About leveling in H3

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About leveling in H3

Unread postby filazaf » 10 Jun 2014, 18:06

Hello, i have a question.
Is any mod who allow chose more than 2 skills per lvl?
Or how set randomly perks per lvl?
How many times i load save and get a lvl, i get the same 2 useless crap

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Unread postby Salamandre » 11 Jun 2014, 08:26

No, there isn't such mod because once you are experienced player you know that skills offered are faction based thus you select wisely your heroes. But if you feel lazy to memorize factions skills percentages, then you can modify HCTRAITS.TXT from H3bitmap.lod and remove the skills you dislike from list by lowering the chance to be offered to 0.

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Unread postby filazaf » 11 Jun 2014, 17:32

good idea, but i dping something wrog.
I wish disable scouting, estates, catapults, magic scholar, learning and first aid.
What i do wrong?
Rycerz 1,00 2 2 1 1 35 45 10 10 30 30 2 0 20 4 3 0 4 4 4 10 3 2 3 0 2 2 1 3 2 4 0 4 4 5 4 7 1 1 1 0 2 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6

In vainilla / hota these are total useless

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Unread postby Salamandre » 11 Jun 2014, 21:25

First, texts and images in Heroes are very sensitive to changes, which means that you must use the correct tool, otherwise the game will crash.

If is about Hota, you must open HoTa lod and look for Hctraits inside, I heard they hardcoded some of txt files, in that case there is nothing to do. But if you can change it, use only textedit tool (search on google), do not try this with notepad, will destroy the file.

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Unread postby filazaf » 12 Jun 2014, 15:02

Ah,ok, cheers.
I changed many times and nothing broken, only when i get lvl my heri has diffrent perks.
In hota files is no file hctraits...

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