MM3 : Help

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MM3 : Help

Unread postby MM6Kergmond » 31 May 2014, 19:35

I post this because i have recently downloaded Isles of Terra in french which is free and considered as an abandonware.

I have no problem in playing the game which i appreciate alot.
However, i quickly have gotten problems due to the bad translation into french.
Some enigmas are nearly meaningless in french.
I'm stuck in the Halls of Insanity for the simple reason that the response to the riddles have probably been badly translated and is, after hundreds of tries...impossible to find.
I have checked on the internet the passwords in english, i got them but for one of them, there are simply no translation working.

Is there anyone on this forum who could help me and have played this french version?
I suppose it is impossible to change the language.
The passwords and riddles are a real problem.

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Unread postby Arret » 01 Jun 2014, 02:15

Well it isn't abandonware technically because Ubisoft bought all the rights when 3DO died.

Ignoring that, the three puzzles are eyes, tears, and blink in the English version. Translate those and you should be fine.

If you are truly stuck and that doesn't work, there are blue lion statues in one of the pyramids that have the answers to several puzzles (connected to the one west of Baywatch), including this one.

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Unread postby MM6Kergmond » 01 Jun 2014, 13:03

Thank you very much for the quick and accurate response.

To be honnest i didn't know about MM3 being free or not. Abandonware France that is a legal website claims that it is now an abandonware and that it is now legal to take it on their website. When i saw it i didn't think twice, i was happy to finally discover this game after having played MM6-8.
Now, reading your text, MM3 is still sold today so you must be right.

It seems tolerated for the non english speaking version, i don't know why.

For the problem i had : i followed your advice and checked in the pyramid.
I finally found this password i needed!
In fact it was a problem of translation again that made it impossible to find.
So for anyone who had the same problem than me, the password that is normally "blink" in english was "lueur" in french.

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Unread postby Flodarien » 02 Jun 2014, 10:56

"Blink" being "Lueur" makes not sense at all, so I have to agree on that. has all the first 6 MM games in one bundle for the low price of 10$ US, all in English, so you might think about getting those. I am almost certain that you save would work with the English version, but don't quote me on that if it doesn't. You even get the CD version of MM4-5, which has all the voice acting, which was better than the one in MM6-7-8-9.

Here's the link: ... ed_edition

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Unread postby MM6Kergmond » 03 Jun 2014, 09:38

Indeed, i'm thinking of buying it to have every of the old a proper version.
As i said, much of the riddles or even background elements are spoiled by errors of translations and many orthographic mistakes.
It spoils a bit the game.

So on, it is something to download directly on the computer if i understand well? We can download right after paying it?

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Unread postby Kalah » 03 Jun 2014, 11:46

Yes, all GOG games are playable without DRM and available for direct download. Just buy, download, play. :)
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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 03 Jun 2014, 21:22

MM6Kergmond wrote:Indeed, i'm thinking of buying it to have every of the old a proper version.
As i said, much of the riddles or even background elements are spoiled by errors of translations and many orthographic mistakes.
It spoils a bit the game.

So on, it is something to download directly on the computer if i understand well? We can download right after paying it?
proper version? GOG? höhöh

for a "proper" version buy the real boxes like a man. :)
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Unread postby skinothetis1 » 10 Jun 2014, 03:01

The real boxes costs a lot these days.Fully loaded i mean.
I have II - IV - V - 7 - 8 and somewhere maybe III stashed but not sure on that (can't remembeeer), all original all with the "goods" in there but getting them in the boxes is like GOGing the games ten times more and that is expensive.
I'm not sure if i am allowed to GOG if i have the full versions (can't find working drive to play) or i have to get the games again. Torr cough cough eeeeend what are we talking about here?
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