How long is a TURN during combat?

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How long is a TURN during combat?

Unread postby Wahooka » 02 Sep 2014, 22:45

This may seem a stupid question, but what is meant by a TURN during combat?

When it says that a creature is effected by a BLINDNESS spell for 3 Total Turns, how long is that exactly?

Is it that he loses his next 3 chances to act, regardless of when they occur?

Or does it represent the next 3 actions in the initiative stack by other creatures?

Or something else?

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Re: How long is a TURN during combat?

Unread postby darkprinceh5 » 03 Sep 2014, 00:47

A turn in H5 means a turn for a standard hero to act, which equals a creature with initiative of 10.

All magic/states are measured in standard turns no matter the target's initiative. An implication for Fire Walls/Decays/Regeneration is that these magics can trigger multiple times in a turn if the targeted creature has an initiative higher than 10.

If your heroes have Expert Sorcery, they might act faster than usual and act 4 times in 3 turns.

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Unread postby Wahooka » 03 Sep 2014, 19:10

I guess it wasn't a stupid question :)


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