Most poweful party for MM7

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 14 Sep 2007, 13:26

I finished MM7 five times, and did every quest/killed everything, and every time, I finish the game around level 80

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 14 Sep 2007, 15:08

UndeadHalfOrc wrote:I finished MM7 five times, and did every quest/killed everything, and every time, I finish the game around level 80
Nice, so I have a ways to go.

I just figured out that I probably haven't seen everywhere there is to go because I've only played in 10 acromage taverns and there are 13.

I didn't think it was so much more because I've almost got my people up to grandmaster skills.

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 14 Sep 2007, 17:08

PhoenixReborn wrote:… I just figured out that I probably haven't seen everywhere there is to go because I've only played in 10 acromage taverns and there are 13.
The Pubs to play Arcomage in MM7. :)

1. Harmondale
2. Erathia
3. Tularean Forest
4. Avlee
5. Bracada Desert
6. Tatalia
7. Barrow Downs
8. Stone City
9. Evenmorn
10. Deyja
11. Mt. Nighon
12. Celeste
13. The Pit
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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 14 Sep 2007, 17:13

Thanks HodgePodge. My counting skills are suspect when counting from memory. I haven't been to the Pit yet. Also in Avlee someone mentioned a place or thing called "eeofol"?

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 14 Sep 2007, 17:25

PhoenixReborn wrote:Thanks HodgePodge. My counting skills are suspect when counting from memory. I haven't been to the Pit yet. Also in Avlee someone mentioned a place or thing called "eeofol"?
Eofol or Land of the Giants doesn't have a pub but does have an Obelisk. There are also lots of Titans & Dragons.

A Shrine/Teleporter is located in the eastern part of this region, which when you activate it from the Land of the Giants side, transports you to back Harmondale. Afterwards, you can use it from the Harmondale side to get to Land of the Giants immediately.
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Unread postby Secret_Holder » 15 Sep 2007, 17:33

UndeadHalfOrc wrote:
Secret_Holder wrote: Yep, without Protection from Magic, Tolberti and Robert the Wise are unbeatable (although you could just use a thief with invisibility).
Bollocks, I mauled Tolberti in 4 seconds with my Knight/Knight/Archer/Paladin team without protection from eradication.
Pure melee power!
Well, Kudos to you, cause I alway got eradicated with exactly the same party. 8|

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Unread postby qtish » 19 Jan 2014, 01:28

Archer/Archer/Archer/Cleric, get early blaster-like party with much higher damage :) Archer party machine gun, since bow recovery time has no cap, u can reach much higher damage than those knight/theif/monk/cleric parties.
first all archers go learning master, rest just bow 30+, 3rd archer expert in air and water, later master in water, and cleric basic support, 10 body, 30+ light, talendors helm + sun cloak (stacks).
hirelings - gate master and instructor at start, later teacher + instructor.
Even in meele this party does pretty decent damage like spear+dagger 110dmg, due to enormous boost of light magic, but nothing beats arrows that do 55-60dmg*2 with lower recovery rate, which u start shooting as soon as u see an enemy, not approaching him for meele.

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Unread postby Xdarkon » 27 Jan 2014, 15:31

qtish wrote:Archer/Archer/Archer/Cleric, get early blaster-like party with much higher damage :) Archer party machine gun, since bow recovery time has no cap, u can reach much higher damage than those knight/theif/monk/cleric parties.
first all archers go learning master, rest just bow 30+, 3rd archer expert in air and water, later master in water, and cleric basic support, 10 body, 30+ light, talendors helm + sun cloak (stacks).
hirelings - gate master and instructor at start, later teacher + instructor.
Even in meele this party does pretty decent damage like spear+dagger 110dmg, due to enormous boost of light magic, but nothing beats arrows that do 55-60dmg*2 with lower recovery rate, which u start shooting as soon as u see an enemy, not approaching him for meele.
Um dude, last post was made almost 7 years ago. :mad:

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Unread postby the beavers1 » 28 Jan 2014, 02:01

Um dude, last post was made almost 7 years ago. :mad:
So? this forum doesn't see much activity lately anyways, plus he's obviously new and if he has a comment on something relevant, then why not post it in a thread that already exists? I mean this is a MIGHT AND MAGIC forum where raising from the dead is a normal occurrence.
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Unread postby qtish » 31 Jan 2014, 20:54

im not new, just joined this forum not long ago. discovered mm like from the 6 part release, and loved the game ever since. just saying even the most damaging party setup like knight/monk/thief/cleric gets outdamaged by archer/archer/archer/cleric party.

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Unread postby Xfing » 09 Feb 2014, 10:13

I have tried many parties in MM7, but I don't think I've had more success with any party than with the standard one.

I remember trying the magic party: ranger, cleric, druid, sorcerer once. I could complete the game, but the performance was rather average. Never tried a party with 2 or more members of the same class.

As for the graphics, yes: MM6 had better textures and overall more effort and detail was put into it. I don't think it had the hardware acceleration option that was present in 7, which made everything look nice and smooth. MM8 was slightly prettier than 7 but only due to texture choice (like the warm-colored sand of Ironsand vs the greenish-yellow ugly sand of Bracada).

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Unread postby Bloax » 09 Feb 2014, 18:10

Xdarkon wrote:Um dude, last post was made almost 7 years ago. :mad:
This forum really doesn't like showing you the full dates, and "Posted: Sat Sep 15, 18:33 Post subject: " doesn't differentiate between 2004 and 2014.

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my favourits

Unread postby Mn » 12 Feb 2014, 06:04

I think that the best party is – Thief, Cleric, 2 Sorcerers.
Reasons: this party may by very simple and quickly promoted and it’s one of several parties to complete MM7 at first level without trainers. Thief and 1 Sorcerer must be necessary. Druids, Monks, Rangers, Knights are (imho) weak for quickly walkthrough without problems. Paladins and Archers are available, alternative parties may be: 2 Paladins, Thief, Sorcerer or similar another’s. If You are not interesting of game’s speed and difficulty, play with any party. You like. Sorry my English.

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Unread postby qtish » 12 Feb 2014, 18:30

Dont like magic oriented parties in mm7, since locations on mm7 dont require a lot of magic, like comparing to mm6 dragonsand, where meteor shower and starburst do miracles. Also, on mm7 ur very limited on magic since, best spells u unlock at the end of the game...
To mention A/A/A/C, with increased weapon speed bows and bow mastery at least 30+, u can reach like 20 recovery speed or less, just need to go light magic 20+ aswell, because day of the goods adds a lot of speed, that will affect recovery speed aswell. So, ur already having faster shooting archers, than 30 recovery speed knight/monk/cleric, as well as ur archers shoot (40-60)*2dmg and its ranged, so u start attacking enemy a lot sooner! Its sort of dragon party on mm8.

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Re: my favourits

Unread postby Arret » 19 Feb 2014, 05:24

Mn wrote:I think that the best party is – Thief, Cleric, 2 Sorcerers.
Reasons: this party may by very simple and quickly promoted and it’s one of several parties to complete MM7 at first level without trainers. Thief and 1 Sorcerer must be necessary. Druids, Monks, Rangers, Knights are (imho) weak for quickly walkthrough without problems. Paladins and Archers are available, alternative parties may be: 2 Paladins, Thief, Sorcerer or similar another’s. If You are not interesting of game’s speed and difficulty, play with any party. You like. Sorry my English.
The thief is very hard to promote the first time as long as you aren't save abusing. Disarm is massively overrated in the game because of cheap healing, preservation, and regeneration. I've never found a use for stealing because gold shouldn't be a problem with a cleric for merchant.

Even a non-promoted knight can get master spear, sword, body building, armsmaster, and plate. Once you have a knight duel wielding swords, you will mow through almost anything (and getting to master isn't particularly hard if you stick to the west or east side of Deyja when heading north. The only time a rogue can match-up in the entire game is the time between expert dagger and master sword, which is insignificant because even your sorcerers can get expert dagger as well.

Druids are ok until late game, but nothing special and going to Evermorn is a pain.

Monk is an ok fighter but really only picks up late once you have enchants for unarmed skill.

For rangers, anything they can do archers do better.

Paladins are fine but don't scale well late due to only expert armsmaster and not getting GM plate. On Light path basic light magic makes up for this though because of paralyze, dispel magic, and destroy undead. Don't bother with paladins on Dark.

Archers bring a bunch of GM skills, but really require a lot of hit and run to be effective because if you are in melee there will always be far better classes. If you want archers AAAC tends to be a popular choice.

Strongest from start to finish is:

The 4th slot really doesn't matter because the other classes carry anything pretty easily.

My personal preferences for the 4th slot:
Light: Knight, Paladin, Sorcerer
Dark: Sorcerer, Cleric

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Unread postby Tress » 19 Feb 2014, 09:57

The thief is very hard to promote the first time as long as you aren't save abusing. Disarm is massively overrated in the game because of cheap healing, preservation, and regeneration. I've never found a use for stealing because gold shouldn't be a problem with a cleric for merchant.
Considering you have invisibility I think thief is one of most easy to promote (aside of ranger). Sure champions hit like a truck, but even without save abuse there is large margin for error since doors to exit are just hands reach away. Also regarding disarm I feel on contrary since alot of chests tend to kill outright and healer might as well be victim for knock out, so it just as much save abuse. Also thief combat capability is not far from knight due to armaster mastery and dagger speed.

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Re: Most poweful party for MM7

Unread postby koval321 » 19 Feb 2014, 13:54

mongerman wrote:What is the most powerful party in MM7? One that will allow me to decimate everything easily
This is MAGE MAGE MAGE MAGE in every M&M after WoX, only in World of Xeen (and earlier 3) party was balanced (I hear that it also work for M&MX)

Am played this party in M&M 6-7-8 where each was archmaster in one element (every points invest in only one skill)

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Re: Most poweful party for MM7

Unread postby tolich » 19 Feb 2014, 18:11

koval321 wrote:Am played this party in M&M 6-7-8 where each was archmaster in one element (every points invest in only one skill)
Sounds like the Planeteers or the W.I.T.C.H. =)

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Unread postby Arret » 20 Feb 2014, 02:27

Tress wrote:
The thief is very hard to promote the first time as long as you aren't save abusing. Disarm is massively overrated in the game because of cheap healing, preservation, and regeneration. I've never found a use for stealing because gold shouldn't be a problem with a cleric for merchant.
Considering you have invisibility I think thief is one of most easy to promote (aside of ranger). Sure champions hit like a truck, but even without save abuse there is large margin for error since doors to exit are just hands reach away. Also regarding disarm I feel on contrary since alot of chests tend to kill outright and healer might as well be victim for knock out, so it just as much save abuse. Also thief combat capability is not far from knight due to armaster mastery and dagger speed.
Thief is usually the 2nd hardest promotion (other than Paladin of course) for me, but ok.

I can't think of any chests other than the ones in the Haunted Mansion and the golem part in Avlee that are even slightly annoying during the entire game. Carry more potions and get an "of mana" item item for your healer if you can.

Not sure if this is related, but I always give all my characters 21 endurance on party creation (except the elf you gets all the barrels) to start with so I never have a problem with hp.

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Re: Most poweful party for MM7

Unread postby koval321 » 21 Feb 2014, 10:02

tolich wrote:Sounds like the Planeteers or the W.I.T.C.H. =)
Am actually even dress them in element colors, like red, green, blue etc LOL Am also used rings which give bonus to element magic, probably they give bonus to % of skill (not fixed amount) so you may accumulate super powerful spells.

In MMX there is limits because player need advance to expert before invest more points, so possibly it wouldn't work so pretty. Actually its hard to get advantage over monsters in MMX it look rigid, stiff, plastic in every aspects.

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