Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

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Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

Unread postby Anonymous » 17 Apr 2014, 02:03

So after the final battle versus Alaric, during the cheesy-voice-over ending scene, did anyone recognize the South Park reference? Gotai says "You killed Khenghi, you *******s!"

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Wheeler Dealer
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Re: Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 06 Nov 2019, 03:05

3.0 Hard

Orange got stuck in his last city because of the caravans piling up. Probably would make a more interesting scenario if you cleared those out for him.

I didn't understand that the mission wasn't over when I took out Orange. I might have made a different decision about when to visit the Tree and Memory Mentor if I had. Gotai hit Level 32 anyway so I probably couldn't have gotten another level anyway. Based on what I learned in the last mission walkthrough, I got rid of the ballista related skills and made room for Suppress Dark just in case.

The last two battles were pretty anticlimactic, but it did take over 5 months to clear the map and I wasn't playing Heroic. The last couple of months weren't very much fun.

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