several times as I wanted to finish it fast (I am not the kind of player which waits weeks to gather enough troops) but the 280 minotaurs were too strong. Eventually I understood that intelligence was also required and replayed until I got it.

So important skills were (further scenarios are much easier if you get them) pathfinfing, water, earth and intelligence. Once I had this setup I felt confident to play the second. Last fight was easy with intelligence (shoot then blind), otherwise it is a pain.

Tip: 1 pikeman in 6th slot, so you can cast blind after the whole halberds group attacked.

Flight of the Minotaur:

Nice layout, of course having an angel on start + cure expert speeds the things greatly. The AI is handcuffed so it was very easy. It took me the more time to play this scenario as I went through ALL guilds and built them until I got clone/resurrect. Once I had them + archangels I knew nothing can stop me.
Garc went easily to a spell power of 18 with some artefacts and found a gold dragon in camp. Once he got chain and meteor he was the perfect stop for necros while Yurian was in other business.

Breaking the Threshold:

(Ah man I got pissed when Grac died, as I took my time to develop him to 24 in previous scenario then bam!)
This I liked the less. First time I got inside without pathfinding and after 3 weeks I restarted the whole campaign as it would take me months to travel there and here. I did not like much the design, but appreciated fast travel through monoliths. I really expected to see more terrains, lakes, grass hills, but only swamp and swamp everywhere. Oh well...
Of course I kept the badge of courage as its bonus is more important than 3 archangels. With clone+resurrect and some blind I managed to do the whole map without loss, and was pissed when it asked me 2 trolls to visit some arena as I should dismiss 150 halberds for that. Did not visited it.
AI was quite inexistent but I suppose it is because I did it very fast with pathfinding. Without it I would expect 10x more armies but I declined it:). I also think I killed someone called Koni inside, sorry, had no mercy for that traitor.

The Final Truth:

Great plot, but I had a fast intuition on first day when I saw summon boat in guild and further actions changed completely the map and outcome. I took the boat, killed easily the 20 black dragons on second day with 1 archangel +18 marksmans + some fodder (force field) then attacked the dungeon at east and killed Gunnar. Once I did that, I took the dungeon at west and from then the AI was crippled and never moved out from his north corner. Headed straight for black tent and got Town portal. So map was a "promenade", I could play it longer but it had no sense. I did all the AI quests, got some 100 minotaurs and black dragons and headed straight for his last town.

While Yurian ran after scarred warlocks some secondary heros cleaned the most of map with archangels/marksmans. Just for fun, I collected the elixir of life and bow of the sharpshooter but it had no use as AI lost in 2 rounds every time. Very interesting connections between monoliths/gates/tents so with some analyze before they could be all visited in one week.

At the end 50% of the map was fully cleaned but I felt no urge to continue cleaning further as the AI was not real threat. I never could recruit Grac as I did not have anymore the parts of the ring. I guess I changed them at the sacrifice altair earlier to get some additional levels for Grac. Funny.


Nice storyline, increased challenge, well done events, complex connections between areas, angry minos everywhere.

I would prefer to see a more detailed layout, more various fights and an AI more aggressive. More secondary heros involved would give more strategic gameplay too. The SOD editor is great, use all of it!:)

Overall: Very good campaign, hope to see a next one soon.

Oh god, reading this gives me chills, many many hard hours were put into MoS1.. And here I sit. 2:27 am swedish time and have just finished another map session on MoS3. And what you have written in this review will be with me.

I just told Yurian, we will work against 4 key words in MoS3..

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News - Sighisoara Contest Announced

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 01 Apr 2014, 21:17

Hi everyone,

The screenshot HoP posted above comes from Sighisoara III which is still a work-in-progress and thus what you've seen represents a mere demo version that is still subject to many changes and updates to come.

We, the Sighisoara Team, would really like to hear your thoughts about campaign II ("The Undead of Xerphef") which was released in Christmas 2013. Is the work of superior quality compared to its predecessor?


We now announce Masters of Sighisoara II - The contest

The player who'll finish Campaign II by 31st of December 2014 with highest score in-game AND sends us a screenshot to serve as proof, shall be awarded a FREE gift, a "Sighisoara Package" which will be mailed to your home address together with a Thank You note from the Team.

Don't forget to rate the Campaign here at CH. Thanks.

With solidarity,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager of the World of Sighisoara
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Unread postby MadMax » 08 Jun 2014, 19:34

Latest story piece just written by me:

"A bit over 500 years ago, lived a humble race called Gnomes. These creatures were small in body, but big in mind. The talented and scientifically developed gnomes where known all across Sighisoara. One of their inventions was grander and more advanced than any other.
This was called “The Vault of Time.”
It took the Gnomes no less than 20 years to construct this masterpiece, and once a prototype was finished; a deal with Jarall was made.
The wizards were to be the protectors of Gnorme. Allysander, the highest arch mage in Jarall constructed an impenetrable force field that surrounded the island. No beast, no man could break through it, only the highest arch mages combined forces would be strong enough to tear it down.
As the force field was raised around the island, construction of The Time Vault started.
Gnorme is divided into 12 districts, each named after a number. The Vault of Time where meant to be unbothered by natural forces, it was built in the middle of the island. This place was also known as the Epicenter of Time, or Dekdu.
People from around Sighisoara wanted to come to Gnorme to spot the gnomes magnificent item, but none where granted access. The Vault of Time had become the first clock of Sighisoara. It measured over 30 feet in height and huge cogwheels were swirling majestically in the machinery.
However, it also turned out that the Vault of Time would doom the gnomes, or at least so it seems.
What we now refer to as year 0 would turn out to be the end of Gnorme.
After constructing the Vault of Time, the gnomes did not stop experimenting with the possibilities that it brought. One of the brains behind it all was Theo Longfoot, a young genious gnome with building skills that were unmatched.
He came up with a theory that combining magic and changing the turning motions of the cogwheels would allow the gnomes to bend time, therefor being able to travel between past and future.
Unfortunately, Theo’s dream never became reality. As the majestic cogwheels started swirling in the other direction, infused by the powers of the local mage, Allistair, the calculations backfired.
The powerful forces of nature no longer worked in the favor of the gnomes. Instead, a booming sound was heard across Sighisoara as The Vault of Time collapsed.

The horrors for the gnomes would not stop there. Fortunate enough for the rest of the continent, the force field created by the arch mages was able to stand up against the shockwave created by the destruction, or else, Sighisoara would be doomed.
Gnorme slowly started sinking; the gnomes were facing total extinction due to their isolated nature.
Not even the arch mages could help the gnomes out. The Vault of Time, together with an entire race went under water.

Or atleast, so it seemed… "

With reservation for changes and gramatical errors! ;)

This does mean that Sighisoara keeps living on, and we are working, in the shadows! ;)
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Unread postby MadMax » 16 Dec 2014, 23:04

We now have a facebook page, it would be very appreciated if you could spare a like for us.

We will be posting pictures, information, kind of like in this page, but with easier interaction with you, the fans!

We will also be revisiting posts and posting general information on that page!
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Step by Step

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 06 Feb 2015, 13:31

Update on the 6th of February 2015

The Project is not dead or hibernating too deep or the like.

At the time of writing, I am updating the maps 1 and 2 of Campaign III.
Both HoP and myself (Yurian) were not satisfied by the way things presented themselves in our reasonably well built Demo Version of Map 1 of the Third Campaign. The balance there needed some reworking on the tactical side and major upgrading on the Strategic side. So you can expect a number of nice, hard-won results arising from my latest work showing up as the more polished parts and bits as we continue our journey to move Step by Step (ooh, baby ;)) closer to yet another beta release milestone.

When will it come, you may ask? Please follow our Facebook Account, and if you want to, please volunteer for the project.

With Solidarity,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager of the World of Sighisoara
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Friday Update! About Romania and the World of Sighisoara.

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 27 Feb 2015, 08:23

Update on Friday, the 27th of February 2015

Greetings fellow Heroes fans,

It is yet another Friday so an update to our Project is in order. :)

During the years we have been approached by a number of Romanians asking about the name of our fantasy world. Yes, it is taken from its real world counterpart which is situated in Mureș County, Romania. Naming of our Project was, as HeroOfPunk has confirmed many times before, the result of his "Googling around". So there you have it, mystery solved.

And no, Thunder Titan, we'll not be paying you or any other Romanian for the use of the name of the real world City. Pointing him out that we could find us equally well, and perhaps even more suitably, be paying the Hungarians as well shut him up and we never returned to the matter. At least not with TT, anyway. We are not using Romanian culture in any way!

Back to our Project. We have been quite active this February as our Facebook account can reveal and serve as wittness to. The Third Campaign is now moving onwards with good pace thanks to the Team being reinvigorated by the emerging Spring time sunshine after the long winter slumber. We have gained new international audience and new map masters have offered their services to the Team, of which we are feeling but gratitude and relief to lessen the work load on our Core Team.

Map 1 ("The Teleport Device") of Campaign III has been recently upgraded to Demo Version 2 with the final Demo Version being currently under development. Map 2 ("The Wizard's Challenge") of Campaign III will be upgraded to version 0.85 during the weekend as previously planned. Maps 3 and 4 are progressing quite nicely with the latter having gained our Team Leader's close attention during the past four weeks. I shall personally be investigating the problems lurking within map 3 during this very weekend if my remaining free time allows it. Hopefully it does.

Are you curious for more? Please see our Facebook page here.

With Solidarity,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Manager for the World of Sighisoara
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Unread postby MadMax » 27 Feb 2015, 21:27

Yes, and we also announced the spin off Masters of Sighisoara 3.5 The Saga of Zhule.


The Bounty Halls, a place to go to receive quests to kill specific creatures, if you succeed, you reap the reward!
Here are some features that will be included in the game.
3 Playable Classes
9 different magic schools
99 Levels
A big variety of items, weapons and armors.
Side quests and main quest
A rich storyline
Buyable creatures for your army (This one is not set in stone)
And much more!


In Masters of Sighisoara 3.5 our Hero, Zhule, is standing outside the The Blacksmith in Dragonia.
The game will be set in the Sighisoara universe, you will be playing as a Hero venturing into several different nations in an open world game with a main story and side quests available for you.


One of the interiors of a blacksmith.

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Unread postby MadMax » 20 Mar 2015, 22:56

Time for a new update!
As we speak, I am starting a new project, to help ease the work for me and Yurian
(MoS3.5 and is still in progress btw, and a demo should be playable in a not to far future. MoS3 is also developing).

I am currently starting the extensive work of gathering all information possible and all the Sighisoara material into a dropbox. And with it, I am creating a "Sighisoara bible", or a lore book if you want to call it that instead.
I am going to write down all the info we have given in earlier campaigns and try to find some more hidden stuff that I have worked on before.
All of this will be summarized in the lore, which may, or may not be released to the public. Of course, we will update the wikia with all the useful information that we find ;)

EDIT: First night of digging up documents and checking maps and events are done.
So far, I have scrapped together 6 pages of Lore.
And rest assure, the other projects are still well in my mind, however, this is something that needs to be finished before we carry on. This is to secure quality and a better storyline for you, the audience! :)

Here is a little picture to show you what I am working on. ... e=5570B83F
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 11 Aug 2015, 12:48

Update time!

Things are once again picking up some good pace. My dear friend Yurian Stonebow seems to be back on track and on fire!
Masters of Sighisoara 3 is still hoping to see the light and be released in 2015!

Me and Yurian are in pretty much daily contact and I am working hard on both Heroes maps, and the stand alone Masters of Sighisoara game, it has now reached around 30 minutes of game time, but still needs a lot of balancing etc.
My goal is to have a bigger part of the game done by 2015's end as well..

My short story about one of the characters of Sighisoara is also doing good and evolving.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 11 Aug 2015, 14:41


The latest update from my dear team member Yurian Stonebow showed some great graphical improvements along many other great things.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 12 Oct 2015, 12:55

Time for another big update. Even though we haven't posted here in a while, we are nothing else but active on the map making front!

So, here are the updates since last time we spoke;

*We are looking for mapmakers for Map 1, which is currently in a 0.9 state.
*Map 2 is curently in a 0.85 state, we need to restructure these huge text parts of stories into various places on the map.
*Map 3 is currently in a 0.7 state, it has good graphics, and a good challenge, we will be looking for map testers for both map 2 and 3 soon as well.
*Map 4 is currently in a 0.65 state, a big XL map that will feature a lot of well written story bits, a big, varied terrain to explore, and also, some strong enemies that will stand in your way. (Watch out for Kashmun's Deep, a legendary spirit is wandering around there, praying on adventurers such as yourself ;) )

Campaign file is in a 0.60 state as well. And with some good teamwork and of course, dedication, this baby may just be released before the end of 2015! :)

Ohh.. And here are some images, the main map has been updated... (4k resolution baby!)
(Full image here;

Then, I also have managed to get some nice images of MoS1 in full resolution as well! :)
Map 1, also in that wonderful high resolution (Full image;

The Wikia has received some nice updates as well, grammatical fixes, added sections, oh and... The campaign actually got a name now..

Masters of Sighisoara III - A Gyondrian's Tale
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 25 Nov 2015, 23:16

Greetings fellow Heroes fans,

First of all, I offer a sincere apology in the name of the Team and myself to all you Heroes fans out there following our thread. Lack of news is never a good thing, and here's hoping for a better days to come with more frequent news bits from us.

It's been a rough autumn for me this year and my personal demons have been getting on me with much more force than "usual". Depression, anxiety and some abnormally heavy withdrawal symptoms from a certain prescription drug ( for more info on that particular legal dope, see here and here have all been recorded during this year. That's not a record I can admit to being too proud of. I continue seeing two doctors, one of which is an acclaimed Psychiatrist. (60 min. costs 128 €, phew!)

Enough of me and my worried life. Let's take a look at the current state of the Third Sighisoara Campaign for Heroes III:SoD.

Map 1, "The Teleport Device" is currently at version 0,90 and is quite playable even if it is not ideally balanced.
Map 2, "The Wizards' Challenge" is currently at version 0,85 and is about to see some good revamping on its way to version 0.90.
Map 3, "King of the Mountains" is currently a bit underdeveloped and stuck at version 0.60. Major improvements are needed on this one.
Map 4, "Charles, Dragonslayer" is currently at version 0.70 with the above ground sections of the map fully developed.

Overall, the campaign itself is calculated to have reached version 0,76 and will see some minor updates before we'll update it to version
0,80 which in turn shall form the basis for our "Proper Alpha Version" of the Sighisoara III Campaign itself. I think that the Team may very well present invitations to active CH members in order to test out the very first playable campaign version in the near future. ;)

How to receive your copy of the campaign file that is to be play-tested? "Ask and you shall receive". In other words, contact me, Yurian, and I shall send you the file via personal email. You can contact the Team via PM or just simply, by writing here in our thread.

Thank You for reading this information.

With Heroic greetings,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Coordinator for the Masters of the Sighisoara Campaign series for Heroes III:SoD
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 30 Nov 2015, 00:39

Greetings fellow Heroes fans,

While it is true that I am quite exhausted from all that heavy-weight map making as I type this,
a news update here in our thread is very much in order. Yes, the news is that good.
You may remember me mentioning that updating the MoS III Campaign to version 0.80 (from 0.76)
is one of my top priorities for the near future. Well, the wait is over as I dedicated this very weekend
to achieve this goal. By updating the third map, "The King of the Mountains" to version 0.70, and
then adding the new material into the Campaign file we finally reached overall version 0.80. :-D

Let's take a look at the current state of the Third Sighisoara Campaign for Heroes III:SoD.

Map 1, "The Teleport Device" is currently at version 0,90 and offers a decent gameplay even as a stand-alone map.
Map 2, "The Wizards' Challenge" is currently at version 0,90 and is quite stable in its present form.
Map 3, "King of the Mountains" is currently at version 0.70 with major improvements already performed.
Map 4, "Charles, Dragonslayer" remains currently at version 0.70 with the underground sections of the map still not fully developed.

Overall, the 3rd Campaign reached version 0,80 today and now forms the basis for our "Proper Alpha Version".
You can obtain your copy for Alpha testing by contacting me, Yurian. The Team can be contacted via sending us PM or simply
by writing your request right here in our thread. We shall then send you the MoS III Campaign's Alpha testing file via personal email.

Thank You for reading this delightfully ever so important information.

Don't forget to follow our official Masters of Sighisoara Facebook page right here at

With Heroic greetings,

Yurian Stonebow
Project Coordinator for the Masters of the Sighisoara Campaign series for Heroes III:SoD
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 03 Dec 2015, 13:30

Greetings and salutations Heroes of Might and Magic III players!

As Yurian has stated above, our work continues with great haste. It seems as of now that we will not reach the initial goal of releasing before 2015 ends, but we will not be far from it!

Facebook has given us a new source of inspiration with fans reaching out to us with critisism and with cheers.
Last night we issued a new "To Do List" and today, if time allows (Which I will make sure it will) the list should be done and results sent back to Yurian.

The maps keep developing with a good pace and we can see updates weekly.
The MoS Wikia is hopefully going to see an update soon as well and the Sighisoara map re-make is also a project that could be hot soon!

MoS stand alone game is CURRENTLY on ice, but work is intended to be picked up as soon as MoS3 is ready and more attention can be given to all these side projects.

Great to see that CH Forums and site is finally looking a little bit more normal than it did earlier!

Masters of Sighisoara is as alive as in the beginning when we had a full team.

Beta testers, critics and general do-gooders are welcome to contact the team in order to ease our work! :)

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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Kalah » 03 Dec 2015, 14:49

HeroOfPunk wrote:It seems as of now that we will not reach the initial goal of releasing before 2015 ends...
Don't be too hard on yourselves - the CH map features aren't fully updated yet anyway, so new maps aren't being processed (simply stored, waiting for the update).
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 03 Dec 2015, 15:14

Kalah wrote:
HeroOfPunk wrote:It seems as of now that we will not reach the initial goal of releasing before 2015 ends...
Don't be too hard on yourselves - the CH map features aren't fully updated yet anyway, so new maps aren't being processed (simply stored, waiting for the update).

Thanks for saving our skin there Kalah! ;)
Any ideas when it will be up again? If you want to, write me a PM and I will see if I can help in any way, though no master of programming or so, I MAY be able to add any value.
Well, work continues anyway and we hope CH will be back to it´s former glory soon! :)
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby Pol » 04 Dec 2015, 22:03

Probably soon tm :P

Now seriously, it will be this month.
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Re: Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 06 Dec 2015, 15:15

Pol wrote:Probably soon tm :P

Now seriously, it will be this month.
Great! We will continue our work on the maps and the campaign! Expect a not too distant release (I think, unless we run into a lot of balancing issues etc).

On a "side note", we just reached a pretty huge 100k view on this thread!
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