HoMaM 3 (+wog) Mod Idea. Terrain Bonus Balance Dungeon Nerf

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Captain Hero
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Joined: 26 Jan 2015

HoMaM 3 (+wog) Mod Idea. Terrain Bonus Balance Dungeon Nerf

Unread postby Captain Hero » 27 Jan 2015, 11:37

I was trying to do a very balanced map for Heroes of Might and Magic III (with Wake of Gods mod), which even looked decent.

However I did not take one tiny thing into account, and to be fair this doesn't seem to be very balanced anyway.. - well the thing i noticed after the map was finished is that the Dungeon Faction, always gets terrain bonus, regardless of the terrain they are on when moving or fighting underground...

So i suggest that only the certain terrain "subterranean" gives Dungeon their home advantage, so this terrain can be used underground to give dungeon their advantage.. and underground lava will give inferno their home advantage! "Subterranean" terrain can even give dungeon above ground their home advantage, but i dislike the idea that regardless of the terrain Dungeon always gets the bonus underground..

Anyone knows how to mod this?

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Unread postby Salamandre » 27 Jan 2015, 16:58

Captain Hero
Posts: 7
Joined: 26 Jan 2015

Unread postby Captain Hero » 28 Jan 2015, 09:45

Whoho that's BONKERS!

thanks dude!
and special thanks to JimV good stuff! works great!

So I just discovered tiny mistakes in my map.. will fix them now and maybe test it one more time before sharing with you guys!


Captain Hero
Posts: 7
Joined: 26 Jan 2015

Unread postby Captain Hero » 25 Feb 2015, 08:52

i shared the map some time ago, someone still needs to test it tough


Map Name: Cake Kingdoms
Author: Captain Hero
Size: extra large
Version: h3wog
Date: 30-Jan-2015
Multiplayer: yes
Map Version: 0.9
Description: Cooperative 3v3v2. A kingdom for a peace of cake! 2 cakes, 8 pieces and 8 kingdoms. Between the latter you find corridors with portals connected to each other. 2 center conflux towns. 2 gold mines. All unit dwellings. All artifacts. Everyone is everyone\'s neighbour.

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