Might and Magic fan game

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Might and Magic fan game

Unread postby Blake » 15 Nov 2014, 23:54

Hi guys,

Thought you might find this interesting. While chatting on the adventure game studio forums with someone who's made some cool Quest for Glory style demos in the past to get some info for my Website he told me about his latest project. A game called Quest for Magic that's a Might & Magic style game with some Quest For Glory influence too using the Unity Engine.

He linked me a small early demo where you can run around an Island. Looks pretty cool! You will need to install the Unity web player plugin to play it though. Fortunately I already had it installed thanks to another game I had that required it.
Island Movement Test

Controls are X to jump, Alt to activate mouse look, and the usual keys for forward, back & strafe.

He's working on the combat module atm and sent me this video test:

I'm afraid he doesn't have a website but if I get more news/demos down the track I'll post it it here.
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Re: Might and Magic fan game

Unread postby Blake » 14 Oct 2016, 06:35

2 years go by and I decided to contact the maker of this project to see how it was going and boy has he been busy.. He sent me these videos and and they look freaky!!

He still has no website though lol!


Island Town

Chicken Dance
Last edited by Blake on 14 Oct 2016, 06:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic fan game

Unread postby Tress » 19 Oct 2016, 09:08

Looks more polished than most MM fan projects which tried to continue story , which is shame since most of them break down because they get too ambitious for their own good. Still its very good trend that game making tools become more and more available to common man. When projects like MMT started out it meant creating own engine which more often than not would not be suited to complete project to some point.
Last edited by Tress on 19 Oct 2016, 09:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic fan game

Unread postby Skittzo » 22 Mar 2023, 23:41

Hey, that was me!

It's been a very long time obviously, but yeah that was one of my projects back in the day. It didn't get all that far, the videos there show more or less the extent of it.

I have however tried to narrow my focus over the years and now I've actually made something that will actually release!

It's called Monsters Of Mican, and it's very obviously inspired by Might and Magic, both the older style and the 6-9 style. It's not as ambitious as I originally wanted- this game is more of a dungeon crawler in that it takes place in one series of mostly linear dungeons, with a single hub town.

I also have a few demos up for this and also for the bigger more open game I'm planning to make after this one, here:


I haven't really seen much feedback from anyone on these demos so I'd love it if some of you all could give it a try and let me know what you think!

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Re: Might and Magic fan game

Unread postby Blake » 03 Apr 2023, 05:48

Oh wow! I dug up our old convo on facebook a couple of years back and msg'd you to see how things were going but didn't hear back so I figured that was that! Great to see you're still at it with your Might & Magic and Quest for Glory influence game projects. I'll have to go check out your new project!
Blake's Sanctum - Heroes of Might & Magic: fan page containing pictures, vids, info, similar games & fan projects!

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Re: Might and Magic fan game

Unread postby Skittzo » 03 Apr 2023, 14:48

Blake wrote: 03 Apr 2023, 05:48 Oh wow! I dug up our old convo on facebook a couple of years back and msg'd you to see how things were going but didn't hear back so I figured that was that! Great to see you're still at it with your Might & Magic and Quest for Glory influence game projects. I'll have to go check out your new project!
Yeah I more or less dropped all my social media years ago. I really do need to get a website up and running, huh? I guess my itch page will work for now.

I think I'll be making a longer post about this game (Monsters of Mican) on this forum soon, but for now I'd love to hear any feedback from the demo I have up. I'm actually not far off from being totally done this game, and somehow despite it being less ambitious than I planned it still has over 160 distinct monsters and close to 100 different spells and abilities, not to mention a really robust randomized loot system. I plan to finish the game this year and sell it on itch, Steam and the Epic store and if there is much interest (and maybe a kickstarter, since I'm developing this with no budget) I might be able to port it to consoles.

If you still maintain your website I'd love it if you could post a link to my itch page! I really need to get all the publicity I can for this, I think it's a really really fun game that plays surprisingly well but I really haven't heard from anyone else whether or not they enjoy it, or what they do/don't like about it. So any and all feedback is super important!

Thanks for your interest!

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