The Demo thread

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Apr 2006, 23:55

We are planning something like that, but it's in the future. For now let's focus on H5 and the expansions.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Apr 2006, 00:45

DaemianLucifer wrote: Sure it can.Just add the day/night cycle,make the vampires uber strong,but unable to fight in daylight :devil:
That would suck. And Bram Stoker had Dracula walk about in daylight, so it's fine as it is.
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Unread postby Kalah » 30 Apr 2006, 00:52

And how would one do it? Display a message every turn saying: "Your vampires can't move any further - they have to seek shelter from the sun"? Leave them behind to gain more speed? Bonus in the undreground far away from daylight?

Nah, let's leave that crap to Hollywood..
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Unread postby Ethric » 30 Apr 2006, 01:01

Well undeads who do have minds and a will of their own aren't creatures in the army, they become heroes leading the armies ;)

The creatures are just the ones who didn't manage the transition from life to death in one piece, as it were. Perhaps their determination and will weren't strong enough, or maybe they were forced into unlife. It broke their minds and doomed them to an existance as slaves and soldiers.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Apr 2006, 01:12

Why do you people just assume that having a mind of ur own means you feel fear?!

Their bodies are gone, so fear shouldn't have any effect on their bodies, no chemical reactions that has an effect on how well they fight. They don't freeze up or get pumped up, all of their emotions are just in their heads, whitout having any effect on their bodies.
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Unread postby Vlaad II » 30 Apr 2006, 08:10

I've done some testing of adventure spells in the demo:

1) Town Portal doesn't require any movement points left.

2) When cast, Town Portal sets the hero's movement points to 0.

3) Instant Travel requires the hero still has 50% of the movement left.

4) Instant Travel doesn't spend the hero's movement points when cast.

5) The number of movement points "skipped" by casting Instant Travel seems to equal the hero's Spellpower. For example, if his Spellpower is 7, the hero will skip 7 movement points.

6) The hero cannot summon a boat if there are no boats on the map, even if he has the spell and is standing next to the water.

Are these results correct...? ;|

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Unread postby Znork » 30 Apr 2006, 09:38

dl this mod and get all 18 heros in dual mode ... s.rar.html
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Unread postby Infiltrator » 30 Apr 2006, 10:17

Thanks Znork, gonna check it out now.

edit - it works and now I'm waiting in lobby H5#2 for some of you to join :)

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 30 Apr 2006, 13:30

Im confused with this strategy.They say all the time that they are making the game more appealing to greater audience.And they prove it by dumbening it down.Yet they release a demo suitable just for the fans.Usually the demo is released with a few simple missions,like campaign starters.But here we have middles of campaigns and a really hard SP map.And no tutorial.Whats with that?Im not sure anyone that didnt play at leas one of the H1-3 is able to win those on the first few attempts.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Apr 2006, 13:34

I actualy don't manage to win on my first attempt because I didn't get what I was supposed to do or where something was in the Campaigns.

The SP map was even worse because the Haven player gets very powerfull if you don't rush him. I didn't even bother defeating him, just took the town to save time.
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Unread postby Ethric » 30 Apr 2006, 13:49

ThunderTitan wrote:Why do you people just assume that having a mind of ur own means you feel fear?!
If you have a mind that considers itself an "I", you will also get fealings of selfpreservation; you want the I to continue it's existance. And most I's realise that the I is bound to the body: if the body goes, so does the I. So the I has an interest in keeping the body intact, and that mean to prevent harm coming to it. Thus, fear of said harm is likely to occur.
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Unread postby BenchBreaker » 30 Apr 2006, 14:32

sorry i am slightly confused, are arguing for or against vampie having morale?
Ethric wrote:If you have a mind that considers itself an "I", you will also get fealings of selfpreservation; you want the I to continue it's existance.
suggests that undead with minds should have morale because they have the sense of "i"
Ethric wrote:And most I's realise that the I is bound to the body: if the body goes, so does the I. So the I has an interest in keeping the body intact, and that mean to prevent harm coming to it. Thus, fear of said harm is likely to occur.
suggests they shouldn't because they have no body :?
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Unread postby Ethric » 30 Apr 2006, 14:43

Vampires have no bodies? Must be a bug in your game then. Vampires do have bodies, and if they have an independant mind they are likely to want to keep the body intact as a vessel and tool for the mind.

I was merely answering TT's question of why having a mind may lead to fear.
BenchBreaker wrote:are arguing for or against vampie having morale?
Vampies, eh? Scary thought... they come in the niiight, to suck the custard and blueberry filling out of you! :-D
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Unread postby BenchBreaker » 30 Apr 2006, 14:47

oh right :-D i was confused by this commet from TT:
ThunderTitan wrote:Why do you people just assume that having a mind of ur own means you feel fear?!

Their bodies are gone, so fear shouldn't have any effect on their bodies, no chemical reactions that has an effect on how well they fight. They don't freeze up or get pumped up, all of their emotions are just in their heads, whitout having any effect on their bodies.
so it makes some sense now, you must have both body and mind to have morale, is that what you are saying? so

skeleton: no body + no mind = no morale
zombie: have body + no mind = no morale
vampire: have body + have mind = have morale
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 30 Apr 2006, 14:57


Youre a bit wrong.Its not body that you are trying to save,its your existence.Ghosts have no bodies,yet some of them can get scared for ones that didnt go insane,that is.And skeletons do have a physical body.Its just that its not meaty.

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Unread postby BenchBreaker » 30 Apr 2006, 15:00

so what you are saying if something has a mind and is aware of its existance, it should have morale?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 30 Apr 2006, 15:04

BenchBreaker wrote:so what you are saying if something has a mind and is aware of its existance, it should have morale?
Not quite.It should also be aware of its surroundings.One cannot be afraid of a gun if he doesnt know how lethal it can be.And morale should be defined better in this case.In the example of liches and vampires,they can get scared for their life,but they wont act if their comrades fall in battle.And the reason why these inteligent undead arent affected by moral in HoMM can be in the fact that they know theyll be raised again if they fall in battle.

And I dont think that something without a mind can be self aware.

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Unread postby Ethric » 30 Apr 2006, 15:30

You're mistaken in saying some of them don't have bodies, at least in the way I meant bodies. They all have bodies, of a sort. Even ghosts. Else you wouldn't be able to harm them. But with no mind, there's no-one in it to be afraid of it getting destroyed.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Apr 2006, 15:41

Ethric wrote: If you have a mind that considers itself an "I", you will also get fealings of selfpreservation; you want the I to continue it's existance.
Yes, but that's mental fear. Their bodies are dead, they don't react to emotions, or should I say don't have emotions like living things do.

When they're afraid for their lives they don't panic or sweat, it's not really an emotional response but a logical one.
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Unread postby dragonn » 30 Apr 2006, 16:16

DaemianLucifer wrote:Im confused with this strategy.They say all the time that they are making the game more appealing to greater audience.And they prove it by dumbening it down.Yet they release a demo suitable just for the fans.Usually the demo is released with a few simple missions,like campaign starters.But here we have middles of campaigns and a really hard SP map.And no tutorial.Whats with that?Im not sure anyone that didnt play at leas one of the H1-3 is able to win those on the first few attempts.
Yeah, and apart from that the game is not very informative. Were are the ability descriptions, where are the spell effects descriptions and durability on units while in battle (mentioned before), and a bothersome thing, you cannot check your spell damage while on adventure map.

PS: Did you notice that spells in spellbook are messed up in book-marks, for instance spells from Light Magic are in Destructive Magic?

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